16 May 2024


David Booth, Detlef Grittner, Erich Bremer, EricP, Gaurav Vaidya

Meeting minutes


eric: I was goign to work on use cases
… If the model allows you to infer someone's bday afterward, it will make it optional.
… If you want round trippability, you'll write something down for the null, and the advantage of writing json:null, you can recognize it always.
… Roundtrippability requires some recognizable value there.


dbooth: We cannot use something like json:null for the birthday use case, because if we say that sally has bday json:null and Bob has birthday json:null, then inference concludes that they have the same birthday.

eric: I'm okay with the bnode solution.

gaurav: Have we met the goal of making this reversible?

erich: Aside from nulls, the JSON DICOM could mimic JSON-LD, but now I don't think that can happen.
… With a blank node there, it blows up the JSON-LD representation.
… If we mimic DICOM XML, then it avoids the problem.

eric: For FHIR RDF roundtrippability, it depends on knowing the schema.

ACTION: Erich to post XML style option in the issue

HL7 Working group meeting

ACTION: Gaurav to make a slide on IRI stem progress

Slides from Jan meeting: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1grnUDYgp0QkBsgoNsvvt9v7OUhQ7yRh2OIl6ljbpsks/edit#slide=id.p

ACTION: DBooth to check status of PRs


Summary of action items

  1. Erich to post XML style option in the issue
  2. Gaurav to make a slide on IRI stem progress
  3. DBooth to check status of PRs
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 221 (Fri Jul 21 14:01:30 2023 UTC).


No scribenick or scribe found. Guessed: dbooth

Maybe present: dbooth, eric, erich, gaurav

All speakers: dbooth, eric, erich, gaurav

Active on IRC: dbooth