13:42:29 RRSAgent has joined #forms 13:42:33 logging to https://www.w3.org/2024/05/31-forms-irc 13:42:37 rrsagent, make logs public 13:43:54 Meeting: XForms Weekly Teleconference 13:43:58 Chair: Steven 13:44:04 Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xformsusers/2024May/0008 13:44:16 Previous Meeting: https://www.w3.org/2024/05/17-forms-minutes 13:44:29 rrsagent, make minutes 13:44:30 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/05/31-forms-minutes.html Steven 13:56:52 ebruchez_ has joined #forms 13:57:28 Alain has joined #forms 13:59:03 Present: Alain, Erik, Steven 14:01:07 Topic: Prague [Regrets for next week] 14:01:41 Steven: I will be at Prague, XForms tutorial, and ixml talk 14:02:02 Alain: I will be remote 14:02:10 Topic: ACTION Steven MIPs on controls 14:02:10 https://www.w3.org/community/xformsusers/wiki/XForms_2.0#Property_Attributes 14:02:20 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xformsusers/2024May/0010.html 14:03:20 Steven: Are MIPs allowed on containers as well as core controls 14:03:25 Erik: I think in general yes. 14:03:32 [Alain nods] 14:04:21 Erik: 14:04:34 ... inheritance might work differently 14:05:04 Steven: So I'll add it, and we can see what ramifications it has 14:05:45 Topic: ACTION: Steven spec text for 'initial' MIP 14:05:45 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xformsusers/2024May/0009.html 14:06:42 Erik: I agree that it is like @calculate. 14:08:12 ... It has to happen very early. 14:08:26 Steven: initial and calculate bite each other. 14:09:17 ... I assume initial happens before the first update 14:10:55 Erik: We do it in our implementation just before the first calculate 14:11:18 ... right after whitespace processing. 14:13:20 Steven: So intiial has an ordering dependency like recalculate 14:14:16 Erik: Initial values are done only once; the code is in the update, with evaluation of iinitial only done on the first update. 14:14:51 Steven: So you treat it like a calculate, but you do it only once. 14:15:33 Steven: And if you have an initial and a caalculate, you do the initial before the calculate? 14:15:35 Erik: Yes. 14:17:08 Steven: Does it work if you have no but ? 14:18:06 ... If not, then initial will never be avaialable. If so then we have to work out if initial happens 14:18:23 s/avaialable/available/ 14:18:41 Erik: We don't say that binds are disallowed... 14:20:03 Steven: Does that mean that initial happens on the next update? 14:20:28 Erik: the spec may be a bit underspecified on this point. 14:21:24 Steven: It sounds like we need an extra update after UI initialisation 14:21:55 Erik: We don't implement this bit actually 14:22:08 Alain: I do, but I haven't tested it with binds 14:23:36 Steven: Why don't we just drop the model construction from the UI? 14:23:52 Erik: I would support deprecating or deleting 14:23:55 Alain: I agree 14:26:08 RESOLUTION: Remove the automatic creatiion of instances during UI construct from XForms 14:26:52 Steven: Last question about initial on 14:27:24 Erik: It can be useful. 14:27:41 ACTION: Steven to remove auto generation of instances from spec 14:28:02 Topic: AOB 14:28:09 [None] 14:28:26 [Adjourn] 14:28:47 RRSagent, make minutes 14:28:48 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/05/31-forms-minutes.html Steven 14:29:32 s/creatiion/creation 14:29:56 s/intiial/initial/G 14:30:15 s/iinitial/initial/G 14:30:35 s/caalculate/calculate 14:31:07 RRSagent, make minutes 14:31:09 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/05/31-forms-minutes.html Steven 14:43:43 ebruchez has joined #forms 14:50:47 ebruchez has joined #forms 15:24:47 ebruchez has joined #forms 16:53:52 ebruchez has joined #forms 20:43:54 ebruchez_ has joined #forms 23:11:49 ebruchez has joined #forms 23:55:39 ebruchez_ has joined #forms