DRAFT TPAC 2024 Group Meeting Schedule

UPDATE: This has been superseded by the published TPAC schedule.

This is a draft schedule for TPAC 2024 group meetings, based on feedback provided to the meeting planners. There are two schedule views on this page:

About the numbers used in the grid

We have assigned a number to each proposed meeting, including both individual group meetings and joint meetings.

How to resolve conflicts

The most common ways for a group to resolve conflicts are:

How to suggest schedule improvements

To help the meeting planners improve the schedule, please suggest any changes to w3t-tpregister@w3.org.

In particular, the meeting planners are interested in:

$Id: tpac2024-schedule-20240523.html,v 1.37 2024/06/18 16:27:27 ijacobs Exp $