ARIA APG Teleconference

04 June 2024


Arie, curt_bellew, CurtBellew, Jemma_Ku

Meeting minutes

<Jem> https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/wiki/June-4%2C-2024-Agenda

Publication Planning

<Jem> https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/milestone/31?closed=1#js-repo-pjax-container

Jem: Completed the publication planning last week
… Next target is 25 June

Matt_King: I saw you pointed out a few problems via email. Did you raise issues?

Jem: The only thing I found is "learn" which is not capitalized

Matt_King: Raise an issue and we'll fix it

Jem: Did I mention the skipto?

Matt_King: Some coloring issues there

Jem: John, I mentioned you because the skipto focus color was not clear

jongund: The focus ring?
… Is this any different than it's been?

Matt_King: Was it more clear earlier?

Jem: Not sure

jongund: Haven't touched anything lately

Matt_King: We updated it to the last version you provided with i18n keystrokes fixes
… You could raise an issue for that, Jemma

Jem: I'll raise these two issues

jongund: It changes the border, maybe that's where the issue comes from

Matt_King: I set next milestone as the last day of the month, 25 June

Daniel: I think we're good

<Jem> https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/milestone/32#js-repo-pjax-container

Matt_King: Two main things. One I'll be working on, the other is experimental examples
… Another is not currently on the milestone, on the agenda for today, we can discuss when to add it

Quality report tracking of force-colors

<Jem> w3c/aria-practices#3024

<Jem> github:w3c/aria-practices#3024

Matt_King: Is this removing information for force-colors?

<Jem> preview page: https://deploy-preview-324--aria-practices.netlify.app/aria/apg/about/coverage-and-quality/

jongund: Just for SVG. I think in HTML force-color adjust is set
… I remember that for SVG elements we had to add this because the default was set to none, at least that's how the browsers dealt with it when we started

Matt_King: Do you still think we shouldn't tracking it?

jongund: We should be tracking force-colors media query and current color
… Force-colors won't work if force-color adjust is set to none
… I think that's something we are added to SVG because we are not ssure. I don't think it's something we need to track

Matt_King: We are tracking the things that we want. We don't have to worry if force-color media query is used appropriately and we test it in high contrast mode
… We're going to need some reviewers

Matt_King: It seems there is an empty file "aria-practices" created in your PRs

Jem: I don't see that file

jongund: I fixed it

Matt_King: I think we need someone to review the JavaScript to ensure this is doing what it should

Jem: This looks good, not sure how I can test this

Matt_King: One way would be to do some searching of the code base

jongund: In the current repo it does look at the example files, it does not matter whether it is SVG
… If it's a CSS file it loads it as text and looks through it

Matt_King: There were only two examples when I looked at the preview
… According to this table we have exactly 50 examples

<Jem> https://deploy-preview-324--aria-practices.netlify.app/aria/apg/about/coverage-and-quality/

Matt_King: Why are we tracking the CSS before and after in these columns?

<Jem> we are looking at "graphics techniques" table

jongund: Using the actual attribute was considered a best practice

Matt_King: Mostly we don't talk about engineering as a practices

jongund: Purpose is to identify examples that are using them in particular

Matt_King: The aim is to look for places where we are missing something
… Where we are not doing it and should be doing it
… Maybe we need something like "missing", "needed", or the like

jongund: Something like an aria-checked that is not using this technique?

Matt_King: There is a certain technique that we need to make sure we use in each of the example if we are saying so
… If there are other legitimate ways to achieve the same thing, maybe we don't need it in the report

Jem: CSS content information is important because it's related to the accessible name. I don't remember exatly how it's impacting accessibility

jongund: If there's content it will be added to the accessible name
… But if the content is an image gotten from a URL then it gets ignored

Matt_King: In the first example the content is blank, and in the other we have yes. It may make people wonder what this means
… This is out of scope for this agenda item, but we need to thing about approaches to check the quality of our code

jongund: Not sure why we need to track those in particular
… I guess I could look for all the examples that use aria-checked, maybe aria-selected

Matt_King: What about aria-pressed?

jongund: Yes.

Matt_King: We may want a column that is something like "state not triggered by CSS" or something

jongund: I don't know if you can say you have to do it that way
… Whatever state you are susing an ARIA prperty, you should control the visual rendering
… It's not a requirement

Matt_King: If we don't have a requirement to code it a specific way, then we probably don't need it in this report
… If we want to track consistency, maybe we do need it in the report

Jem: Matt_King, Can you crete a new issue with the discussion we just had?

Jem: I could create it an assign it to you Matt_King

New high contrast practice page

<Jem> github:PR 2991 - Add Practice Page for Supporting High Contrast

<Jem> github:w3c/aria-practices#2991

Matt_King: Big thanks to jongund, this is great
… In the PR there is a link to the preview

<Jem> https://deploy-preview-315--aria-practices.netlify.app/aria/apg/practices/high-contrast/

Matt_King: At this point in the drafting process we have very good and useful info. Now I am thinking that we probably want to focus a bit on information architecture
… Think about our audience will learn from this page, we have different audiences
… We have not covered testing techniques here yet
… We had said if there is already a resource in the WAI website we could use

Daniel: Maybe Easy Checks, not clear on specific

Matt_King: Can we open an issue to that and then link from our pages?

Daniel: We could, that's under EO

Matt_King: We can start drafting it here, then open an issue to Easy Checks, and based on traction we could eventually remove it from here

jongund: I could do that

Matt_King: It seems to me there is something really valuable that you learned from James. I don't think EO would have included this information, they have more general contrast testing tools
… I documented how to test this color contrast issues

Matt_King: Probably it's on our own wiki under accessibility testing

<Jem> https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/wiki/Pull-Request-Review-Process

Daniel: Probably that's out of scope for Easy Checks, we'd have to include this ourselves

CurtBellew: Are we saying this is too complicated?

Matt_King: No, just out of sccope for the Easy Checks project

jongund: It's not that complicated to put Windows or Linux in high contrast mode

Matt_King: Under operating system, high contrast features, do you know if we could provide links to the Microsoft, Apple, and Google documentation about those features?

Jem: Wouldn't it be changing?

Matt_King: I'd hope they have stable information about accessibility features

<Jem> https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/change-color-contrast-in-windows-fedc744c-90ac-69df-aed5-c8a90125e696#:~:text=Select%20the%20Start%20button%2C%20and,colors%20on%20the%20screen%20change.

Matt_King: Our current info is not very useful. Without any documentation to help people turn it on and off, I don't think it's actionable information
… One solution to that is for us to provide a link to their documentation about the feature

jongund: Probably these days the accessibility links are more stable than they were

Matt_King: Also if a link breaks, our link checker will ick it up

Jem: Good idea

jongund: I don't have a recent Android device

Matt_King: Anybody in this group can find the appropriate info

Matt_King: Also, where we are talking about the use of specific CSS properties, it would be great to link directly to the spec or to MDN

Matt_King: I am going to spend a bit on time on this PR, to focus on what using these things does, for people to understtand the "Why"

jongund: Do you think the screenshots are useful?

Matt_King: Love the idea of making things more visual, I can't comment on those though

<Jem> System Colors

<Jem> "The following table identifies the current system colors defined in CSS Color Module Level 4. System colors are supported in all major browsers, but the actual colors they render may vary between browsers and operating systems based on default and user theme and contrast settings."

jongund: What about the table on the system colors section that explain how browsers deal with ach of the colors
… In Windows, it changes the colors used by the OS, i mac it just filters them out and transforms the bitmap
… If you are taking a screenshot on the mac you are getting that without high contrast

Matt_King: That is actionable information
… For sccreen reader users the sample column is blank. I understand it's just a color in there
… Should be try to put something in there?

Matt_King: Should we put an ARIA label on the td?

jongund: Sample accent color

Matt_King: I think it'd be cool to have the name of the color

jongund: The actual color varies depending on the setting

Jem: But you have the hex code

Matt_King: We don't want hex code in the label, just the name that corresponds to it

Jem: I think it's possible

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 221 (Fri Jul 21 14:01:30 2023 UTC).


Succeeded: s/Matt_King: /Jem: Matt_King, /

Succeeded: s/:New/: New/

Succeeded: s/to the spec/directly to the spec or to MDN/

Maybe present: Daniel, Jem, jongund, Matt_King

All speakers: CurtBellew, Daniel, Jem, jongund, Matt_King

Active on IRC: CurtBellew, dmontalvo, Jem, siri