XForms Weekly Teleconference

31 May 2024


Alain, Erik, Steven

Meeting minutes

Prague [Regrets for next week]

Steven: I will be at Prague, XForms tutorial, and ixml talk

Alain: I will be remote

ACTION Steven MIPs on controls



Steven: Are MIPs allowed on containers as well as core controls

Erik: I think in general yes.

[Alain nods]

Erik: <group ref="..." readonly="true">
… inheritance might work differently

Steven: So I'll add it, and we can see what ramifications it has

ACTION: Steven spec text for 'initial' MIP


Erik: I agree that it is like @calculate.
… It has to happen very early.

Steven: initial and calculate bite each other.
… I assume initial happens before the first update

Erik: We do it in our implementation just before the first calculate
… right after whitespace processing.

Steven: So initial has an ordering dependency like recalculate

Erik: Initial values are done only once; the code is in the update, with evaluation of initial only done on the first update.

Steven: So you treat it like a calculate, but you do it only once.

Steven: And if you have an initial and a calculate, you do the initial before the calculate?

Erik: Yes.

Steven: Does it work if you have no <instance/> but <binds/>?
… If not, then initial will never be available. If so then we have to work out if initial happens

Erik: We don't say that binds are disallowed...

Steven: Does that mean that initial happens on the next update?

Erik: the spec may be a bit underspecified on this point.

Steven: It sounds like we need an extra update after UI initialisation

Erik: We don't implement this bit actually

Alain: I do, but I haven't tested it with binds

Steven: Why don't we just drop the model construction from the UI?

Erik: I would support deprecating or deleting

Alain: I agree

RESOLUTION: Remove the automatic creation of instances during UI construct from XForms

Steven: Last question about initial on <insert/>

Erik: It can be useful.

ACTION: Steven to remove auto generation of instances from spec




Summary of action items

  1. Steven to remove auto generation of instances from spec

Summary of resolutions

  1. Remove the automatic creation of instances during UI construct from XForms
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 221 (Fri Jul 21 14:01:30 2023 UTC).


Succeeded: s/avaialable/available/

Succeeded: s/creatiion/creation

Succeeded 1 times: s/intiial/initial/G

Succeeded 1 times: s/iinitial/initial/G

Succeeded: s/caalculate/calculate

No scribenick or scribe found. Guessed: Steven

All speakers: Alain, Erik, Steven

Active on IRC: Steven