29 May 2024


David_Ezell, Ege_Korkan, Kaz_Ashimura, Kunihiko_Toumura, Luca_Barbato, Mahda_Noura, Michael_Koster, Michael_McCool, Tesushi_Matsuda, Tim_Panton, Tomoaki_Mizushima
Koster, McCool

Meeting minutes

Guests, etc.

McCool: no guests
… 2 pending IEs, Kaz has sent a message to them
… need to see if they're appropriate standardization

Kaz: Koster has joined the IG as one of the co-Chairs officially :)



McCool: (goes through the minutes)

(typo fixed)



McCool: would wait for Ege's coming back
… but can go through the proposal quickly

wot PR 1191 - Errata Management Policy Proposal

rendered draft policy

McCool: need to review it



McCool: anybody?

recorded video

Mahda: recorded video above

Luca: was looking for the video

McCool: need to double check it

Meeting schedule


McCool: (goes through the cancellation list)
… no Marketing call tomorrow
… no UC call today or June 5
… anything else?


Publication schedule

McCool: nothing critical
… Binding Templates has been published

WoT Binding Templates 4th Note

Kaz: this is the final Note as Binding Template separately
… we'll publish it as part of TD in the future

TF discussion


McCool: probably the priority is Discovery
… Security can be covered by the other TFs

WICG proposal issue 43 - Secure local and remote access to self hosted devices without manual setup

Kaz: the above WICG issue is kind of related to WoT Discovery
… let's have some discussion during the Chairs call
… but can skim it now also

McCool: yeah
… (quickly skim it)
… related to local peer-to-peer API
… should look into it
… should be useful for us too

Local Peer-to-peer API GitHub repository

McCool: should discuss it in the future
… the question is how to deal with the discussion
… invite to the main call?

Kaz: if everybody here is interested, we can invite them to the main call
… let's have some more discussion during the chairs call

Tim: should clarify use cases also
… there are already a couple of use cases

McCool: yeah
… I believe their spec should have some use cases

Local Peer-to-Peer API (CG report)

McCool: some use cases within their Explainer

use cases within their Explainer

McCool: UC4 mentions home services & IoT


Luca: issues about Profile work
… 3 urgent issues
… need more active participants

McCool: similar problem with Discovery

Luca: we can give deadline for GH discussion if needed

McCool: several problems
… what to be done for Profile itself
… then asynchronous discussion policy
… if nobody is attending at all and no comments for GH, we have different problems
… we need to consider what the goal for Profile would be

Luca: we've been holding discussion on Email too
… people vary among different timezones

McCool: eventually, we're getting various changes

Luca: making the document clearer is one purpose
… the concern is something is way too implicit
… all the people implementing Profile already are happy with the current spec
… mainly editorial work needed so far

McCool: wondering if we need to make progress in an asynchronous manner
… we've clarified our policy for that purpose

async-decision policy

McCool: a bit concerned about the number of the Editors

Luca: Ben is busy and can't make the calls

McCool: anyway, two possible answers
… we can follow the policy itself as the group
… if you have any issue with this policy, you can bring it up

Luca: ok

McCool: we should have one more active Editor
… some of the listed old Editors are not really active any more

Luca: that's true
… some of them have reasons

McCool: btw, we should update the moderator assignment for Profile spec itself too (within the spec HTML)

Kaz: the TF can discuss it within their own TF meeting
… the bigger question here is not sync vs async but simply we unfortunately don't have enough people

McCool: that's true...

Kaz: and again, the Editor/Author assignment can be handled by the TF itself

McCool: yeah
… Luca, you can send an email to member-wot-wg list to ask about that

Kaz: yeah, can be handled by email too
… but I think TF moderator is the main Editor

McCool: yeah, it's logical
… but probably we should document it explicitly

Kaz: yeah, having an explicit note would be also good
… so why don't we add that note to the WoT policy?

McCool: should give people some more time

Kaz: in that case, why don't we send out an email to ask for consensus about that?

McCool: would handle the issue around the Profile TF lead and the Profile Editor quickly
… Luca, can you send out an email to ask for consensus about that?

Luca: ok

McCool: we can make resolution next week
… also you should describe the use case, motivation, etc., within an Explainer

Luca: we already have a README and can describe that within it?

McCool: would suggest we create a separate file

Luca: maybe already have Explainer file also

existing Explainer

McCool: use cases for new work to be added
… worth looking into it again

Luca: ok
… so I should review the Explainer and update it. right?
… will try to make sure Ben joins the call at least once a month

McCool: ok

Luca: Profile already have 2 implementations
… and ideally would have 3rd one

McCool: note that we need to have at least 2 implementations for each feature
… would give you some more time next week too

ACTION: Luca to send a call-for-editor message for Profile

ACTION: Luca to look into the Profile Explainer and update it

JSON Schema

Ege's comment on Strategy Issue 108

Kaz: talked with PLH, and sent an email about his response to the WoT Chairs yesterday
… First of all, this is not a Strategy Team question but a question about the normative reference considerations in general. Please see also the following Guide.

Normative Reference Guide

Kaz: At the moment, we don't reject systematically normative references to JSON Schema.

JSON Schema: A Media Type for Describing JSON Documents. OpenJS Foundation

Kaz: However, Yves (TAG Team Contact) and PLH need to make an assessment separately.


TPAC 2024

McCool: submitted basic meeting plan to W3C Team
… complicated table on the draft schedule

draft meeting table

McCool: if any problems, let us know
… e.g., joint meetings with related groups
… personally can't make the JSON-LD joint meeting on Monday
… need to clarify who to join it

Kaz: let's check with Sebastian, Koster, Ege, etc., later

Errata - revisited

McCool: talk about that in detail next week. right?

Ege: just quickly
… we already agreed to remove the JS script to import GH issues

McCool: can we talk about the detail next week?

Kaz: yeah, let's talk about this next week

McCool: TD TF can merge the change for TD spec during the TD call

Ege: ok


Summary of action items

  1. Luca to send a call-for-editor message for Profile
  2. Luca to look into the Profile Explainer and update it
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 221 (Fri Jul 21 14:01:30 2023 UTC).