I18N ⇔ CSS

21 May 2024


Addison, Atsushi, Bert, Elika, Florian, Fuqiao
Addison Phillips

Meeting minutes


Action Items

<addison> #68

<gb> Action 68 follow up with florian about testing with kindle (on aphillips) due 2024-01-25

<addison> #35

<gb> Action 35 make the edits of CSS #5478 (on fantasai) due 2023-08-30

<addison> w3c/csswg-drafts#5478

<gb> Issue 5478 [css-content] Quote character choice must depend on surrounding language, not language of the quotation (by r12a) [css-content-3] [Agenda+] [Closed Accepted by CSSWG Resolution] [i18n-needs-resolution] [Agenda+ i18n]

addison: I haven't pinged Florian about testing with Kindle, but we could have a side conversation later

florian: this is about the q element
… I think we had a good discussion about this last time
… realizing that it's tricky
… fantasai has made edits, we have looked at them, there are problems
… we need to investigate whether the alternative solution work or not
… and we haven't done that yet

florian: we need to either make a pull request of an alternative and ask review
… or make a conceptual explanation to the CSSWG and ask review
… without a pull request
… but we need to confirm the thing we together discussed last time actually works
… and not just in theory, but in practice implementable too

addison: OK, and is this reflected in 5478?

florian: there is no update to the spec yet, but there is a comment in the CSS issue

<addison> #16

<gb> Action 16 Keep track of line-breaking in Korean for i18n-discuss#11 (on aphillips) due 1 Jan 2024

<addison> #11

<gb> Action 11 Triage all css properties to determine which are logical, physical, or na by default (on frivoal) due 18 Jul 2023

florian: fantasai, do you think #11 is something we could do on Monday afternoon in the June meeting?

fantasai: maybe

Info Share and Progress Reports

florian: you probably have noticed, but we did published the Ruby Markup spec as a WD
… I'm working with the team to auto publish the WD sync from the ED
… that's mostly set up, but not quite
… given that Kindle is one of the impls, being able to confirm that it's true would be nice
… because without Kindle, we have one impl of the rb feature and tabular makrup and it's Firefox
… Kindle is the second one
… we might get others in the future, but as far as I know today, Kindle is the second one
… I want to run the tests and to write the test report and to say "look I have 17 tests and they pass in Firefox and it's a bit more of a hassle to make them pass and to make them run in Kindle, but when you do, they pass as well"

florian: I have a question related to ruby

<atsushi> discussion at ruby-t2s-req for Zaima

<gb> CLOSED Issue 41 Proposed Subsections for Zaima Annotation (by dyacob)

florian: does anyone here have a plan to review it in details with the intent to propose some amount of editorial changes and therefore I should wait for that?
… my expectation is that nobody here will find anything suprising

fantasai: did you issue all of the review requests?

florian: not yet, I was planning to get the automated publishing thing in place fully first and then do that

fantasai: I'm not sure there's a dependency in that direction, you can just file all the requests
… are we planning to do a leveling spec for this?

florian: I'm considering that it might be the best path forward, I wouldn't call it a plan yet

fantasai: OK
… does the shortname have a number in it?

Review on-going issues

florian: don't think so

<addison> w3c/i18n-activity#1768

<gb> Issue 1768 [css-text-4] move "balance | stable | pretty" out of text-wrap (by w3cbot) [close?] [tracker] [s:css-text] [i:line-breaking] [t:typ_misc] [Agenda+I18N+CSS] [wg:css]

<addison> w3c/csswg-drafts#9102

<gb> CLOSED Issue 9102 [css-text-4] move "balance | stable | pretty" out of text-wrap (by frivoal) [css-text-4] [Closed Accepted by CSSWG Resolution] [i18n-tracker] [Tested]

florian: specwise it's closed
… my understanding is that Google shipped something earlier and they haven't fixed since
… they initially pushed back against changing this and then we reached the compromise

fantasai: send an email directly to Chris Harrelson
… before it's a web compat problem

addison: OK

<addison> w3c/i18n-activity#530

<gb> Issue 530 Characters to skip for emphasis marks (text-emphasis) #839 (by r12a) [close?] [s:css-text-decor] [needs-attention] [i:text-decoration] [type-info-request] [spec-type-issue] [jlreq] [clreq] [klreq] [needs-resolution]

<gb> … [t:typ_text_decoration] [Agenda+I18N+CSS] [wg:css] [i:emphasis]

<addison> w3c/csswg-drafts#839

<gb> CLOSED Issue 839 [css-text-decor] Characters to skip for emphasis marks (text-emphasis) (by fantasai) [css-text-decor-3] [css-text-decor-4] [Closed Accepted by CSSWG Resolution] [i18n-needs-resolution] [i18n-jlreq] [i18n-clreq]

<addison> > This was discussed in this call and Florian drew an action to alert CSS to warichu. It's still unclear if there was follow up with Unicode. Shuffling labels to make it visible to I18N in January.

<addison> https://www.w3.org/2023/09/27-i18n-minutes.html

addison: follow up with Unicode and ask them to make a list of things that don't get emphasis skip?

florian: it's a classic problem where we have some very specific CSS feature about typographical things
… and one aspect of it ends up being a list of Unicode characters

ACTION: addison: ping unicode about emphasis skip property (see our #530)

<gb> Created action #99

florian: and it always feels wrong that we're the one maintaining this because it might break when Unicode updates

[Discuss the process of Unicode]


Summary of action items

  1. addison: ping unicode about emphasis skip property (see our #530)
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 221 (Fri Jul 21 14:01:30 2023 UTC).


No scribenick or scribe found. Guessed: xfq

Maybe present: fantasai

All speakers: addison, fantasai, florian

Active on IRC: addison, atsushi, xfq