RQTF meeting

22 May 2024


janina, jasonjgw, John_Paton, scott_h
jasonjgw, scott_h

Meeting minutes

Collaboration Tools Accessibility User Requirements.

jason good progress with CTUAR

quesiton regarding file system heirarchy

CTAUR for wide review?

janina: proposed CFC today

have gone through documnet, also time with COGA

no speciifc issues identified

consistent help: scott answered, pointing to WCAG works

document is ready for wider review

also language: restructured some of the writing, a little less formal academic, but mainly editorial

RESOLUTION: RQTF requests that APA publish a snapshot updated working draft of CAUR based on the current editors draft https://w3c.github.io/ctaur/

CTAUR Messaging

janina: still have last CTAUR draft messaging

need to explain why we need to republish

should we remove scoping?

jason: anything out of scope shoudl be taken as for something elsewhere

scott: agree, most of work in past 18 months has been related to scope

janina: we ahe time to think about what feedback we need

janina: several questions we can ask, e.g. complexity management

Artificial intelligence, machine learning, and accessibility.

jason: complex topic, how will we confine the scope?

need to confine what we discuss

Scott: suggests we document how existing standards/guidance apply to AI; what guidance is already directly applicable?

scott: What role does AI have in addressing issues in real time, and what can be its contribution to evaluation and remediation tools in accessibility?

Scott: Example: its role in implementing WCAG success criteria; correcting accessibility issues. How effective is AI in supporting the remediation process? To what extent will it increase the coverage of WCAG success criteria achieved by autoamted testing tools?

Scott: there's a lack of guidance on sign language translation tools and their feasibility.

Scott: We need to recognize the opportunities and the potential, while documenting limitations of tools and solutions.

Scott: Example - the generation of textual descriptions of images that don't convey what is important to a reader with a disability.

Scott: What are the accessibility implications? How effective is it in addressing WCAG success criteria? What are the limitaitons?

jason: also the quesiton of macine learning models

jason: how do you make the output of machine learning models accessibel? ou make the

useful solution in prnciple. how effective in practice?

real-time intervention possible but costly

Scott: suggests there are 3-4 subtopics that we could develop as a Working Group Note.

Scott: from the recent conference - the potential of AI to enhance the accessibility of XR environments.

Scott: Notes there is other work of the Task Force that should be taken into consideration by AI software developers.

jason: good as a starting pont

very excited about this work

Immersive captions.

jajanina: drafting e-mail on process to move to Note status

discused with Kevin and Shawn

also question whether eveyrone in community needs to sign off on copyright

jason: will it still proceed?

janina: will handle mechanics

Miscellaneous updates and topics.

jason: publicity recently about EU regulation of AI and machine learning

may address some of Raja's issues regarding transperancy raised earlier

jason: on related matter, US access Board looked at disability and AI

janina: availability - unavailable week of Monday 10 June

Summary of resolutions

  1. RQTF requests that APA publish a snapshot updated working draft of CAUR based on the current editors draft https://w3c.github.io/ctaur/
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 221 (Fri Jul 21 14:01:30 2023 UTC).


No scribenick or scribe found. Guessed: scott_h

Maybe present: jajanina, jason, scott

All speakers: jajanina, janina, jason, scott

Active on IRC: janina, jasonjgw, JPaton, scott_h