15:53:01 RRSAgent has joined #webfonts 15:53:05 logging to https://www.w3.org/2024/06/04-webfonts-irc 15:53:15 Zakim has joined #webfonts 15:59:49 skef has joined #webfonts 16:00:06 zakim, start meeting 16:00:06 RRSAgent, make logs Public 16:00:08 Meeting: Web Fonts Working Group Teleconference 16:00:51 sorry folks, I am delayed by another Zoom call, will join as soon as it's over. 16:02:20 Garret has joined #webfonts 16:04:56 present+ 16:04:59 present+ 16:05:02 present+ 16:05:29 bberning has joined #webfonts 16:08:08 Topic 1: Review updates to IFT security considerations (PR 180) 16:09:32 skef has joined #webfonts 16:09:38 present+ 16:10:16 bberning has joined #webfonts 16:10:42 scribenick: skef 16:11:17 Topic: Review updates to IFT security considerations (PR 180) 16:11:29 present+ 16:11:38 Security considerations: add in limits to the number of requests a client will make, to avoid denial of service via fonts constructed for that purpose 16:11:58 Separate limits for serial requests vs parallel requests 16:12:26 Garret did some testing on the limits with sample fonts 16:13:20 Garret can adjust the values, but no one thinks there is a reason to. 16:15:43 Topic: Issue on encoder requirements questions/issues (#176) 16:16:40 This is Skef's issue and he's agrees the issue is resolved 16:17:10 Topic: Recently closed PRs 16:17:30 Garret: consider moving from an editor's draft to a working draft 16:18:25 This would reflect the fact that the needed sections are largely in place, not that the document is finished 16:18:58 Vlad: possibly get to the last draft by TPAC if we move to a working draft now 16:19:41 Resolution: switch the current editors' draft to a working draft 16:28:55 skef raises the issue of a need to point people more strongly away from fine-grained non-independent patches due to the round-trip problems. 16:29:06 Garret is going to look into changing that part of the encoding section. 16:29:51 (It is possible to play tricks with patch grain, mixing coarser and finer, but this leads to yet more patches to generate. Probably better to use independent patches in those cases.) 16:31:04 Topic: TPAC plans (attendance, health policy preferences, etc.) 16:31:39 Garret and Vlad are attending 16:32:21 The location this year is in Anaheim so travel is easier 16:32:40 And it will be a hybrid meeting 16:33:59 The health policy is changing, moving away from strict requirements and letting groups decide what their policies will be (masking requirements, testing, etc.) 16:37:45 Garret will follow up with Google attendees about preferences 17:04:57 zakim, list attendees 17:04:57 As of this point the attendees have been skef, Vlad, Garret, bberning 17:05:08 rrsagent, make minutes 17:05:09 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/06/04-webfonts-minutes.html Vlad