ARIA Authoring Practices Task Force Weekly Teleconference

21 May 2024


arielagilmore, arigilmore, Curt, CurtBellew, Daniel, Daniel_Montalvo, howard-e, jugglinmike, Matt_King, siri

Meeting minutes

Setup and Review Agenda

Jem: Matt_King is out next week, should we cancel the meeting?

Matt_King: the day before is a holiday in the US

Jem: Hearing no objection, we will cancel the meeting for May 28

Jem: Next meeting: June 4

Publication planning

Matt_King: Shawn has agreed to do a publication on Thursday of this week

Matt_King: Can we have a branch ready on Thursday morning, howard-e?

howard-e: Yup

Matt_King: The relevant milestone is linked in the agenda: https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/milestone/31

Matt_King: w3c/aria-practices#2775 is ready to merge

Matt_King: tests seem to be taking much longer to run in GitHub Actions

howard-e: I noticed that as well

howard-e: At the time, there was a GitHub Status advisory regarding performance issues; maybe we were experiencing the the same problem

Matt_King: I observed it as recently as this morning, so maybe not.

Matt_King: the regression tests were especially slow

Matt_King: the skipTo changes are waiting on a review from myself and from Jemma w3c/aria-practices#2975

Jem: I will get to that today

Matt_King: I think that will be ready for this coming publication. I expect to perform these merges early tomorrow morning

Matt_King: I'm going to push out https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/pull/1611, so we won't worry about that today

Matt_King: It looks like Jon submitted a duplicative pull request. I'm confused about that, so I posted a question to learn more

Matt_King: it looks like the only thing in this milestone that we won't get in for the next deployment is Jon's work with the coverage and quality report

Update to AT Support tables

Matt_King: a brand new page: https://deploy-preview-318--aria-practices.netlify.app/aria/apg/about/at-support-tables/

Matt_King: Boaz drafted it

Matt_King: We need reviewers

Matt_King: we have two major sections: what are the meanings of the support levels, and recommendations to readers

[Matt_King reviews the content of the new page with the group]

Jem: Generally, there's a lot of negative phrasings, and that's giving me a little trouble in understanding

Jem: for example, "Not negatively affect the experience when the failure being accommodated is resolved."

Matt_King: Maybe it should be phrased in terms of "When the AT vendor fixes the behavior [...]"

Jem: Yes, I like that

Jem: Also, I don't know what "Unless otherwise noted, all testing is done using the default configuration of an assistive technology." means

Jem: Everyone can have a different default, right?

Matt_King: No, because the default is what the AT ships with

Jem: Could you say the "system default", then?

Matt_King: How about "the assistive technology vendor's default"?

Jem: That sounds better to me

<Jem> https://deploy-preview-318--aria-practices.netlify.app/aria/apg/about/at-support-tables/

dmontalvo: We say that we don't advise implementing patterns that don't have 100% "must have" support

dmontalvo: It seems like there are a lot of ATs at the moment which don't have 100%, but I can't recall if that includes "should have" assertions

dmontalvo: I'm not sure if we want to make this recommendation differently

<Jem> "When possible, test implementations of APG patterns with an assistive technology that provides 100% support for both must-have and should-have behaviors."

Matt_King: The only places where VoiceOver has had a problem with "must have" have been features which are specific nav key features that people can generally work around

Matt_King: e.g. "navigate backwards to a button" might only work under certain circumstances

Matt_King: I don't think that failures there will raise a lot of red flags in terms of keeping someone from using a given pattern

Matt_King: though it might impact how they design their application

Matt_King: In general, though, when it comes to "must have" behaviors, the screen readers are doing quite well

dmontalvo: I defer to your familiarity with the latest results; I'm just concerned that requiring 100% may be too high a standard and may mean we are advising against using many patterns

dmontalvo: How many patterns do we have now which don't reach 100% of "must have" passing?

Matt_King: Maybe I need to change how I worded this

Matt_King: It says, "where *feasible*, avoid implementing *features* of APG patterns [...]"

Matt_King: Maybe it should be something like "Avoid designing experiences that rely upon features which have not reached 100% of 'must have' assertions"

Jem: I think the first list item is very clear. Are the others really necessary?

Matt_King: The second item is really saying what less-than-100% doesn't mean

Matt_King: Maybe saying "every way of implementing" instead of "every variant"

Jem: That would be better

Jem: ...but it makes me wonder about the title of this section. "Design Around Critical Support Failures". What do you mean by "design around"?

Matt_King: I think I have a wording here

Matt_King: I'll paste it in the chat

<Matt_King> suggestion:

<Matt_King> Where feasible, avoid designing experiences that rely on features of APG patterns that have less than 100% support for must-have behaviors.

<Matt_King> If the must-have support level is less than 100% for the example implementation of a pattern, that does not mean all ways of implementing that pattern will present assistive technology users with critical problems.

Jem: I'm still wondering about "Design Around"

Matt_King: How about "Design to mitigate critical support failures" ?

Jem: That's much better to me

dmontalvo: Me too

CurtBellew: I hadn't thought about this. I usually say things like "work around"

Matt_King: Great! I've just now implemented all the suggestions from this call so far

Matt_King: I also wanted to discuss the links *to* these pages

Matt_King: Just under the heading "Assistive Technology Support", there is a new link labeled, "Learn how to interpret and use assistive technology support data"

Matt_King: I just put it in a paragraph under the heading. Is that positioning/styling okay? And is the wording of the link clear?

Jem: The wording is clear to me

Jem: Do we want to use a sub-heading for the link?

Matt_King: I don't think so, no

Jem: It looks good to me

Jem: Anyone else?

Matt_King: If it's fine the way it is, then lets not complicate things

howard-e: seems fine to me, too

Matt_King: I would like at least one (ideally two) people on this pull request to serve as reviewers

Matt_King: We'd like a review before I would merge, and I want to merge in the middle of the day tomorrow

Siri: I can take a look this evening

Matt_King: That would be awesome! Thank you, Siri

Jem: I can look, also

Matt_King: I'm super-excited to get this out

Matt_King: We can merge the support tables in ARIA-AT App, howard-e

Matt_King: I think it's fine to merge it as-is even right now. Then these previews will show the real support tables

Matt_King: This is so great; we're gonna get this launched

Quality report tracking of force-colors

Matt_King: We don't have Jon right now, so we can't really do this

Select-only combobox enter key behavior

Matt_King: We'll come back to this when we have more time

Mouse behavior differences between Select-only and editable combobox

github: w3c/aria-practices#2966

Matt_King: My intuition was the opposite of the intuition of the reporter

Matt_King: I assumed that it WOULD select it because it was selected by the keyboard

Matt_King: The last person I remember talking a lot about using both mouse and keyboard was our friend at Norton--his name escapes me, now

Matt_King: It was about how many people would arrow down with the combobox but then blur with the mouse

Matt_King: Personally, though, I don't know what's reasonable here

CurtBellew: Honestly, I would expect it to work the same way as if I was using the keyboard, arrowing down, and then tabbing out

CurtBellew: Why would clicking out be different from tabbing out?

Matt_King: Would you be willing to check how Chrome, Firefox, and Safari behave with a native HTML select?

CurtBellew: Sure! I'd like to know, anyway

Matt_King: Great. We can put this back on the agenda in a couple weeks (since we're not meeting next week). We can follow the browsers' lead if they're consistent. If they're NOT consistent, then we'll have to have more of a discussion

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 221 (Fri Jul 21 14:01:30 2023 UTC).


Succeeded: s/present+ arielagilmore/ /

Maybe present: dmontalvo, Jem

All speakers: CurtBellew, dmontalvo, howard-e, Jem, Matt_King, Siri

Active on IRC: arigilmore, CurtBellew, dmontalvo, howard-e, Jem, jugglinmike, Matt_King