15:53:11 RRSAgent has joined #json-ld 15:53:15 logging to https://www.w3.org/2024/05/15-json-ld-irc 15:53:15 RRSAgent, make logs Public 15:53:16 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), gkellogg 15:53:19 meeting: JSON-LD CG 15:53:35 agenda: https://www.w3.org/events/meetings/398465c7-3787-40df-856a-434a438d9f05/20240515T120000/ 15:53:35 clear agenda 15:53:35 agenda+ Announcements and Introductions 15:53:35 agenda+ YAML-LD 15:53:35 agenda+ CBOR-LD 15:53:35 agenda+ JSON-LD Issue Discussion 15:53:37 agenda+ Open Discussion 15:53:40 agenda+ Next call 15:53:51 chair: gkellogg 15:53:54 present+ 15:53:59 scribe+ 15:56:10 anatoly-scherbakov has joined #json-ld 15:59:31 zakim, next agendum 15:59:32 agendum 1 -- Announcements and Introductions -- taken up [from agendabot] 16:00:02 present+ 16:00:04 present+ 16:00:40 present+ 16:01:00 zakim, pointer 16:01:00 I don't understand 'pointer', gkellogg 16:01:06 rrsagent, pointer 16:01:06 See https://www.w3.org/2024/05/15-json-ld-irc#T16-01-06 16:01:35 q+ 16:01:39 ack pchampin 16:02:03 pchampin: Not sure if we've made a decision for TPAC, but we need to do so. 16:02:09 present+ 16:02:21 present+ 16:02:23 ... I'd also like to report on the new GH Project. 16:02:47 q+ 16:02:53 ack bigbluehat 16:03:01 niklasl has joined #json-ld 16:03:43 present+ 16:03:44 bigbluehat: Can we take a call of people expecting to be at TPAC? 16:03:49 ... I'll be there in person. 16:03:58 gkellogg: I'll be at TPAC 16:04:06 pchampin: me too. 16:04:11 https://www.w3.org/events/tpac/2024/ 16:04:20 online, most probably 16:04:42 q+ 16:04:51 gkellogg: how much time do we need? 16:04:56 niklasl has joined #json-ld 16:05:04 Unsure if I can be there in person, hope to be able to attend online. 16:05:04 bigbluehat: Time will be relative to groups with other commitments. 16:05:15 23-27 September 2024, Anaheim, CA, USA 16:05:45 bigbluehat: Can't conflict with VC. 16:06:22 gkellogg: not RDF-star and convenient for WoT. 16:06:39 +1 to hafl-day meeting 16:06:42 ... suggest 1/2 day slot consistent with the other groups. 16:06:51 zakim, next item. 16:06:51 I see a speaker queue remaining and respectfully decline to close this agendum, gkellogg 16:06:54 q? 16:06:59 ack bigbluehat 16:07:01 q- 16:07:05 zakim, next item 16:07:05 agendum 2 -- YAML-LD -- taken up [from agendabot] 16:07:37 https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/1/TPAC2024 16:07:39 pchampin: bigbluehat will you respond to the link? 16:08:03 bigbluehat: Yes, I'll respond. 16:08:28 q+ 16:08:34 pchampin: VC asked for Thursday and Friday all day. RDF-star for Tuesday and Thursday mornings. 16:08:40 ack bigbluehat 16:09:16 s/Thursday and Friday all day/Thursday and Friday morning/ 16:09:52 gkellogg: we should ask for Thursday afternoon. 16:10:11 I'm in RDF-star and VC, so already double booked Thursday morning 16:11:02 bigbluehat: It's broken into two-hour chunks. We can ask for 2-6. 16:11:34 pchampin: There are other questions related to mask policies. 16:12:07 q+ 16:12:07 ... Do people feel strongly about masks? 16:12:12 ack bigbluehat 16:12:29 bigbluehat: It's really a survey question about making policy. 16:12:35 q? 16:13:13 anatoly-scherbakov: It's been a while since I've had a YAML-LD update. 16:13:33 ... We've removed the "extendedYAML" flag and now use "processingMode". 16:13:41 ... Also, JSON-LD 1.0 is not supported. 16:14:14 ... We've improved handling of script tags including "extractAllScripts", which also handles individual YAML documents within a YAML stream. 16:14:38 ... I've created testing issues for YAML-LD features such as flatten, and so forth. 16:14:54 ... I think most tests are for expansion and conversion to RDF. 16:14:57 q+ 16:15:13 ... My implementation is a work in progress. 16:15:39 ... There is a question about the return-type for YAML-LD functions; what should expand return. 16:16:22 ... It seems it should return a string serialization, but we have an agreement that this is not very practical. Returning a Dict is more practical. 16:16:56 ... We might file an issue against JSON-LD API to explicitly allow this. 16:17:09 ack gkellogg 16:19:15 gkellogg: Covering JSON-LD algorithms with tests specifically for YAML-LD might be repetitive, as JSON-LD already tests those. 16:19:16 q+ 16:19:20 +1 16:19:22 q+ 16:19:24 ack anatoly-scherbakov 16:19:37 anatoly-scherbakov: Agreed that we shouldn't duplicate all JSON-LD tests. 16:19:58 ... My implementation runs both, as YAML is a superset of JSON so I can run all the JSON tests, too. 16:20:33 ... But, there are some corner-cases which which aren't properly tested. 16:20:41 ... We should test such cases. 16:22:00 anatoly-scherbakov: Can we use a flag for returning internal representations vs strings to the API? 16:22:04 output format related issue: https://github.com/json-ld/yaml-ld/issues/143 16:22:05 https://github.com/json-ld/yaml-ld/issues/143 -> Issue 143 Should output type of `expand()` be `dict` or `str`? (by anatoly-scherbakov) 16:22:46 gkellogg: output values of JSON-LD, YAML-LD, CBOR-LD would then be identical. 16:22:50 q? 16:22:57 ack dlehn 16:23:23 dlehn: This would be the same for different formats, when there are differences in how you serialize. 16:24:01 ... In some cases, it's obvious, but if there are special YAML or CBOR serializations used, I'm not sure how that would be described. 16:26:10 q+ 16:26:31 dlehn: Do any of the API methods describe serialization? 16:26:55 q+ 16:27:09 ack anatoly-scherbakov 16:27:39 anatoly-scherbakov: I think having the behavior controlled by a flag would be confusing. 16:27:50 ... It's difficult to describe in a type system. 16:28:28 ... We might want separate functions for native vs serialized representations. 16:28:35 ack pchampin 16:28:52 https://www.w3.org/TR/json-ld11-api/#webidl-33206037 16:29:42 pchampin: I find this confusing, as when I look at the WebIDL, it describes that the result is serialized. 16:32:11 q+ 16:32:13 gkellogg: I think serialization is the ultimate step, which may be skipped. 16:32:16 ack dlehn 16:32:41 dlehn: Do we need to be explicit about that? 16:32:44 static Promise compact( ... ) 16:33:17 typedef record JsonLdRecord; 16:33:25 does not look like a serialized string to me! 16:34:04 What we add a new function to JSON-LD API? static UVString serialize(input: JsonLDRecord, format: UVString) 16:34:16 ... In our JS code, we have explicit format flags. 16:34:20 q+ 16:34:43 q+ 16:35:08 ...on par with JSonLdRecord parse(serialized_input: UVString, format: UVString) 16:35:46 q? 16:35:49 ack anatoly-scherbakov 16:36:22 anatoly-scherbakov: I agree with using format names when describing how to serialize, but I suggest two different functions, parse and serialize. 16:36:44 ... Thus, you expand a document and explicitly serialize. 16:37:04 ... This makes the API clear. 16:39:55 q+ 16:39:55 q? 16:39:58 ack pchampin 16:40:49 pchampin: I think there's some inconsistency in the JSON-LD API spec. The result is a Promise of a JsonLdRecord which is a map, not a string. 16:41:21 ... If anything, it should say to turn the internal representation into a JsonLdRecord. 16:41:32 +1 something is inconsistent (but the API IDL is informative...) 16:41:45 (non-normative) 16:41:50 ... Currently, the IR is mapped on JSON, so the serialization is standard JSON. 16:42:34 ... I'd be happy if the API says to return the IR. 16:43:02 ... The expectation is that if it's an HTTP interface, the result needs to be serialized. 16:43:34 ... We should try not to over-specify this. Its up to implementers to decide best encoding. 16:44:25 gkellogg: PR and/or issue against JSON-LD API welcome. 16:44:27 q? 16:44:31 ack anatoly-scherbakov 16:45:16 anatoly-scherbakov: I agree that specifying the details of serialization is out of scope, but I would propose that we describe serialization and deserialization functions. 16:45:47 ... I don't think we need to specify this in detail, just that they exist. 16:46:36 ... We're focusing on the YAML-LD basic profile, but we do have non-normative sections describing extended forms. 16:46:53 ... If we have a serialize function, we might add a note there. 16:47:29 I will look into preparing a PR for the spec, and see what everyone thinks. 16:47:30 zakim, open item 3 16:47:30 agendum 3 -- CBOR-LD -- taken up [from agendabot] 16:47:34 zakim, open item 4 16:47:34 agendum 4 -- JSON-LD Issue Discussion -- taken up [from agendabot] 16:48:16 https://github.com/orgs/w3c/projects/4 16:48:23 pchampin: I had an action for creating a new project that is automatically updated. 16:48:46 ... The original project is "old style", and the actions only work with "new style" projects. 16:48:52 https://github.com/orgs/w3c/projects/84 16:49:22 ... I suggest we close the old one and continue with the new one. 16:49:54 PROPOSAL: close the old project in favor of the new. 16:49:58 +1 16:49:58 +1 16:49:58 +1 16:49:58 +1 16:49:59 +1 16:49:59 +1 16:50:06 +1 16:50:08 RESOLVED: close the old project in favor of the new. 16:51:36 pchampin: Do we want to merge CG and WG issues together? 16:51:36 q+ 16:51:42 ack bigbluehat 16:52:11 pchampin: It should work with the json-ld organization 16:53:00 gkellogg: maybe we can apply some labels to the CG repositories. 16:53:16 q- 16:53:20 subtopic: website 16:53:38 dlehn: I haven't quite had time to finish, but the new site mostly works. 16:54:13 ... Depends on where we want to host it, and we have a lot of .htaccess files floating around. 16:54:29 q+ 16:54:31 ... We'll have to write some custom workers for things like content negotiation. 16:56:14 gkellogg: playground should used cached version of the schema.org context. 16:56:26 dlehn: Next steps are to include such features. 16:56:51 ... Not sure how to best update the playground, may be an NPM package. 16:57:01 q? 16:57:29 ack anatoly-scherbakov 16:57:43 anatoly-scherbakov Pointer to the repo? 16:58:15 https://github.com/json-ld/json-ld.org/pull/836 16:58:16 https://github.com/json-ld/json-ld.org/pull/836 -> Pull Request 836 Convert to Eleventy. (by davidlehn) [website] 16:59:03 gkellogg: next meeting in two weeks. 16:59:08 zakim, end meeting 16:59:08 As of this point the attendees have been gkellogg, TallTed, anatoly-scherbakov, pchampin, bigbluehat, dlehn, niklasl 16:59:10 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 16:59:11 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/05/15-json-ld-minutes.html Zakim 16:59:18 I am happy to have been of service, gkellogg; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 16:59:18 Zakim has left #json-ld 16:59:27 rrsagent, pointer 16:59:27 See https://www.w3.org/2024/05/15-json-ld-irc#T16-59-27 17:45:01 gkellogg has joined #json-ld 18:00:24 gkellogg has joined #json-ld 18:18:46 gkellogg has joined #json-ld 18:35:06 gkellogg has joined #json-ld 18:56:50 gkellogg has joined #json-ld 19:15:28 gkellogg has joined #json-ld 19:35:19 gkellogg has joined #json-ld 20:33:09 gkellogg has joined #json-ld 21:05:48 gkellogg has joined #json-ld 21:25:01 gkellogg has joined #json-ld 21:47:53 gkellogg has joined #json-ld 22:06:13 gkellogg has joined #json-ld 22:43:34 gkellogg has joined #json-ld 23:09:16 gkellogg has joined #json-ld 23:25:34 gkellogg has joined #json-ld 23:43:54 gkellogg has joined #json-ld