WoT-WG - TD-TF - Slot 2

30 May 2024


Cristiano_Aguzzi, Daniel_Peintner, Jan_Romann, Kaz_Ashimura, Kunihiko_Toumura, Luca_Barbato, Michael_Koster
dape, kaz

Meeting minutes


Koster: (quickly skims the agenda)
… Thursday: Registry, Binding Mechanism Refactoring, TD Project/Backlog

Kaz: we have 6 attendees today. if everybody is OK with those items, we can talk about them

Binding Templates

Note published

Kaz: Note was published at https://www.w3.org/TR/2024/NOTE-wot-binding-templates-20240528/

<kaz> May 28 Note

Koster: Just an announcement

Kaz: Last minute updates should be applied to master branch also
… I think Ege worked on a PR already

Koster: There will be no specific document anymore.. becoming part of TD
… might be last binding templates document published

Kaz: part of refactoring


Koster: Analysis Work is documented at https://github.com/w3c/wot/blob/main/registry-analysis/Readme.md
… we reviewed this document already in the past
… we had discussion on PR, see w3c/wot#1183

Koster: we will track spec version
… revision numbers will be updated to make clear what version works with which binding etc
… bindings should be unique
… w.r.t. rules of a registry
… we have an initial list of protocols already
… essentially what we have already now

Koster: submission mechanism
… could also be multiple registries

Kaz: We have been doing good discussions
… good timing to think about concrete template
… e.g., about CoAP or MQTT
… what to be described withing the registry
… similar to what we have for use-case template

Koster: Okay
… template makes sense
… shall we have another section in the registry-analysis/Readme.md document

Kaz: Yes
… maybe we can generate a separate MD file to describe necessary features of each registry entry. also might think about another format (other than Markdown) too

<MK editing the document introducing a *new* section "Registry Template" right before appendix>

Jan: Should we work on the template asynchronously?

Koster: What can we do in the meeting vs. asynchronously
… shall we say more in the current editing or work on it later

Cristiano: top level file for introduction? or submission file?

Koster: Yes, a submission template

Cristiano: should they be the same?
… what about maintainer and context around protocol

Koster: That makes sense

Koster: Currently we have an HTML file

Cristiano: plus context file and JSON schema file
… JSON schema could be optional
… but good to have for validation purposes

Koster: Yes, some files might be optional
… there are also ontology files (ttl, JSON-LD)

Luca: context vs ontology file.. isn't it the same?

Koster: ontology file for me are separate ontology files

Cristiano: Could be separated .. even though it is very tight

Koster: we can merge the 2 items one bullet list item

Koster: Kaz mentioned YAML file?

Kaz: Just to get initial input to generate Markdown
… don't need to dive into details now

Kaz: regarding the question on context vs. ontology
… it's rather a question of the structure
… multiple ontology files like parent ontology and children onotlogies et cetera

Koster: We need to think about structure and organization
… some consistent pattern for the artifacts

Luca: YAML template can be used in GitHub
… functionality for PullRequests
… workflow for creating issue and linking PR
… can be streamlined

Jan: could have template repository
… helps people to create own binding

Koster: Yeah
… kind of a blank version

Luca: We can offer a template based on LinkML to generate the ontology needed for the submission

Koster: I see, more a repository template
… a repository for each binding

Koster: We should also think about async way to make progress
… are there any open issues for this?

Kaz: Maybe we can have more discussion in TD coordination call next Tuesday

Koster: Okay we can do that
… let's commit what we have worked on today
… we can refine the notes later

<kaz> updated Registry Mechanism Analysis doc

Koster: Any more comments on registry topic?

--> none
… okay let's close the meeting


Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 221 (Fri Jul 21 14:01:30 2023 UTC).