14:53:13 RRSAgent has joined #maturity 14:53:17 logging to https://www.w3.org/2024/05/29-maturity-irc 14:53:17 RRSAgent, make logs Public 14:53:18 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), Fazio 14:53:42 meeting: Maturity Model Task Force 14:53:54 chair: Fazio 14:54:15 present+ 14:54:32 Agenda+ New Business 14:54:32 Agenda+ Github Issue #154 Section 3.3.1: can a measure of support effectiveness be included? 14:54:32 Agenda+ Github Issues 43, 78, 85, 102, 103, 104 (Usability doc feedback) – Look at Procurement Dimension 14:54:32 Agenda+ Maturity Model Scoring Subgroup Update 14:54:32 /issues/154 -> #154 14:54:34 Agenda+ Github #156 Issue Section 3.5: proof points should consider whether people with disabilities actually were included in the workforce as a result of the efforts made. 14:54:34 /issues/156 -> #156 14:56:45 Dr_Keith has joined #maturity 14:58:11 NehaJ0 has joined #maturity 14:58:26 NehaJ0 has left #maturity 14:58:38 NehaJ0 has joined #maturity 14:58:49 NehaJ0 has left #maturity 14:59:03 NehaJ has joined #maturity 15:00:31 janina has joined #maturity 15:01:21 CharlesL has joined #maturity 15:01:34 present+ 15:02:11 present+ 15:02:29 Stacey has joined #Maturity 15:02:37 present+ 15:02:38 present+ 15:02:43 present+ 15:02:43 scribe+ 15:02:48 jlkline has joined #maturity 15:02:59 zakim, take up item 1 15:02:59 agendum 1 -- New Business -- taken up [from Fazio] 15:03:00 jasonjgw has joined #maturity 15:03:07 present+ 15:07:16 Mark_Miller has joined #Maturity 15:07:34 present+ 15:08:53 SusiPallero has joined #maturity 15:12:04 present+ 15:12:09 present+ 15:12:22 zakim, next item 15:12:22 agendum 2 -- Github Issue #154 Section 3.3.1: can a measure of support effectiveness be included? -- taken up [from Fazio] 15:12:22 /issues/154 -> #154 15:12:24 angelabarker has joined #maturity 15:12:30 present+ 15:12:51 Github Issue #154 Section 3.3.1: can a measure of support effectiveness be included? 15:13:21 https://github.com/w3c/maturity-model/issues/154 15:13:22 https://github.com/w3c/maturity-model/issues/154 -> Issue 154 Section 3.3.1: can a measure of support effectiveness be included? (by jasonjgw) 15:15:25 jlkline has joined #maturity 15:15:37 queue+ 15:16:13 jasonjgw support effectiveness be included as a proof point by adding an appropriate criteria? 15:17:34 q? 15:22:19 q+ 15:22:34 ack jlkline 15:22:40 q+ 15:24:20 jeff: we can include set of suggested goals in the dimension 15:24:56 q+ 15:25:28 ack Fazio 15:25:56 If you set metrics you're moving to a model closer to WCAG and testable success criteria. Is that the goal of maturity assessment? 15:27:33 Fazio proof points are examples but not necessary. 15:27:38 q? 15:28:11 Fazio if we have to make in mandatory then we have to add in definition 15:28:17 ack janina 15:29:07 q+ 15:29:19 janina have some way to create a document which has some outcome 15:29:29 q? 15:30:44 ack Mark_Miller 15:31:01 q} 15:31:18 q? 15:31:43 jlkline has joined #maturity 15:31:52 queue+ 15:33:09 Mark_Miller other maturity models have a stage to measure maturity 15:33:19 q? 15:34:05 q? 15:34:26 ack CharlesL 15:35:21 q+ 15:36:02 CharlesL shared benetech experience, understanding proof points was difficult for some 15:37:04 CharlesL benetech key points: avg time each department took was 3 - 4 hours 15:39:09 Fazio stages need to be more clear? and how proof points are more related to those? - take away from benetech learning 15:40:04 Fazio documentation is published so it needs to be very clear 15:40:18 ack jlkline 15:43:10 jeff: model should consider some type of prioritization on proof points 15:43:15 ack jasonjgw 15:46:48 jasonjgw what should be evidence and what should not 15:47:53 jasonjgw some examples of goals and matrix would ne helpful 15:51:08 jasonjgw none of the things are prescriptive but abstract, should be supported with exmaples 15:53:27 zakim, next item 15:53:27 agendum 3 -- Github Issues 43, 78, 85, 102, 103, 104 (Usability doc feedback) – Look at Procurement Dimension -- taken up [from Fazio] 15:54:15 Fazio when to republish 15:54:33 janina should talkone more time next week 15:56:36 RESOLUTION: Maturity model task force APA request updated with current status 15:57:19 RRAgent, make the minutes 15:58:14 RRSAgent, make the minutes 15:58:15 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/05/29-maturity-minutes.html NehaJ 15:58:22 zakim, end meeting 15:58:22 As of this point the attendees have been Fazio, CharlesL, janina, Stacey, NehaJ, Dr_Keith, jasonjgw, Mark_Miller, SusiPallero, angelabarker 15:58:22 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 15:58:23 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/05/29-maturity-minutes.html Zakim 15:58:28 I am happy to have been of service, NehaJ; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 15:58:29 Zakim has left #maturity 16:18:46 CharlesL has left #maturity 18:16:56 rrsagent, bye 18:16:56 I see no action items