12:55:48 RRSAgent has joined #wcag2ict 12:55:52 logging to https://www.w3.org/2024/05/31-wcag2ict-irc 12:55:52 RRSAgent, make logs Public 12:55:53 Meeting: WCAG2ICT Task Force Teleconference 12:55:53 zakim, clear agenda 12:55:53 agenda cleared 12:56:00 chair: Mary Jo Mueller 12:56:14 meeting: WCAG2ICT Task Force Extra Friday Meeting 13:02:24 Mike_Pluke has joined #wcag2ict 13:02:56 PhilDay has joined #wcag2ict 13:02:59 present+ 13:03:29 scribe+ PhilDay 13:03:30 bruce_bailey has joined #wcag2ict 13:03:37 present+ 13:03:43 loicmn has joined #wcag2ict 13:03:45 present+ 13:03:53 zakim, agenda? 13:03:53 I see nothing on the agenda 13:04:03 present+ 13:04:28 3 qs left from survey that we didn't cover yesterday... Plus Microsoft issue 13:04:37 TOPIC: Question 9 – (4 of 6) SC Problematic for Closed – 2.1.1 Keyboard 13:04:46 https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/55145/wcag2ict-updated-proposals-24May/results#xq9 13:04:50 GreggVan has joined #wcag2ict 13:05:25 present+ 13:05:27 https://github.com/w3c/wcag2ict/wiki/Work-for-the-week#31-may-extra-friday-meeting 13:05:28 Discussion yesterday - and, or, nor 13:05:29 https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/55145/wcag2ict-updated-proposals-24May/results#xq9 13:05:39 present+ 13:06:14 present+ Daniel 13:06:25 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mgC_YiHl5qgoLmcCYacwfEziHnr1zVZnAMzEMPCF9Io/edit#heading=h.o2wm3wq8jci9 13:06:28 q+ 13:06:33 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mgC_YiHl5qgoLmcCYacwfEziHnr1zVZnAMzEMPCF9Io/edit#heading=h.olmquf7e2ub 13:06:33 Changes are in Google doc - link above 13:06:41 Sam has joined #wcag2ict 13:06:48 present+ 13:07:15 ack bruce_bailey 13:07:29 bruce_bailey: Was looking for one with NOR, couldn't find it, so added as option 6. 13:07:40 ... Also think we now have 3 conditions, not 2 as before 13:08:12 ... option 6 therefore has 2 NORs 13:09:51 can you put google doc link again 13:10:20 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mgC_YiHl5qgoLmcCYacwfEziHnr1zVZnAMzEMPCF9Io/edit#heading=h.olmquf7e2ub 13:10:47 SC 2.1.1: All functionality of the content is operable through a keyboard interface without requiring specific timings for individual keystrokes, except where the underlying function requires input that depends on the path of the user's movement and not just the endpoints. 13:11:12 PhilDay: Option 7 - try to remove need for NOR - so had any of the following (LIST OPTION 1 or OPTION 2 or OPTION 3), ... 13:12:45 the (a) (b) (c) really helps with readability 13:13:30 [editing by multiple people in Google doc] 13:14:35 mitch11 has joined #wcag2ict 13:15:07 present+ 13:15:11 There was a mention of removing "standard keyboard" and just use "keyboard". 13:15:26 Q+ 13:15:58 Mike_Pluke: if we remove standard, then we have keyboard or alternative keyboard - seems repetitive. 13:16:07 q+ 13:16:26 ack Mike_Pluke 13:17:18 bruce_bailey: 8 looks ready. 7 may need more work. 13:17:21 ack bruce_bailey 13:18:43 [now up to 10 options] 13:19:24 q+ 13:19:40 Q+ 13:19:49 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mgC_YiHl5qgoLmcCYacwfEziHnr1zVZnAMzEMPCF9Io/edit#heading=h.o2wm3wq8jci9 13:19:57 ack mitch11 13:20:13 q? 13:20:19 ack mitch 13:20:38 ack Mike_Pluke 13:20:40 Mike_Pluke: Gregg's last - default keyboard. May be helpful 13:20:57 ... could be added into 7. 13:21:26 q- 13:22:00 bruce_bailey: Question on 9 - does it allow alternative input devices such as EZ Access or uNav to pass? 13:22:39 GreggVan: Yes - it is an alternative input / keyboard 13:23:02 Mike_Pluke: Does not provide or allow connection of - change to option 9 13:23:30 daniel-montalvo: Question on "it" in a or b. Not sure what this refers to. 13:25:37 Option 9: (any of the following) 13:25:37 2.1.1 Keyboard - Assumes operation via a keyboard interface which also allows for alternative input devices. It may not be possible to satisfy this success criterion when a) the ICT does not have a built-in keyboard, and b) it does not provide or allow installation or connection of an alternative input method (hardware or software) that provides 13:25:37 keyboard-like functionality. It may be possible to address some user needs (such as offering input methods that support users with low vision, without vision, or limited manual dexterity). 13:26:06 +1 to 9 13:26:24 +1 to option 9 13:26:47 Option 9: (any of the following) 13:26:47 2.1.1 Keyboard - Assumes operation via a keyboard interface which also allows for alternative input devices. It may not be possible to satisfy this success criterion when a) the ICT does not have a built-in keyboard, and b) it does not provide, or allow installation or connection of, an alternative input method (hardware or software) that provides 13:26:47 keyboard-like functionality. It may be possible to address some user needs (such as offering input methods that support users with low vision, without vision, or limited manual dexterity). 13:27:20 Option 9: (a or b) 13:27:20 2.1.1 Keyboard - Assumes operation via a keyboard interface which also allows for alternative input devices. It may not be possible to satisfy this success criterion when a) the ICT does not have a built-in keyboard, and b) it does not provide, or allow installation or connection of, an alternative input method (hardware or software) that provides 13:27:20 keyboard-like functionality. It may be possible to address some user needs (such as offering input methods that support users with low vision, without vision, or limited manual dexterity). 13:27:29 mitch11: last sentence needs work 13:28:22 Option 9: (a or b) 13:28:22 2.1.1 Keyboard - Assumes operation via a keyboard interface which also allows for alternative input devices. It may not be possible to satisfy this success criterion when a) the ICT does not have a built-in keyboard, and b) it does not provide, or allow installation or connection of, an alternative input method (hardware or software) that provides 13:28:22 keyboard-like functionality. It may be possible to address some user needs by offering input methods that support users with low vision, without vision, or limited manual dexterity. 13:28:28 Above is Mary Jo's suggestion 13:30:33 q+ 13:32:50 ack mitch11 13:32:52 ack mitch 13:33:12 mitch: coming round to deleting the last sentence - it's getting confusing. 13:34:56 q+ 13:35:00 ack GreggVan 13:35:02 Option 9c: a or b, no last sentence 13:35:02 2.1.1 Keyboard - Assumes operation via a keyboard interface which also allows for alternative input devices. It may not be possible to satisfy this success criterion when a) the ICT does not have a built-in keyboard, and b) it does not provide, or allow installation or connection of, an alternative input method (hardware or software) that provides 13:35:02 keyboard-like functionality. 13:35:11 GreggVan: Agree with mitch 13:35:25 q+ 13:35:57 q+ to ask if ATM with keypad (but no keyboard) passes SC 2.1.1 ? 13:37:19 q? 13:38:10 ack PhilDay 13:38:26 Does anyone disagree that an ATM with keypad (but no keyboard) passes SC 2.1.1 ? 13:38:26 ack bruce_bailey 13:38:26 bruce_bailey, you wanted to ask if ATM with keypad (but no keyboard) passes SC 2.1.1 ? 13:38:32 q+ 13:38:49 q+ 13:39:58 ack GreggVan 13:40:14 GreggVan: editing option 10 13:40:16 q? 13:40:20 q? 13:40:24 ack mitch 13:40:25 q+ 13:40:56 mitch: is a keyboard a keypad? can be, but also can not be in other contexts. We should avoid commenting on this. 13:41:12 q+ 13:41:24 ack sam 13:41:33 Q+ 13:41:54 Sam: Let's avoid keypad as it can be debated. Without it is fine. Could have arrow keys and a selector - could be an alternative. 13:42:01 ack GreggVan 13:42:27 q+ 13:42:53 GreggVan: talking through option 10. A keypad that provides full access to functionality could be considered a keyboard. 13:43:15 ack Mike_Pluke 13:43:17 ... Just giving clues to those working on closed functionality. 13:43:31 Mike_Pluke: What Gregg has written (in option 10) is useful 13:43:48 ack mitch 13:44:28 Option 10 is good enough IMHO 13:44:41 mitch: I can accept it, but not always true, but OK to just give indication 13:44:59 9c 13:45:19 q+ 13:46:03 Option 9c is also good enough IMHO 13:46:15 ack sam 13:46:24 Sam: Agree that 9c is easier to read. 13:46:31 q+ 13:46:35 ack GreggVan 13:47:02 GreggVan: Writing this with an eye to other groups like EN 301 549 - so we should include content that is helpful. 13:47:13 q+ 13:47:30 q+ 13:47:36 How about an "examples" sentence at end of 9c? 13:47:58 ack bruce_bailey 13:48:01 bruce_bailey: 9c plus examples. 13:48:24 ack GreggVan 13:48:56 POLL: Which should we take to the group to review? 1) Option 9c, 2) Option 10, or 3) both. 13:49:12 3 or 2 or 1 13:49:15 2 13:49:15 3, as we can't agree! 13:49:16 (2) option 10 13:49:16 q+ 13:49:21 2 13:49:26 3 13:49:29 3 or 2 13:49:37 ack sam 13:49:47 sorry 2 or 3 13:49:49 Sam: keypad - that could be added by other standards. 13:50:01 I like keypad being mentioned. 13:50:51 Consensus is to take both option 9c and 10 to the TF 13:51:03 TOPIC: Question 8: (3 of 6) SC Problematic for Closed – 1.4.10 Reflow 13:51:10 https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/55145/wcag2ict-updated-proposals-24May/results#xq8 13:51:18 2 incorporate as is, 5 with edits 13:51:32 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mgC_YiHl5qgoLmcCYacwfEziHnr1zVZnAMzEMPCF9Io/edit#heading=h.dqz0n45et7b3 13:51:33 Google doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mgC_YiHl5qgoLmcCYacwfEziHnr1zVZnAMzEMPCF9Io/edit#heading=h.dqz0n45et7b3 13:52:14 Gregg proposed new version (now option 3). 13:52:21 Mary Jo took this and made further edits 13:52:28 q? 13:52:36 CLEAN VERSION OF OPTION 4 for easier readability: 13:52:36 1.4.10 Reflow - Some software on ICT with closed functionality does not support scrolling content, or zooming or changing the viewport (examples include software for self-service transaction machines or kiosks). Therefore, other non-WCAG requirements would be needed for products with closed functionality to ensure that content is readable without 13:52:36 scrolling in two directions. 13:53:13 Option 3: Gregg’s survey edits of Option 2 13:53:13 1.4.10 Reflow - Some software on ICT with closed functionality does not support scrolling content, or zooming or changing the viewport (examples include software for self-service transaction machines or kiosks). So some other means of ensuring that content is readable without horizontal scrolling is needed and would need to be addressed through 13:53:13 other non-WCAG-like requirements on closed functionality. 13:53:13 CLEAN VERSION OF OPTION 4 for easier readability: 13:53:15 1.4.10 Reflow - Some software on ICT with closed functionality does not support scrolling content, or zooming or changing the viewport (examples include software for self-service transaction machines or kiosks). Therefore, other non-WCAG requirements would be needed for products with closed functionality to ensure that content is readable without 13:53:15 scrolling in two directions. 13:54:25 Option 4 shows all the changes including the comment from Chris 13:54:30 Chris OK with that. 13:54:40 q+ 13:54:42 Phil likes option 4 13:54:50 +1 to option 4 13:54:59 bruce_bailey: OK with therefore. But it is a strange word to put in. 13:55:12 +1 to op 4 13:55:32 "As a result, some other means..."? 13:55:48 bruce_bailey: missing the word "some" 13:56:03 q+ 13:56:31 q+ to suggest As a result, some. instead of "therefore" 13:56:51 q+ 13:56:53 ack bruce_bailey 13:56:56 ack mitch 13:57:39 mitch: Overall these are good. One bit confuses me: some software where scrolling doesn't happen. Why and/or in next bit? 13:57:54 mzy 13:57:59 s/mzy/ 13:58:07 q+ 13:58:13 ack PhilDay 13:58:13 PhilDay, you wanted to suggest As a result, some. instead of "therefore" 13:58:16 mitch: maybe we should just remove mention of systems without scrolling. 13:59:47 ack GreggVan 13:59:48 mitch: Main point to address is whether system supports zooming 14:00:54 The word "therefore" appears 20 times in 2013 wcag2ict 14:00:57 GreggVan: Alternative to 200% zoom is to just use sufficiently large text. 14:01:02 i am not sure why it bothered me here 14:01:44 mitch: I can accept it if others are happy 14:02:52 i understand where mitch is coming from, but still am okay where we are 14:03:25 Poll: Should we go to the full TF with option 4? 1) Yes or 2) No 14:03:31 1 14:03:31 Latest option 4: CLEAN VERSION OF OPTION 4 for easier readability: 14:03:31 1.4.10 Reflow - Some software on ICT with closed functionality does not support scrolling content, or zooming or changing the viewport (examples include software for self-service transaction machines or kiosks). Therefore, some other non-WCAG requirements would be needed for products with closed functionality to ensure that content is readable 14:03:31 without scrolling in two directions. 14:03:31 1 14:03:32 1 14:03:32 1 14:03:34 +1 14:03:37 +1 14:03:37 1 14:03:43 1 14:03:52 We will take option 4 to the TF 14:04:15 hard stop at 30mins 14:04:22 +1000 to going! 14:04:28 TOPIC: Question 1 - (1 of 3) Update definition of “closed functionality” 14:04:46 https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/55145/wcag2ict-updated-proposals-24May/results#xq1 14:04:59 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mgC_YiHl5qgoLmcCYacwfEziHnr1zVZnAMzEMPCF9Io/edit#heading=h.sz1je9cnbwy6 14:05:07 Went to TF with options 1 & 3 in the Google doc 14:05:40 Bruce had some edits to create option 4 14:06:34 q+ 14:07:43 Option 1: Original definition 14:07:43 closed functionality (as used in WCAG2ICT) 14:07:43 a property or characteristic that prevents users from attaching, installing, or using assistive technology 14:07:43 Option 3: (Loïc’s update) Proposed updated definition 14:07:46 closed functionality (as used in WCAG2ICT) 14:07:46 a property or characteristic that prevents users from attaching, installing, or using either assistive technology or the accessibility features built into platform software 14:07:46 Option 4: Bruce’s edits to Option 3 from the survey comments 14:07:46 closed functionality (as used in WCAG2ICT) 14:07:46 a property or characteristic that prevents users from attaching, installing, or using either assistive technology, or that otherwise limits users to the accessibility features built into platform software 14:07:55 Loic: maybe we need a new note to explain assistive technology 14:08:05 q+ 14:08:05 q? 14:08:07 q+ 14:08:10 ack GreggVan 14:08:25 GreggVan: Big problem here - when you have a product with some built in functionality 14:08:52 ... it does not provide all functionality that all bolt on AT could provide 14:09:24 ... some products may only offer 1 or 2 pieces of accessibility functionality 14:09:48 ... also differentiate between platform and application issues 14:09:49 ack PhilDay 14:09:53 q+ 14:10:11 ak Sam 14:10:15 ack Sam 14:10:43 Sam: This a definition. We can address the issue that Gregg mentioned elsewhere - not in the definition, otherwise it becomes confusing. 14:10:43 q+ 14:11:08 Q 14:11:09 ... We use the term elsewhere. We should try and keep similar to EN and Section 508. 14:11:18 q+ 14:11:27 Q+ 14:11:30 ack mitch 14:11:31 q+ 14:12:47 mitch: Undecided. Like Sam's point. Like Gregg's point. Any system that prevents attaching AT is closed. In addition, a system may stop users from using built in AT that would also be closed. 14:12:55 ack GreggVan 14:13:08 GreggVan: Think Sam is correct - that is the definition of closed. 14:13:38 ... Question is what about AT in platform? We should address that in SC problematic for closed (along with other similar issues) 14:13:42 q- 14:13:55 ack Mike_Pluke 14:14:31 ack bruce_bailey 14:14:34 Mike_Pluke: EN may change definitions - so WCAG2ICT could change defintion if needed. We should attack the elephant in the room 14:14:52 bruce_bailey: From survey, nobody rejected option 1, so we should go for that. 14:15:24 bruce_bailey: Historically there has been a problem with people asking how an iPhone can be closed. Think option 4 addresses that, but suggest we go with option 1. 14:15:36 Decision: Go with option 1. 14:15:53 Poll: Go with option 1 for definition of closed functionality, as-is... 14:16:03 +1 14:16:05 +1 14:16:09 +1 14:16:11 +1 14:16:11 +1 14:16:12 +1 14:16:15 +1 14:16:15 +1 14:16:47 Topic: Issue 377 - Feedback from Microsoft on Reflow notes 5 and 7 14:16:49 https://github.com/w3c/wcag2ict/issues/377 14:17:05 Google doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CHa6DX3xsT13Li6NPwCxblVFqN29oQBd4aLnB_I0A3Q/edit#heading=h.aejcenfg2cfy 14:17:58 Microsoft concerns: Note 5 doesn't specify viewport size, so proposed adding this. 14:18:20 ... Note 7 comments on resizing at app or OS level 14:19:26 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CHa6DX3xsT13Li6NPwCxblVFqN29oQBd4aLnB_I0A3Q/edit#heading=h.lw4p7ltjmk6o 14:20:28 q+ 14:20:42 ack GreggVan 14:20:43 maryjom: Concerned about adding "up to" pixel sizes. 14:21:16 GreggVan: Accept their edits to note 5, but remove the "up to". We add the pixel sizes. 14:21:39 ... Also confused by "meeting the normative requirement". Which requirement? This one? Another one? 14:22:16 maryjom: Change to "meeting this success criterion" 14:22:16 q+ 14:22:35 ac mitch 14:22:41 mitch: Agree with these edits 14:23:47 [Edits in google doc, option 2, note 5] 14:24:19 q? 14:24:25 ack mitch 14:24:46 mitch: Change px to CSS pixels 14:25:17 Option 2: Note 5 - Microsoft’s Proposed Adjustment (with edits) 14:25:17 NOTE 5: The intent section refers to the ability for content to reflow (equivalent to 320 CSS pixels wide for vertical scrolling content or 256 CSS pixels tall for horizontal scrolling content) when a user agent zooming is used to scale content or when the viewport changes in (size). For non-web software, this means that when users scale 14:25:17 content, adjust the size of a window or dialog, or change the screen resolution, the content will reflow meeting this success criterion without loss of information or functionality, and without requiring scrolling in two dimensions; or that the application works with platform features to meet this success criterion. 14:25:41 +1 to 2 14:25:44 Poll: Go forward with Option 2? 1) Yes or 2) No 14:25:48 1 14:25:49 1 14:25:49 1 14:25:49 1 14:25:51 +1 14:25:53 1 14:25:58 Option 2: Note 5 - Microsoft’s Proposed Adjustment (with edits) 14:25:59 NOTE 5: The intent section refers to the ability for content to reflow (equivalent to 320 CSS pixels wide for vertical scrolling content or 256 CSS pixels tall for horizontal scrolling content) when user agent zooming is used to scale content or when the viewport changes in size. For non-web software, this means that when users scale content, 14:25:59 adjust the size of a window or dialog, or change the screen resolution, the content will reflow meeting this success criterion without loss of information or functionality, and without requiring scrolling in two dimensions; or that the application works with platform features to meet this success criterion. 14:26:01 +1 14:26:39 q; 14:26:41 q+ 14:26:46 Q+ 14:27:07 q+ 14:27:48 Mike_Pluke: Middle paragraph breaks up the logic of the other paragraphs. Can we move it down. 14:28:15 GreggVan: Changed to say "the stated dimensions" 14:28:45 GreggVan: Move it last to improve flow as Mike suggested 14:29:05 q+ 14:29:41 q- 14:29:49 ack PhilDay 14:29:52 ack GreggVan 14:29:56 ack greggvan 14:30:10 mitch: Not happy with poor user experience, so will draft an alternative. 14:30:31 We will bring both alternatives to the TF in the survey. 14:30:34 q+ 14:30:35 need to drop for another customer facing call, I trust the people here to move forward with rest of tasks in this call. 14:30:44 ack mitch 14:30:50 the word "which" is unclear 14:30:51 ack bruce 14:31:27 and could lead to a ... 14:32:00 We will take option 3, and Mitch's edit to survey to the TF 14:32:10 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:32:12 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/05/31-wcag2ict-minutes.html PhilDay 14:32:52 loicmn has left #wcag2ict 14:32:54 zakim, bye 14:32:54 leaving. As of this point the attendees have been PhilDay, Mike_Pluke, bruce_bailey, loicmn, GreggVan, maryjom, Daniel, Sam, mitch 14:32:54 Zakim has left #wcag2ict 14:34:58 rrsagent, bye 14:34:58 I see no action items