22 May 2024


Cristiano_Aguzzi, Daniel_Peintner, David_Ezell, Ege_Korkan, Jan_Romann, Kaz_Ashimura, Kunihiko_Toumura, Luca_Barbato, Mahda_Noura, Michael_Koster, Michael_McCool, Tim_Panton
Sebastian_Kaebisch, Tomoaki_Mizushima
Koster, McCool
kaz, luca_barbato

Meeting minutes

New members

McCool: We have a new member, Tim can you present yourself?

Tim: I participated to the WebRTC group, I'm looking forward to learn and then contribute

McCool: Do you have been involved to the local p2p proposals?

Tim: I just started reading it

Kaz: We already discussed in the profile call, regarding contributing a UC for the streaming + wot

Luca: getting more and more interest in multimedia use cases
… should we create another nw TF? any specific procedure?

McCool: We first need to look into the UC. Bootstrapping a new task force would require changes in the charter document

Invited Experts

<mm8> proposal: Accept Michael Koster as an Invited Expert for the WoT IG.

McCool: Does it need to fill a form?

RESOLUTION: Accept Michael Koster as an Invited Expert for the WoT IG.

Kaz: He has already submitted one, and it can be accepted quickly

McCool: Regarding the other two, the invited expert policy require the expert to be actively involved to producing the standard

McCool: Did you reach out them already Kaz?

Kaz: I will contact two candidates


<kaz> May-15

McCool: The general policy is to review them ahead of time, but today we can review it now.

<goes over the minutes>

McCool: Any other comments?

McCool: Objections to publish?


Quick Items

McCool: We are now officially started, the IG Call-for-Participation email got sent


McCool: Ege did you start writing a policy proposal in this regard?

Ege: I'll prepare it later

Ege: I prepared some PRs for Architecture, TD,
… and Discovery

<Ege> w3c/wot-thing-description#2023 w3c/wot-architecture#946 w3c/wot-discovery#547

McCool: When you are ready we'll review all


McCool: Anybody has notices about anything?


McCool: The CG group has an upcoming meeting

McCool: Sadly it overlaps with other meetings so I cannot make to it

Ege: We can talk but there always conflicts in the schedule

Ege: The meetup we had on Solid and we discovered that one of the luggage control has WoT in production

<Ege> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x6vnqo4j1tA

McCool: It would be helpful to have more information on adoption

Ege: It is sort of tricky to list them since it would be promoting companies, we need agreement within the group

Ege: The people from the Solid CG asked interesting questions during the meeting

Ege: They also use Discovery and they have bluetooth binding

McCool: also Home Assistant has something to wire bt over wifi

Luca: Marketing-wise we need a public list of adopters to convince more people

McCool: Let's discuss it in the Marketing TF

Tim: For the WebRTC we did a marketing thing and we got companies to write testimonials
… and that was done by the W3C.

McCool: We did something similar

McCool: We need a mechanism to keep track of the adopters, but that's a Marketing TF task

Kaz: In addition to Marketing purposes we would also contact the adopters for more UC. Also possible joint meeting and breakout during TPAC.


McCool: Any updates?

Kaz: Mizshima-san is not available today so no news

McCool: We should think of more F2F meetings in Asia


<kaz> Cancellations

McCool: We have few cancellations and we will have more on July

<more July cancellations added>

Publication Milestones

<kaz> schedule.md

McCool: No changes over the schedule, we should add intermediate goals

McCool: We should either restart Discovery or move its milestone


<kaz> Ege's call for review on May 8

<kaz> Basic resolution on May 15

McCool: Anything new regarding the binding template Note

Ege: We waited 2 weeks, now it is over
… only one feedback to fix a figure

<Ege> w3c/wot-binding-templates#367

Ege: we have a PR
… no other issue

McCool: We can confirm the publication including the PR or merge the PR and make a resolution

<mm8> proposal: To confirm TD TF Resolution https://www.w3.org/2024/05/02-wot-td-minutes.html#r01 publish and publish updated Binding Template WG Note.

McCool: Any objections?

<mm8> proposal: To confirm TD TF Resolution https://www.w3.org/2024/05/02-wot-td-minutes.html#r01 publish and publish updated Binding Template WG Note based on the current Editor's draft.

<mm8> proposal: To confirm TD TF Resolution https://www.w3.org/2024/05/02-wot-td-minutes.html#r01 to publish updated Binding Template WG Note based on the current Editor's draft.

McCool: Any objections?

<no objections>

RESOLUTION: To confirm TD TF Resolution https://www.w3.org/2024/05/02-wot-td-minutes.html#r01 to publish updated Binding Template WG Note based on the current Editor's draft.

TF Discussion

McCool: The Security activities can be offloaded to the other TF

McCool: Mahda, you were interested, but I guess you also have time constraints

Mahda: We can make a try to tackle the security concerns in the other TF

McCool: I'm ok with this plan

McCool: Regarding Discovery, we need to understand what we it is left to be done and get feedback from the larger ecosystem.

McCool: We should get more input

McCool: If pressing needs for discovery I can return as TF lead

McCool: At the very least Discovery should support TD 2.0 so once TD 2.0 is ready we need need to update

Kaz: Do we need to concentrate on getting a new TF leader for Discovery?

McCool: Yes, Security can be postponed further

Kaz: The most pressing task is surveying other standards' discovery practices?

McCool: Yes

Kaz: Do we want to wait another week?

JSON Schema

<kaz> Ege's input on strategy issue

McCool: Ege wrote our point in the issue

McCool: Do we have updates on it?

Ege: No. So would Kaz to talk within the Strategy Team about this.

McCool: We may have a possible breakout session at TPAC?

Ege: TPAC is too further in time

Ege: We do not have much to discuss and it is a W3C-wide issue

McCool: I meant making a meeting about schemas in general

Ege: Our issue with JSON Schema is that we rely on it for our Data Schema

McCool: So there are two issues, one is validation and one is JSON Schema standardization

Ege: Schema-validation is an easier issue, our linkml experiment is leading to produce multiple protocols for that

Luca: I'm against making normative any validation system

Luca: We cannot require implementation to use anything specific to do the validation

Kaz: You may want to give me an action item to discuss with the Strategy Team

McCool: If you can put it on the agenda would be great.

ACTION: kaz to talk with the Strategy Team about JSON Schema standardization

F2F updates

<kaz> F2F wiki

McCool: Sebastian is not available, so we cannot get updates

McCool: We may have additional event/days around the already set days for the F2F Meeting in November

Kaz: I'm ok with the basic plan, we can start to think about the organization timeline

Kaz: What we can do for the June F2F virtual meeting?

McCool: We might drop the June event

<mm8> proposal: drop the plans for the virtual June 2024 F2F.

Cristiano: Not a big objection, but we might wait for Sebastian

Luca: +1

McCool: More comments?

McCool: Please fill the table in the wiki

<kaz> participation table for Nov meeting

<kaz> [adjourned]

Summary of action items

  1. kaz to talk with the Strategy Team about JSON Schema standardization

Summary of resolutions

  1. Accept Michael Koster as an Invited Expert for the WoT IG.
  2. To confirm TD TF Resolution https://www.w3.org/2024/05/02-wot-td-minutes.html#r01 to publish updated Binding Template WG Note based on the current Editor's draft.
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 221 (Fri Jul 21 14:01:30 2023 UTC).