
28 May 2024


alastairc, ashleyfirth, Azlan, dan_bjorge, Detlev, dj, giacomo-petri, JakeAbma, jeanne, Jennie_Delisi, JenStrickland, jtoles, julierawe, kevin, Kimberly, kirkwood, Laura_Carlson, ljoakley, maryjom, mike_beganyi, sarahhorton, scotto, shadi, tburtin, TheoHale, ToddL, wendyreid
Bruce Bailey, Frankie Wolf, Makoto Ueki, MichaelGower, Roberto Scano
Chuck, dj

Meeting minutes

<Chuck> https://www.w3.org/events/meetings/fad52978-dc63-4427-90b9-e64dd31b0566/20240528T110000/

<Francis_Storr> w3c/wcag#3878

<Jennie_Delisi> *anyone else having trouble getting to the telecom page to get the join link for the meeting?

<Nayan> +present

Chuck: last call of may

<Azlan> Also having a 500 error accessing the url shadi has listed above

Chuck: introductions?
… announcements:

<kirkwood> teleconf info pate issue can’t login

Chuck: 1. AI
… AGWG after hours last week, this is in consideration
… wendyreid said she would reach out to vendors

<wendyreid> w3c/AB-memberonly#180

wendyreid: for automated transcription, we're collecting resources
… we're looking for a vendor to enable us to use automated transcription
… we also want to preserve privacy
… and we have specific needs:
… - needs to be live editable
… needs to be quickly toggleable (off record stuff)
… needs to keep our data controlled
… comment other use-cases in the thread, or email me

Chuck: our group might be a test case
… any questions?
… announcement 2. health & safety for TPAC
… AB wants to find a balance between participant safety and sentiment
… i would suggest talking with your advisory committee member if you're planning to attend and have specific health needs
… there is a desire to be safe, and there are individuals that have their own ideas of what the best policy would be (that's what sentiment means here)
… 3. old branches

<alastairc> w3c/wcag#3878

alastairc: wcag2 repo, there are tons of old branches
… we don't want old branches that won't be merged
… we will remove anything more than 6 months old in a few weeks, so post a comment or update the table if you want yours saved

Chuck: any new topics people would like us to cover in a later meeting?

Introduction to Conformance conversation

<Rachael> conformance link: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/17VJvnm5UQW4WUzIoo9QNPVGfePgaZa8ifZWs-wtmv7E/edit#slide=id.p

Rachael: conformance and the decisions around it is one of the most challenging conversations
… we'd like to have 1-2 outcomes for later
… [reads slide 2]
… Guideline structure - structures have emerged from the Focus Visible subgroup and other subgroups
… we need to figure out as a group what we want to do so that future subgroups know what they're doing from the start

sarahhorton: i feel like we haven't been talking about the notion of critical errors anymore, is that still part of conformance?

Rachael: i think that's part of tollerance

Chuck: is that analogous to non-interference in WCAG2

sarahhorton: yeah, and i think there was an idea of not having any critical errors to pass bronze

Rachael: yeah, we will absolutely dive into that as tollerance
… [reads slide 4]
… you must meet all of the outcomes to meet a guideline (that's what the AND relationship means)
… OR means you have multiple ways to meet a requirement
… this is a potential structure
… the percentages are complete estimate placeholders for now
… there's a table of all the proposals

<Rachael> History of proposals: https://github.com/w3c/silver/wiki/Conformance-Proposals-2018-to-present

Rachael: jeanne has kept a list of all proposals to date

<Rachael> https://docs.google.com/document/d/16B5q1DvKxTXioayJWzxFdXXxTrBClxBapBxokg8Nrjg/edit

Rachael: [reads slide 5]
… questions?
… [moves on to reference section]
… i highly encourage you to read the conformance section of WCAG3 if you haven't recently

Chuck: vocabulary page is slide 8

Rachael: they are also linked to from the front page

<Jennie_Delisi> *Really appreciate the glossary, summary, and walk through

Chuck: we are introducing this conversation, and we expect it to take up the next several agendas

<Nayan> does anyone have the WCAG 3 proposal link?

wendyreid: we're hopefully going to land on one model, right?

Rachael: we have two goals:
… 1. come out with initial structure
… 2 (for conformance conversation). come out with two possible directions which we can get public comment on
… we hope to be able to provide test pages and excel sheet models to try out the models

ljoakley: is this slide deck available to us?

Rachael: yes, it's also in the shared folder

<Nayan> we use a specific excel sheet, how can we share what we are doing for conformance?

<Rachael> https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1e2lqoFnR8I0G933YghrMfGy06G8qH_zP

<alastairc> Nayan - that's probably for WCAG 2.x? In which case it isn't relevent here, we're starting off with a new model

<kirkwood> (needed to request access btw)

<Nayan> our template - - got it

<alastairc> Top level folder that people should have access to: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1BZe6A1zS5fKd3XH039edyOKcmsDMHTEg

[there are access issues. people are working on it, and the advice is to save the link and it will be fixed later]

agenda+ WCAG2ICT Review Discussion

Chuck: several points, issues, and comments raised in the last week

MaryJoMueller: right after we started that review, we introduced a number of pointed changes
… there have been two rounds of surveys so far
… there were a few open "needs review" issues -- only 4.1.1 Parsing required a change
… i created a pull request for that

<alastairc> w3c/wcag2ict#379

<maryjom> w3c/wcag2ict#368 (comment)

MaryJoMueller: two new issues last week:
… 1. focus not obscured
… floating toolbars and etcetera
… such as in an authoring tool, editing bars
… note to talk about that
… 2. feedback from microsoft on reflow
… reflow specifies specific scroll width/height
… WCAG2ICT covers a wide variety of screens and screen dimensions, so might not be possible
… question is what to do in that situation
… this might need to be addressed as normative changes, which we can't do in WCAG2ICT

Chuck: review clock has been reset

maryjom: sooner the better as well

Refining WCAG 3 structure continued

<TheoHale> Here is that issue in discussion related to WCAG2ICT: w3c/wcag2ict#377

alastairc: https://github.com/w3c/wcag3/discussions/87 (comment from 4 days ago)
… in Text Alternatives, outcome was image has equivalent text alternative
… there was also a decision tree of methods for conformance
… Focus Appearance was slightly different
… ("focus must be visually indicated")
… the requirements had a slightly different structure
… for all focus indicators, there are certain base requirements:
… - must exist
… - can't be obscured
… - must be percsistent
… [see rest of list]
… then a set of hopefully mutually-exclusive scenarios
… - using default user agent indicator
… - not using default indicator
… - - (specific requirements thereof)
… adjacent contrast needs to work differently depending on the type of indicator you have

<dan_bjorge> +1 to the approach of specific reqs for common types of indicator, much more realistic to test this with tools without having to resort to pixel-picking

alastairc: [various other specific requirements for different types of indicators]
… so slightly different structure from Text Alternatives
… A) decision tree B) list of methods
… [reads questions from github discussion]

<kirkwood> i’m wondering if having a “distinct style” should it not be a “distinct consistent style” (are we assuming this?)

<Zakim> Chuck, you wanted to acknowledge comments made in irc

Chuck: reads dan_bjorge's and kirkwood's comments

kirkwood: wondering about the style of focus indicator being consistent throughout a site

alastairc: maybe not at bronze -- there are lots of sites w/ different background colors for different places

dj: Following up on John's comments on consistent indicator color and styling. I've seen sites with different backgrounds as a form of indicator.

dj: I want to make sure we address that it is not at bronze.

<Jennie_Delisi> * will there also be something to consider mouse focus in the future?

alastairc: yeah, we will have more opportunity to address this as we continue the conversation

<TheoHale> John Kirkwood comment, I do think having consistency across the site, within the roles, and in shape seems reasonable.

alastairc: one example of this could be 'there is a consistent design applied...'

dan_bjorge: do we need to be consistent about whether methods always need to be AND?
… in WCAG2 we really commonly have different requirements which are listed differently

<Zakim> Chuck, you wanted to acknowledge Jennie's IRC question.

alastairc: we've got underlying requirements (example: must exist)
… we could either separate those out, or have them repeated in each method

Jennie_Delisi: are we going to include mouse focus indicators?

alastairc: i think that's going to be separate

<alastairc> https://github.com/w3c/wcag3/discussions/87

alastairc: so i'd encourage people to have another look through
… top-level comments can go on the github, document, etc
… then pick your favorite guideline/outcome, and think about how you'd structure that

<Zakim> Chuck, you wanted to emphasize the aspect of structure

<sarahhorton> The default requirements could be thought of as prerequisites, and not meeting any one those requirements a critical error

Chuck: in this conversation, we've been using Text Alternatives to show examples
… you don't have to use Text Alternatives as your lens; you can pick any other that's appealing to you

dj: Scribe change needed.

alastairc & Chuck: going to ad-hoc exercises now, agenda over

<Graham> bye everypne

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 221 (Fri Jul 21 14:01:30 2023 UTC).


Succeeded: s/sediment/sentiment

Succeeded: s/MaryJoMueller/maryjom

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No scribenick or scribe found. Guessed: dj

Maybe present: Chuck, MaryJoMueller, Rachael

All speakers: alastairc, Chuck, dan_bjorge, dj, Jennie_Delisi, kirkwood, ljoakley, maryjom, MaryJoMueller, Rachael, sarahhorton, wendyreid

Active on IRC: alastairc, ashleyfirth, Azlan, Chuck, dan_bjorge, Detlev, dj, Francis_Storr, giacomo-petri, Graham, JakeAbma, jeanne, Jennie_Delisi, JenStrickland, jtoles, julierawe, kevin, Kimberly, kirkwood, laura, ljoakley, maryjom, mike_beganyi, Nayan, Rachael, sarahhorton, scotto, shadi, tburtin, TheoHale, ToddL, wendyreid