14:49:18 RRSAgent has joined #vcwg 14:49:23 logging to https://www.w3.org/2024/05/29-vcwg-irc 14:49:23 RRSAgent, make logs Public 14:49:24 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), ivan 14:49:34 Meeting: Verifiable Credentials Working Group Telco 14:49:34 Date: 2024-05-29 14:49:34 Agenda: https://www.w3.org/events/meetings/3c7f5c66-5e34-468a-837e-2c2bf12de748/20240529T110000/ 14:49:34 chair: brent 14:49:35 ivan has changed the topic to: Meeting Agenda 2024-05-29: https://www.w3.org/events/meetings/3c7f5c66-5e34-468a-837e-2c2bf12de748/20240529T110000/ 14:54:16 brent has joined #vcwg 14:55:36 dmitriz has joined #vcwg 14:57:48 hsano has joined #vcwg 14:58:23 present+ 14:58:50 present+ hsano 15:00:56 present+ 15:01:04 present+ 15:01:13 gkellogg has joined #vcwg 15:01:22 seabass has joined #vcwg 15:02:26 present+ brent 15:02:41 present+ sebastian 15:02:44 present+ 15:02:58 present+ mahmoud, jennie, bigbluehat 15:03:22 JennieM has joined #vcwg 15:04:13 JoeAndrieu has joined #vcwg 15:04:21 present+ joe, kdean 15:04:25 q+ 15:05:06 present+ will 15:05:23 scribe+ bigbluehat 15:05:23 KevinDeanLegReq has joined #vcwg 15:05:31 Will has joined #vcwg 15:05:31 bigbluehat has joined #vcwg 15:05:39 present+ 15:05:41 aniltj has joined #vcwg 15:05:47 present+ aniltj 15:06:04 brent: agenda today is concise: work items, PRs, and issue processing 15:06:05 ack manu 15:06:09 present+ 15:06:13 manu: a couple agenda items 15:06:24 ... a PR on the charter to address JoeAndrieu's concerns 15:06:29 ... maybe a few minutes for that? 15:06:54 ... also since aniltj is here, perhaps he can say a bit about what he shared on the CCG yesterday 15:07:05 brent: that OK with you, aniltj? 15:07:08 aniltj: yes. happy to 15:07:10 Topic: CCG Recap 15:07:32 Slide deck from presentation to CCG: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2024May/att-0075/DHS.Technical.Implementation.Requirements-Decentralized-Identity-v1.0-SHARE.pdf 15:07:33 decentralgabe has joined #vcwg 15:07:39 present+ 15:07:44 aniltj: I gave a presentation at the CCG yesterday about how DHS is implementing decentralized identity 15:07:53 Video recording for CCG presentation on DHS Requirements using W3C VCs: https://meet.w3c-ccg.org/archives/w3c-ccg-weekly-2024-05-28.mp4 15:08:03 ... we are focused on using the suite of W3C standards 15:08:08 ... including VCDM 15:08:22 ... we're using the Data Integrity specifications with proof sets 15:08:30 ... and cryptosuites like BBS+ 15:08:40 ... and also using JOSE 15:08:54 ... the rationale is simple, we have a hard requirement for personal credentials 15:09:08 ... where we have additional privacy requirements 15:09:24 ... that requirement is satisfied by the Data Integrity specification 15:09:33 ... and the additional choices we are making there 15:09:53 ... we do also have a different scenario where we do not need selective disclosure 15:10:07 ... on the trade side, it's organization to organization 15:10:15 ... and the idea of a wallet is interesting there 15:10:35 ... we are also exploring the OID4* protocols for org to org communication 15:10:41 PL-ASU has joined #vcwg 15:10:48 present+ 15:10:52 ... we are also exploring BitString Status List specification 15:11:00 ... and did:web for identifying organizations 15:11:25 ... and in the long term we hope to enable a capability for individuals to bring their own DID for personal identification 15:11:38 ... we will not have that on day one, but we want to learn our way there 15:11:51 ... and we're depending on many of the W3C standards 15:12:02 ... and happy to help move these toward formal standards as well 15:12:06 q+ 15:12:16 ack ivan 15:12:19 brent: thank you for compressing that 45 minute presentation to 5 minutes 15:12:29 ... it's recorded if you'd like to view more 15:12:32 ivan: is it public? 15:12:44 brent: yes, it's recorded in the CCG meeting 15:13:06 ... anything shared there--including our requirements document--are able to be shared publicly 15:13:16 s/brent:/aniltj: 15:13:25 q+ 15:13:34 q- 15:13:36 Topic: Charter 15:13:38 brent: let's talk charter... 15:13:48 ... I'm going to drop a link to the PR 15:13:48 subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/vc-wg-charter/pull/119 15:14:06 ... this PR is in response to request for changes from the group 15:14:12 q+ 15:14:12 q+ to say Thanks. It covers my concerns 15:14:17 ... it clarifies the scope of the group 15:14:26 ack ivan 15:14:28 ... happy to take comments from the queue 15:14:42 ivan: it doesn't clarify. it adds something to the scope 15:14:55 ... previously we were not able to make class 4 changes 15:15:07 ... we did have one exception--serious security problems 15:15:42 ... so I have added another exception, that any of the features that are at risk in the VCDM, any of those can be picked up and added to the recommendation--if all goes well 15:15:50 ... I think that handles JoeAndrieu's concerns 15:16:00 ... to the group: please confirm that is the right list in the PR 15:16:06 ... and make sure I didn't forget anything 15:16:07 smccown has joined #vcwg 15:16:22 ... I want to make it an explicit list, as the AC doesn't like open ended charters 15:16:30 ack JoeAndrieu 15:16:30 JoeAndrieu, you wanted to say Thanks. It covers my concerns 15:16:36 JoeAndrieu: thank you, ivan 15:16:52 present+ 15:17:30 ... one question, this would include making new standards track docs to deal with these standards track documents 15:17:47 ... I'd like the ability to create those specs during the 2 year charter 15:17:51 ivan: essentially that's correct 15:18:03 ... we've cut documents in two before, for example 15:18:05 q+ to ask a clarifying question wrt. the PR. 15:18:17 ... it's not explicit about how things are taken out or put in practically 15:18:28 Great. thanks for the clarification. 15:18:30 ... so if it's an addition to a spec or a new spec is not explicitly stated 15:18:36 ack manu 15:18:36 manu, you wanted to ask a clarifying question wrt. the PR. 15:18:45 ... so the answer to your question is "yes" that is possible to make new specs 15:18:52 brent: that's my understanding also 15:18:57 manu: and mine also 15:19:05 ... now to poke the charter bear a bit... 15:19:21 ... if I understand this correctly, we an publish VCDM 2.0 sooner than later 15:19:33 gkellogg has joined #vcwg 15:19:39 ... but our charter would let us add the at risk features to a v2.1 edition 15:19:49 ... which could put the features back 15:19:54 ivan: yes. 15:20:11 manu: from an editorial perspective, some of these features may be cut due to lack of implementation 15:20:26 ... but starting in January, those could get added back with proper implementations and tests 15:20:32 ivan: correct. 15:21:03 ... for those not familiar with "class 4" these have to be existing features stated as "at risk" in the documents 15:21:25 ... oh, and one more thing, the current charter which we are under now was extended to the end of the year 15:21:34 brent: great. are there any objections 15:21:43 ... please review the PR and comment there 15:22:01 ... it was opened this morning, so by our next meeting we will merge it assuming all are in agreement 15:22:06 q+ to ask about charter next steps. 15:22:15 ... and then we can move the draft charter forward for review 15:22:22 ack manu 15:22:22 manu, you wanted to ask about charter next steps. 15:22:32 manu: what's the timeline? 15:22:35 ivan: ASAP 15:22:52 manu: this goes to W3M, then the AC, then the vote starts in July? 15:23:01 ivan: that sounds realistic...maybe a bit earlier 15:23:10 ... the changes are explicitly very small 15:23:25 ... the paragraph in the PR is the only meaningful change 15:23:34 ... the horizontal review folks did not have anything to add 15:23:48 ... with the AC, though, nobody knows 15:24:03 ... but assuming no objections, this new charter will take over in January 15:24:04 q+ to discuss "responsible security disclosure" 15:24:15 ack manu 15:24:15 manu, you wanted to discuss "responsible security disclosure" 15:24:16 manu: just a next topic request 15:24:23 brent: k. go ahead 15:24:28 Topic: security disclosure 15:24:28 ivan: hold up? new section? 15:24:36 ... thanks brent 15:25:05 manu: the editors of the Data Integrity have received a security disclosure which is still not yet public 15:25:28 ... the editors have already done a review, and the questions raised seem handled by the spec 15:25:46 ... however, since this is presented as a security disclosure, we will need to review it as a group 15:25:53 present+ smccown 15:25:54 ... we should see it this week or next at the latest 15:26:00 brent: please watch the mailing list for that 15:26:05 Topic: Work Item Status Updates/PRs 15:26:11 q+ 15:26:13 ... and we'll put it on the topic list for a future meeting 15:26:15 q+ 15:26:23 ack ivan 15:26:35 ivan: on the overview document, I put 2 PRs 15:26:48 ... I would like some review--mostly for linguistic issues 15:26:54 ... one is adding alt text to the diagrams 15:27:01 ... the others I have copied over 15:27:11 ... alt text is hard to write, so please review those 15:27:22 ... the other PR adds references to other documents we have 15:27:29 ... to make the overview more complete 15:27:53 ... I also got some feedback to have this document as an official document sooner than later 15:27:57 +1 to publish as a NOTE 15:27:58 ... to help review 15:28:08 ... and getting it to NOTE will let us version it 15:28:15 ... which will ease external communication 15:28:23 brent: do you want to review those PRs now? 15:28:34 ack manu 15:28:34 ivan: no, these mostly need grammar checking 15:28:44 manu: just a quick update across many specs 15:28:52 ... BitString Status List is now in CR 15:29:10 ... the Overview is an Editor's Draft 15:29:18 ... the Controller document is now an FPWD 15:29:34 ... for the Data Integrity specs, they are on a decent glide path, mostly editorial 15:29:51 q+ 15:29:54 ... however, there is the upcoming disclosure we'll be discussing 15:29:58 ... nothing much beyond that 15:30:12 ... for BBS we have upcoming implementers 15:30:30 ... Canadian and Swiss developers have stated they have code underway 15:30:58 ... we do have some issues to discuss 15:30:59 subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/pull/1478 15:31:08 manu: this is the media type discussion 15:31:27 ... the group decided to push ahead on registering what was in the documents 15:31:39 present+ davidc 15:31:46 ... we were supposed to hear back in 2 weeks...we got no feedback 15:31:58 q+ 15:32:03 ... there was an ask on the mediaman list if there was new guidance...there was/is not 15:32:05 ack ivan 15:32:14 DavidC has joined #vcwg 15:32:21 present+ 15:32:41 q+ to note that multiple suffixes is a bit of a side quest. 15:32:47 ivan: now that we are working on the charter, if we take out the multiple suffixes and things change at the IETF... 15:33:03 ack manu 15:33:03 manu, you wanted to note that multiple suffixes is a bit of a side quest. 15:33:04 ... we should put something in the charter so we can deal with that...if/when it happens 15:33:12 manu: it's a good question, ivan 15:33:22 ... I think we've wasted enough time on this topic 15:33:36 ... we've talked it to death...and it's not holding up any implementations 15:33:47 ... we can always expand the list of media types later 15:34:01 ... given how this has gone so far, it's only going to take longer 15:34:07 ... so I think we can deal with this later 15:34:14 ivan: than lets forget about it 15:34:19 brent: agreed 15:34:22 subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/pull/1490 15:34:28 manu: the other one is the question around digest values 15:34:39 ... we have 3 options that have been put in front of the group 15:34:42 digest options: https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/1489#issuecomment-2134164168 15:34:54 ... A. use digestSRI 15:35:00 ... B. use digestMultibase 15:35:03 ... C. use both 15:35:09 ... all of these have objections 15:35:14 ... so we need to make a decision 15:35:51 q+ 15:36:01 ... I'll note that the folks arguing for `digestSRI` want it to be base64url...but SRIs in browsers are not URL encoded, just `base64` 15:36:13 ... the same folks object to `digestMultibase` 15:36:21 ... pretty much no one wants both.... 15:36:25 ack brent 15:36:27 ... so we need to have a path through these 15:36:54 brent: I believe the `digestSRI` stuff is in the spec because Mike Prorock wanted it because Mesur.io was implementing it 15:37:08 ... I've opened an internal conversation to ask about how we're using it 15:37:20 ... we're supporters of it currently, so would not want it removed 15:37:27 ... but I will gather more data 15:37:32 q+ 15:37:34 ... any other thoughts on this PR? 15:37:34 q+ 15:37:37 ack manu 15:37:42 +1 to the PR ... approved already. 15:37:43 manu: it would be good to get feedback on the PR 15:38:06 ... I will note that multibase is definitely being used by DHS 15:38:27 ... among those were Drivers Licenses and Employment Authorization Documents 15:38:39 ... multibase stuff is also in production in TruAge 15:38:54 ... it is now very much defined in a specification and is in use in production 15:39:06 ... that's where we are with that technology 15:39:18 ... we would prefer to pick one, but not object if the group picked both 15:39:30 ... it's annoying if the group picked both, but still doable 15:39:39 ... and not hard to implement either one 15:39:58 brent: thank you, manu 15:39:58 q+ 15:40:04 ack ivan 15:40:11 ivan: this is a new topic 15:40:20 ... I don't have an opinion about digests 15:40:25 brent: issue processing? 15:40:34 subtopic: controller document 15:40:40 ivan: this is on the Controller Document 15:40:56 ... if we have any hope to get that done, we need to start horizontal requests...like...now 15:41:07 ... one thing we should make very clear... 15:41:32 ... we need to make the horizontal reviewers aware that this is not new content, but rearranging text from other documents 15:41:40 ... that should help review go more quickly 15:41:59 brent: not seeing Mike Jones on the call. manu can you do this one? 15:42:10 manu: concerned about my workload...but yes...I'll try 15:42:22 brent: I'm concerned (as ever) about manu's workload 15:42:33 Topic: VCDM Issue Processing 15:42:42 https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+-label%3Afuture+sort%3Aupdated-asc 15:43:14 brent: question is if we plan to do anything about these, and if so, when. 15:43:23 subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/1480 15:43:25 q+ 15:43:37 brent: renderMethod is currently at risk 15:43:47 ... European community is using these already 15:43:48 ack manu 15:44:05 manu: there is a renewed...evolving interest in `renderMethod` 15:44:15 DHS is very interested in render method as well 15:44:17 ... there are two or three variations coming from Singapore 15:44:32 DCC and ASU in the US are implementing renderMethod as well 15:44:36 ... there are some Australian and Canadian developers interested 15:44:43 ... these are all different approaches 15:44:52 ... so it's unlikely we can get a single example in the spec 15:44:55 and can confirm that E.U. (the EU Learning Data Model team) is implementing renderMethod 15:44:59 DavidC has joined #vcwg 15:45:02 q+ to clarify "removing" 15:45:12 ... so we should probably remove it from VCDM 2.0 and get activity going in the CCG 15:45:17 ack brent 15:45:17 brent, you wanted to clarify "removing" 15:45:33 brent: removing? what specifically? the feature? but keep the term, correct? 15:45:35 manu: yes. 15:45:44 KevinDean has joined #vcwg 15:45:51 q+ 15:45:55 brent: good. so the term is there for use, but the contents are still undefined and under active development at the CCG 15:46:00 ack ivan 15:46:02 ... are there other actions here? or specific ones? 15:46:14 ivan: do we have a "next release" label? we should use that here 15:46:28 +1 that render method is a vital tool for helping issuers to present VC information to holders in digital wallets (digital wallets that will not necessarily understand every piece of information in a decentralized world)... but lots of different explorations right now, definitely need to reserve it. 15:46:34 ... when we go out to the AC for the vote, we should make sure that this is something we are happy to work on later 15:46:48 ... and want their input, but we do not think we can solve it in the next 6 months 15:46:53 KevinDean has joined #vcwg 15:46:59 brent: any objections to adding the "next release" label to this one? 15:47:07 s/next release/future 15:47:19 subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/1479 15:47:20 ... next issue 15:47:27 q+ 15:47:31 brent: consider recommending language maps 15:47:35 ack manu 15:47:38 ... please jump on the queue 15:47:55 manu: there's nothing preventing using them 15:48:11 ... I don't think we can get to consensus on it 15:48:16 q+ 15:48:34 ... we reached back out with that as a comment, but haven't heard back 15:48:34 q+ 15:48:42 ... if we were to do that now, it'd be very last minute 15:48:44 q+ to suggest wording 15:48:50 ... so the ask could be, please experiment 15:49:02 q- 15:49:05 ... especially since language maps differ from what we recommend right now 15:49:26 ack aniltj 15:49:37 ... and can reconsider it if/when we get feedback showing it's a good way for handling I18N 15:50:02 aniltj: mostly want to say that this is a feature of interest to DHS because of our international audience 15:50:09 ack ivan 15:50:16 q+ 15:50:28 ... as long as there is not anything preventing us from using these capabilities from JSON-LD, then we are satisfied 15:50:42 ivan: should we show that JSON-LD can do this in an appendix? 15:50:53 ack manu 15:50:59 manu: yes. we can do that in an appendix, and adding that would editorial 15:51:20 brent: so, add an editorial example of language maps to the spec 15:51:32 +1 to editorial example to the language map spec. 15:51:37 ... manu has assigned himself, but someone else please volunteer 15:51:55 I can volunteer 15:52:24 brent: thank you all for volunteering! 15:52:39 ... I'm unassigning manu 15:52:52 ... and assigning dmitriz and Mahmoud 15:53:00 brent: k. we have time for one more topic 15:53:12 ... let's jump to 1485 15:53:12 subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/1485 15:53:16 clarifying question - language map examples should go into their own appendix? Or just in the internationalization section? 15:53:17 q+ 15:53:22 ack manu 15:53:24 brent: VC JWT examples are out of date 15:53:40 manu: good news is we released a new version of respec-vc 15:53:47 ... but the new jose/cose stuff is not in there yet 15:53:58 ... it should be a copy/paste into respec-vc 15:54:03 q+ 15:54:09 ack decentralgabe 15:54:10 ... or decentralgabe can send a PR there 15:54:16 decentralgabe: it's on my list 15:54:28 q+ 15:54:32 ack manu 15:54:44 ... and given the update to remove YAML from the jose/cose spec, it should be simpler to do now 15:55:01 manu: just to make sure we're aligned, what are you planning to implement? 15:55:11 ... VC-JWT, JOSE, COSE, something else? 15:55:45 decentralgabe: I was going to do all 3, but not automatically render them 15:55:59 ... I'll put up a PR 15:56:12 ... I'd prefer to start by fixing what is currently labelled VC-JWT 15:56:28 manu: you can pick which tabs to show per example 15:56:33 brent: with that, we are out of time 15:56:37 s/VC-JWT/SD-JWT/ 15:56:49 ... great consensus building. we love our volunteers 15:56:50 ... bye for now 15:57:02 rrsagent, draft minutes 15:57:03 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/05/29-vcwg-minutes.html ivan 16:10:34 rrsagent, bye 16:10:34 I see no action items