13:52:31 RRSAgent has joined #wcag2ict 13:52:35 logging to https://www.w3.org/2024/05/30-wcag2ict-irc 13:52:35 RRSAgent, make logs Public 13:52:36 Meeting: WCAG2ICT Task Force Teleconference 13:52:57 zakim, clear agenda 13:52:57 agenda cleared 13:53:03 chair: Mary Jo Muelelr 13:53:08 chair: Mary Jo Mueller 13:53:23 zakim, please time speakers at 1 minute 13:53:23 I don't understand 'please time speakers at 1 minute', maryjom 13:53:31 zakim, please time speakers at 1 minutes 13:53:31 ok, maryjom 13:53:48 Agenda+ Announcements 13:54:01 Agenda+ Survey results: Review updated proposed changes since 16 May 13:54:08 Agenda+ Issue 377: Feedback from Microsoft on WCAG2ICT Reflow notes 5 and 7 13:54:26 present+ 13:54:44 regrets: Shadi Abou-Zahra 13:57:01 Chuck has joined #wcag2ict 13:57:27 PhilDay has joined #wcag2ict 13:57:46 present+ 13:57:55 present+ 13:57:56 agenda? 13:59:08 scribe+ PhilDay 13:59:45 Mike_Pluke has joined #wcag2ict 14:01:06 present+ 14:01:11 Sam has joined #wcag2ict 14:01:23 present+ 14:01:50 olivia has joined #wcag2ict 14:02:01 present+ 14:02:04 FernandaBonnin has joined #WCAG2ICT 14:02:50 zakim, next item 14:02:50 agendum 1 -- Announcements -- taken up [from maryjom] 14:03:10 present+ 14:03:22 AG WG meeting: talked about TF changes to the doc, they still have time to review while we are doing that. 14:03:22 loicmn has joined #wcag2ict 14:03:35 bruce_bailey has joined #wcag2ict 14:03:43 present+ 14:03:47 When we are done with changing the document, we will have to go back to AG WG and show changes since they reviewed. (Maybe use a PR to show changes) 14:03:48 zakim, agenda? 14:03:48 I see 3 items remaining on the agenda: 14:03:49 1. Announcements [from maryjom] 14:03:49 2. Survey results: Review updated proposed changes since 16 May [from maryjom] 14:03:49 3. Issue 377: Feedback from Microsoft on WCAG2ICT Reflow notes 5 and 7 [from maryjom] 14:04:09 present+ 14:04:09 Chuck: happy with that approach. 14:04:22 present+ 14:04:29 Devanshu has joined #wcag2ict 14:04:32 We need to come to consensus on the remainder of the changes. 1 new issue was opened by Microsoft on Reflow - will discuss later today. 14:04:34 q+ 14:04:40 present+ 14:05:03 Have a timer on speakers for 1 minute for this week to keep things moving. 14:05:27 ack bruce_bailey 14:05:28 ack bruce_bailey 14:05:42 GreggVan has joined #wcag2ict 14:05:48 bruce_bailey: Mentioned WCAG2ICT on the WCAG issues call - and asked them to review 14:05:57 zakim, next item 14:05:57 agendum 2 -- Survey results: Review updated proposed changes since 16 May -- taken up [from maryjom] 14:06:06 https://github.com/w3c/wcag2ict/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3A%22Please+Review%22 14:06:33 https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/55145/wcag2ict-updated-proposals-24May/results 14:06:39 Above link is the results for survey 14:07:08 TOPIC: Question 2 - (2 of 3) Update to “closed functionality” examples 14:07:09 We will skip around to do things with consensus first to resolve quickly. 14:07:17 wcag2ict is actively working through Understanding for Reflow, so significant overlap with conversations 14:07:20 https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/55145/wcag2ict-updated-proposals-24May/results#xq2 14:07:32 8 responded ready to incorporate as is. 14:08:07 (0 other responses). 14:08:21 mitch11 has joined #wcag2ict 14:08:21 DRAFT RESOLUTION: Update “closed functionality” examples using Option 3 from the survey, as is. 14:08:25 +1 14:08:29 +1 14:08:30 +1 14:08:32 +1 14:08:33 +1 14:08:36 +1 14:08:40 +1 14:08:41 +1 14:08:48 +1 14:08:54 RESOLUTION: Update “closed functionality” examples using Option 3 from the survey, as is. 14:08:56 present+ 14:08:58 q_ 14:09:04 q+ 14:09:06 TOPIC: Question 3 - (3 of 3) Move statement from Key term “closed functionality” to “Comments on Closed Functionality” 14:09:10 present+ 14:09:40 q+ 14:09:45 bruce_bailey: Queried that there was some discussion on closed - Mary Jo clarified - this is in question 1, we will come to that 14:09:48 ack bruce_bailey 14:09:57 https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/55145/wcag2ict-updated-proposals-24May/results#xq3 14:10:21 GreggVan: Could do single resolution to pass multiple things that are unanimously passed - to save time 14:10:36 maryjom: Prefer resolution to be clear for notes 14:10:45 ack GreggVan 14:10:48 q- 14:10:49 DRAFT RESOLUTION: Move “closed functionality” cross-linking, using Option 2 from the survey, as-is 14:10:54 +1 14:10:55 q3, 8 as is, 0 changes 14:10:55 +1 14:10:58 +1 14:10:59 +1 to Gregg we can do it that way, +1 to MJ to be specific this time 14:11:02 +1 14:11:02 +1 14:11:07 +1 14:11:10 +1 14:11:16 RESOLUTION: Move “closed functionality” cross-linking, using Option 2 from the survey, as-is 14:11:21 +1 14:11:27 oTOPIC: Question 4 - (1 of 2) General Guidance – Note 8 of 1.4.10 Reflow 14:11:38 https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/55145/wcag2ict-updated-proposals-24May/results#xq5 14:11:38 +1 14:11:57 s/oTOPIC/TOPIC 14:12:04 7 as is, 1 minor question 14:12:04 s/oTOPIC/TOPIC/ 14:12:23 Criterion was in italics to show the change - it is not in the document. 14:12:23 thank you for italic explaination 14:12:24 DRAFT RESOLUTION: Update Note 8 of 1.4.10 Reflow using Option 2 from the survey, as-is. 14:12:27 +1 14:12:27 +1 14:12:29 I'm good with that! 14:12:31 +1 14:12:31 +1 14:12:33 +1 14:12:34 +1 14:12:35 +1 14:12:47 +1 14:12:49 RESOLUTION: Update Note 8 of 1.4.10 Reflow using Option 2 from the survey, as-is. 14:12:55 +1 14:12:57 TOPIC: Question 5 – (2 of 2) General guidance – Note 1 for 2.1.1 Keyboard, and add “virtual keyboard” term 14:13:07 https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/55145/wcag2ict-updated-proposals-24May/results#xq4 14:13:13 8 as is, 0 any other response 14:13:29 DRAFT RESOLUTION: Update general guidance for 2.1.1 Keyboard and add the definition of “virtual keyboard” using Option 4 from the survey, as-is. 14:13:30 +1 14:13:30 +1 14:13:32 +1 14:13:34 +1 14:13:34 +1 14:13:36 +1 14:13:36 +1 14:13:40 +1 14:13:48 +1 14:13:48 RESOLUTION: Update general guidance for 2.1.1 Keyboard and add the definition of “virtual keyboard” using Option 4 from the survey, as-is. 14:13:57 TOPIC: Question 6 – (1 of 6) SC Problematic for Closed Functionality – intro and comments on closed sections changes 14:14:06 https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/55145/wcag2ict-updated-proposals-24May/results#xq6 14:14:08 8 as is, 0 any other response 14:14:28 DRAFT RESOLUTION: Update introductory content in SC Problematic for Closed Functionality and the Comments on Closed Functionality, using Option 3 from the survey, as-is 14:14:30 +1 14:14:30 +1 14:14:32 +1 14:14:32 +1 14:14:32 +1 14:14:32 +1 14:14:32 +1 14:14:36 +1 14:14:52 RESOLUTION: Update introductory content in SC Problematic for Closed Functionality and the Comments on Closed Functionality, using Option 3 from the survey, as-is 14:15:00 TOPIC: Question 7 – (2 of 6) SC Problematic for Closed – 1.3.4 Orientation 14:15:04 +1 14:15:05 +1 14:15:05 8 as is, 0 any other response 14:15:10 https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/55145/wcag2ict-updated-proposals-24May/results#xq7 14:15:16 +1 14:15:24 DRAFT RESOLUTION: Update the bullet for 1.3.4 Orientation in the SC Problematic for Closed Functionality using Option 5 from the survey, as-is. 14:15:26 +1 14:15:26 +1 14:15:27 +1 14:15:27 +1 14:15:28 +1 14:15:29 +1 14:15:40 +1 14:15:43 +1 14:15:45 +1 14:15:46 +1 14:15:49 RESOLUTION: Update the bullet for 1.3.4 Orientation in the SC Problematic for Closed Functionality using Option 5 from the survey, as-is. 14:15:54 TOPIC: Question 13 – New proposed note for 2.4.11 Focus Not Obscured (Minimum) 14:16:00 8 as is, 0 any other response 14:16:01 https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/55145/wcag2ict-updated-proposals-24May/results#xq13 14:16:25 DRAFT RESOLUTION: Update the general guidance for 2.4.11 Focus Not Obscured (Minimum) using Option 3 from the survey, as-is. 14:16:26 +1 14:16:27 +1 14:16:29 +1 14:16:30 +1 14:16:30 +1 14:16:30 +1 14:16:33 +1 14:16:35 +1 14:16:41 +1 14:16:44 +1 14:16:58 RESOLUTION: Update the general guidance for 2.4.11 Focus Not Obscured (Minimum) using Option 3 from the survey, as-is. 14:17:09 Now starting to pick up the ones that need more discussion 14:17:15 TOPIC: Question 12 – New proposed note for 3.3.8 Accessible Authentication (Minimum) 14:17:22 https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/55145/wcag2ict-updated-proposals-24May/results#xq12 14:17:30 6 to merge as is, 2 merge with edits 14:17:52 +1 to the edit from Chris 14:17:55 +1 to Chris L Suggestion 14:18:19 q+ 14:18:20 +1 to Chris' edit -- was after I did survey 14:18:21 maryjom: Did put the revised text from Chris in the Google doc 14:18:23 Google doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/18giKt9bddNEgnVmn3f8esr5SGhzJlf6vvX8MyBUmK48/edit#heading=h.144qwiatgeu 14:18:34 q? 14:18:47 ack mitch11 14:18:50 ack mitch 14:19:32 ChrisLoiselle: Feel free to edit as need. 14:19:38 q+ 14:19:39 mitch11: Include when "first starting" 14:19:46 Q+ 14:19:49 ack GreggVan 14:20:01 Prefer to not put in "first" - could be confusing 14:20:06 ack gregg 14:20:09 q? 14:20:12 q+ 14:20:21 Maybe "initializing" ? 14:20:21 +1 to greg comment 14:20:25 ack Mike_Pluke 14:20:30 mitch11: Think first makes it closer to the example, but could accept not having first 14:20:38 Mike_Pluke: Agree with GreggVan on removing first. 14:20:49 Mike_Pluke: Also similar to EN wording - well done Chris 14:20:49 ack bruce_bailey 14:21:22 bruce_bailey: Align with EN language is good. Would starting an application need this exception? 14:21:30 q+ 14:21:32 q? 14:21:34 i agree that "first start" is vague 14:21:52 GreggVan: First start of application is a bit much - device or otherwise probably covers it 14:21:57 q? 14:22:16 q+ 14:22:18 ack ChrisLoiselle 14:22:43 q+ 14:22:44 we would not exempt first start / initial opening of web page 14:23:05 ChrisLoiselle: For application - it was capturing the Alexa/Amazon side of things. Original intent had first start - but you can also get same issue on restart. Do we want to cover both? 14:23:09 ack bruce_bailey 14:23:30 bruce_bailey: Wouldn't want it to apply first time opening a web application - we are talking about a boot process. 14:23:38 q+ 14:23:40 ack GreggVan 14:23:40 Mike asked for exact language from EN 14:24:05 GreggVan: Start covers restart, don't need to add more. Device or otherwise covers if we remove application. 14:24:22 ack mitch 14:24:32 Q+ 14:24:44 mitch11: Can accept all these proposals. For apps - we are stating that it does not introduce an exception. 14:24:45 ack Mike_Pluke 14:24:46 thank you mitch for the clarification 14:24:59 Mike_Pluke: Just found text. General thing on exceptions. May 14:25:15 q+ to ask Mike_Pluke to copy & paste 14:25:34 q+ 14:25:35 q+ 14:25:35 ack PhilDay 14:25:36 PhilDay, you wanted to ask Mike_Pluke to copy & paste 14:25:36 • during those parts of start-up, shutdown, and other state transitions that can be completed without user interaction. 14:25:38 ack Sam 14:25:41 ack PhilDay 14:25:52 Sam: Think it is good to go with these changes 14:25:53 +1 14:25:53 ack GreggVan 14:25:56 +1 14:26:00 GreggVan: Starting or booting? 14:26:58 q+ 14:27:04 +1. to ok as is 14:27:08 @maryjo , what is "as-is" at this point? 14:27:36 phil: starting on is same as booting. hardware state. starting is a software state. 14:27:41 ack PhilDay 14:27:49 GreggVan: Happy with that 14:28:03 DRAFT RESOLUTION: Update the general guidance for 3.3.8 Accessible Authentication (Minimum) using Option 7 from the Google doc, as-is. 14:28:05 +1 14:28:05 i am okay with phrasing being shared on-screen 14:28:05 +1 14:28:06 +1 14:28:06 +1 14:28:07 +1 14:28:07 +1 14:28:09 +1 14:28:09 +1 14:28:10 +1 14:28:14 +1 14:28:16 +1 14:28:18 RESOLUTION: Update the general guidance for 3.3.8 Accessible Authentication (Minimum) using Option 7 from the Google doc, as-is. 14:28:33 TOPIC: Question 11 – (6 of 6) SC Problematic for Closed – 3.3.1 Error Identification 14:28:42 https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/55145/wcag2ict-updated-proposals-24May/results#xq11 14:28:49 6 incorporate as is, 3 with edits 14:29:36 Gregg's alternate proposal: 3.3.1 Error Identification - Requires error information to be provided as text, where the assumption (and WCAG definition of text) is that it be "programmatically determinable". So this provision has the same issues as the other provisions with "programmatically determinable". 14:29:37 Gregg had a proposed edit 14:30:38 Mary Jo's proposed edits to Gregg's proposal: 3.3.1 Error Identification - Requires error information to be provided as text, where the WCAG definition of text is that it be "programmatically determinable". 14:30:42 +1 to MYJ language 14:31:15 q+ 14:31:18 Original Option 5: Option 5: Use language that avoids stating an exception 14:31:18 3.3.1 Error Identification - Requires error information to be provided as text in a programmatically determinable form. 14:31:29 I put these alternate proposals in the google doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mgC_YiHl5qgoLmcCYacwfEziHnr1zVZnAMzEMPCF9Io/edit#heading=h.441kr2hicqnx 14:31:36 MaryJo/Gregg edit option 5: 3.3.1 Error Identification - Requires error information to be provided as text, where the WCAG definition of text is that it be "programmatically determinable". 14:31:36 q? 14:32:03 q+ 14:32:10 What work is "where" doing? 14:32:13 Option 6 is Gregg's proposal, option 7 is Mary Jo's edit of Gregg's edit 14:32:13 ack GreggVan 14:32:42 GreggVan: Don't think we can use 5 - makes statements of what is/isn't. Prefer Mary Jo's, so withdraw my option 6 14:32:42 ack bruce_bailey 14:33:05 bruce_bailey: Also like Mary Jo's edit, but remove word "where" which makes it sound conditional. "Since" is better 14:33:18 GreggVan: "Noting that" better than since 14:33:33 POLL: Which do you prefer? 1) Option 5 as-is, 2) Option 6 as-is, 3) Option 7 as-is or 4) Something else 14:33:36 3 14:33:38 3 14:33:39 3 14:33:43 3 14:33:43 3 14:33:43 3 14:33:44 3 14:33:45 3 14:33:46 3 14:33:46 3 14:33:51 3 14:34:07 RESOLUTION: Update the SC Problematic for closed – 3.3.1 Error Identification using Option 7 from the Google doc, as-is. 14:34:12 +1 14:34:16 q? 14:34:44 TOPIC: Question 10 – (5 of 6) SC Problematic for Closed – 2.4.2 Page Titled 14:34:46 6 merge as is, 2 merge with edits 14:34:51 https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/55145/wcag2ict-updated-proposals-24May/results#xq10 14:35:44 Gregg's proposal: 2.4.2 Page Titled - Where the software is part of a product that provides a single function the name of the product would be the name. Where the software has a menu-driven interface, the software is again considered as the unit of measure - not individual menu item results. 14:35:45 q+ 14:36:39 ack GreggVan 14:37:18 zakim, please time speakers at 2 minutes 14:37:18 ok, maryjom 14:37:37 GreggVan: Just saying about single function/menu driven interface - conrfusing. Tried to go back to SC language. 14:38:00 ... Single function & menu driven are different things so covered separately in proposal. 14:38:18 ... Software being the unit of measure - don't have sets of software 14:38:29 q? 14:38:34 q+ 14:38:40 ack bruce_bailey 14:38:48 q+ 14:38:51 bruce_bailey: Strongly agree that we shouldn't talk about intent unless we've done it elsewhere. 14:38:55 maryjom: We have. 14:39:01 bruce_bailey: Now more comfortable talking about intent 14:39:14 q? 14:39:20 GreggVan: Do we define menu driven? maryjom: Yes - defined as key term 14:39:23 ack Sam 14:39:41 q+ 14:39:53 Sam: Think existing option is simple - terms are defined, so poll to see if we need to make changes 14:40:08 q- 14:40:35 ack GreggVan 14:40:49 GreggVan: Does intent talk about single function or menu driven? 14:40:58 maryjom: No - but talks about purpose of having page title 14:41:47 Maybe something like "name of software" can be used as the "title"? 14:41:49 GreggVan: We are just giving an indication - so OK to leave as is if consensus 14:41:50 q+ 14:41:59 ack bruce_bailey 14:42:28 q+ 14:42:33 bruce_bailey: Think current wording could be improved. "name of software" is programmatically determinable. 14:42:51 q+ 14:42:59 Do we use "product" elsewhere? 14:43:09 Mike_Pluke has joined #wcag2ict 14:43:18 maryjom: There is nothing in WCAG about programmatically determinable for titles 14:44:01 +1 move on.... 14:44:10 +1 14:44:10 DRAFT RESOLUTION: Update SC Problematic for Closed Functionality - 2.4.2 Page Titled using Option 3 from the survey, as-is. 14:44:12 q? 14:44:18 ack sam 14:44:22 ack gregg 14:44:25 Q- 14:44:28 bruce_bailey: Do we use product elsewhere? 14:44:31 ack bruce 14:45:08 q+ 14:45:16 q? 14:45:19 ack GreggVan 14:45:20 ack gregg 14:45:28 bruce_bailey: Could we add "the name of the software describes the purpose". 14:45:43 GreggVan: Software name might be meaningless - it might only have meaning for product. 14:45:56 bruce_bailey: The name of the product describes the topic or purpose. 14:46:37 q 14:46:44 q+ to say we do use product in the draft 14:47:07 ack PhilDay 14:47:07 PhilDay, you wanted to say we do use product in the draft 14:47:07 i am okay with voting 14:47:17 Phil: We do use product term in scope 14:47:24 thank you phil 14:47:26 q+ 14:47:31 ack GreggVan 14:47:55 q- 14:48:05 DRAFT RESOLUTION: Update SC Problematic for Closed Functionality - 2.4.2 Page Titled using Option 3 from the survey, as-is. 14:48:06 +1 14:48:08 +1 14:48:08 +1 14:48:08 +1 14:48:09 +1 14:48:09 +1 14:48:09 +1 14:48:10 +1 14:48:11 +1 14:48:11 +1 14:48:11 +1 14:48:17 RESOLUTION: Update SC Problematic for Closed Functionality - 2.4.2 Page Titled using Option 3 from the survey, as-is. 14:48:32 TOPIC: Question 9 – (4 of 6) SC Problematic for Closed – 2.1.1 Keyboard 14:48:44 https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/55145/wcag2ict-updated-proposals-24May/results#xq9 14:48:51 3 as is, 4 with edits 14:49:19 Gregg edit: change OR to AND. 14:49:35 Bruce & Chris prefer AND. 14:49:39 Shadi preferred OR 14:49:40 q+ 14:49:58 q+ 14:50:02 Option 3: Changed 2nd sentence (aligned with proposed changes to general guidance) and edited per the last survey 14:50:02 2.1.1 Keyboard - Assumes operation via a keyboard interface which also allows for alternative input devices. When a product with closed functionality does not have a standard keyboard, or an alternative keyboard (hardware or software) that provides keyboard-like input cannot be connected, it may not be possible to satisfy this success criterion. It 14:50:02 may be possible to address some user needs (such as offering input methods that support users with low vision, without vision, or limited manual dexterity). 14:50:05 ack Sam 14:50:25 Sam: Or makes sense to me 14:50:29 ack GreggVan 14:51:15 the only thing saving OR (versus AND) is the MAY. 14:51:15 GreggVan: Product only fails if you don't have both. 14:51:44 q? 14:51:46 q? 14:52:30 maryjom: Does not have a keyboard interface (standard keyboard or an alternative keyboard). What about that? 14:52:38 q+ to say: not (a or b) is the same as ((not a) and (not b)). "And" is correct. 14:52:48 ack mitch 14:52:48 mitch, you wanted to say: not (a or b) is the same as ((not a) and (not b)). "And" is correct. 14:52:52 +1 to Gregg explanation. This is a negation of A or B... it becomes not A and not B. 14:53:04 Assumes operation via a keyboard interface which also allows for alternative input devices. When a product with closed functionality does not have a standard keyboard (and an alternative keyboard (hardware or software) that provides keyboard-like input cannot be connected), it may not be possible to satisfy this success criterion 14:53:17 mitch11: Talks through his explanation above 14:53:20 q+ to change OR to NOR 14:53:34 ack GreggVan 14:53:34 GreggVan, you wanted to change OR to NOR 14:53:51 GreggVan: Read with OR changed to NOR 14:53:56 +1 to "nor can" 14:54:09 +1 to "nor can" 14:54:39 POLL: Should the language in proposal use 1) “and” or 2) “or” or 3) "nor can" 14:54:47 Option 3b (NOR): Changed 2nd sentence (aligned with proposed changes to general guidance) and edited per the last survey 14:54:47 2.1.1 Keyboard - Assumes operation via a keyboard interface which also allows for alternative input devices. When a product with closed functionality does not have a standard keyboard, nor an alternative keyboard (hardware or software) that provides keyboard-like input cannot be connected, it may not be possible to satisfy this success criterion. 14:54:47 It may be possible to address some user needs (such as offering input methods that support users with low vision, without vision, or limited manual dexterity). 14:54:53 Assumes operation via a keyboard interface which also allows for alternative input devices. When a product with closed functionality does not have a standard keyboard, nor can alternative keyboard (hardware or software) that provides keyboard-like input be connected, it may not be possible to satisfy this success criterion. 14:55:10 3. 14:55:16 ...nor an alternative keyboard... 14:55:19 Should be nor an. I mistyped! 14:55:19 q+ 14:55:22 POLL: Should the language in proposal use 1) “and” or 2) “or” or 3) "nor" 14:55:25 +1 to Gregg's 3 nor. It helps the double negative and and phrasing. 14:55:29 3 14:55:32 2 14:55:33 -1 14:55:35 3 14:55:36 3 14:55:39 3 14:55:43 3 14:55:43 3 or 1 14:55:43 3 14:55:49 q? 14:55:51 q+ 14:55:55 ack bruce_bailey 14:56:06 Option 3b (NOR): Changed 2nd sentence (aligned with proposed changes to general guidance) and edited per the last survey 14:56:06 2.1.1 Keyboard - Assumes operation via a keyboard interface which also allows for alternative input devices. When a product with closed functionality does not have a standard keyboard, nor an alternative keyboard (hardware or software) that provides keyboard-like input cannot be connected, it may not be possible to satisfy this success criterion. 14:56:06 It may be possible to address some user needs (such as offering input methods that support users with low vision, without vision, or limited manual dexterity). 14:56:40 3 or 1 14:57:08 2.1.1 Keyboard - Assumes operation via a keyboard interface which also allows for alternative input devices. When a product with closed functionality does not have a standard keyboard, nor can an alternative keyboard (hardware or software) that provides keyboard-like input be connected, it may not be possible to satisfy this success criterion. It 14:57:08 may be possible to address some user needs (such as offering input methods that support users with low vision, without vision, or limited manual dexterity). 14:57:27 +1 14:57:52 DRAFT RESOLUTION: Update the SC Problematic for Closed – 2.1.1 Keyboard bullet using Option 3, as edited above in IRC. 14:57:53 how about "does not have a keyboard (standards or an alternative... " 14:57:55 +1 14:57:56 +1 14:57:58 +1 14:58:02 +1 14:58:03 +1 14:58:04 +1 14:58:06 +1 14:58:06 +1 14:58:06 q+ 14:58:19 q? 14:58:22 ack ChrisLoiselle 14:58:46 +1 to "does not have a keyboard" over "does not have a standard keyboard" 14:58:47 q+ 14:58:48 ChrisLoiselle: Separate sentences to remove the and or 14:58:56 2 sentences for the 2 scenarios 14:59:29 q? 14:59:34 q? 14:59:36 ack GreggVan 14:59:41 ack GreggVan 14:59:59 GreggVan: don't think separate sentences work. 15:00:23 +1 to meet tomorrow 15:00:37 +1 tomorrow 15:00:37 I cannot 15:00:44 i cannot 15:00:44 -1 to tomorrow 15:00:44 can meet at regular time tomorrow 15:00:44 i'll move things around if need be 15:00:44 rrsagent, draft minutes 15:00:45 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/05/30-wcag2ict-minutes.html PhilDay 15:01:27 I can 15:01:51 q+ 15:01:53 happy to have others meet 15:01:59 ack Mike_Pluke 15:02:07 happy to have others meet (and vote) 15:02:10 Meeting is 1 hour earlier than today 15:02:41 We will meet tomorrow at 6 Eastern time (as per the W3C calendar). We will also talk through the Microsoft response. 15:02:47 rrsagent, draft minutes 15:02:48 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/05/30-wcag2ict-minutes.html PhilDay 15:02:56 i will be in irc i think 15:02:56 loicmn has left #wcag2ict 15:03:35 zakim, bye 15:03:35 leaving. As of this point the attendees have been maryjom, PhilDay, Chuck, Mike_Pluke, Sam, olivia, ChrisLoiselle, bruce_bailey, FernandaBonnin, loicmn, Devanshu, mitch, GreggVan 15:03:35 Zakim has left #wcag2ict 15:03:58 rrsagent, bye 15:03:58 I see no action items