16:58:58 RRSAgent has joined #aria 16:59:03 logging to https://www.w3.org/2024/05/09-aria-irc 16:59:04 RRSAgent, make logs Public 16:59:05 Meeting: ARIA WG 16:59:06 agendabot, find agenda 16:59:06 jamesn, OK. This may take a minute... 16:59:07 agenda: https://www.w3.org/events/meetings/2b57854a-65cb-421e-b9e0-f9a8da31f160/20240509T130000/ 16:59:07 clear agenda 16:59:07 agenda+ -> New Issue Triage https://tinyurl.com/yw5jajwh 16:59:07 agenda+ -> New PR Triage https://tinyurl.com/ms24tc2t 16:59:09 agenda+ -> WPT Open PRs https://github.com/search?q=repo%3Aweb-platform-tests%2Fwpt+is%3Aopen+label%3Awai-aria%2Caccname&type=pullrequests 16:59:13 agenda+ -> Deep Dive planning https://bit.ly/aria-meaty-topic-candidates 16:59:15 agenda+ -> ARIA Monorepo https://github.com/w3c/aria/wiki/Monorepo-Project 16:59:18 agenda+ -> ARIA should clarify distinction between “contents exposed as descendant text nodes” vs “name from contents” (Was: listitem should include name from Contents or name prohibited) https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/2160 and -> td, th naming doesn't align with ARIA 16:59:22 … https://github.com/w3c/html-aam/issues/543 16:59:25 agenda+ -> Question: time can have a name from author? https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/2075 16:59:28 agenda+ -> Trim whitespace from computed accessible name/description https://github.com/w3c/accname/issues/95 16:59:31 agenda+ -> CORE-AAM has "user agents must not expose non-global, not support attributes on roles", but there is no related author error in ARIA? https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/2168 16:59:35 agenda+ -> prevent use of aria-hidden=true on document root elements https://github.com/w3c/aria/pull/1880 16:59:38 agenda+ -> Trim whitespace from computed accessible name/description https://github.com/w3c/accname/issues/95 17:00:21 spectranaut_ has joined #aria 17:00:29 katez has joined #aria 17:00:34 agenda? 17:00:35 present+ 17:00:42 present+ 17:01:06 giacomo-petri has joined #aria 17:01:06 Summer has joined #aria 17:01:37 aardrian has joined #aria 17:02:10 present+ 17:02:12 melsumner has joined #aria 17:02:19 present+ 17:02:21 present+ 17:02:26 ray-schwartz has joined #ARIA 17:02:26 present+ 17:02:28 present+ 17:02:43 present+ 17:03:29 present+ 17:03:45 scribe: spectranaut_ 17:03:49 zakim, next item 17:03:49 agendum 1 -- -> New Issue Triage https://tinyurl.com/yw5jajwh -- taken up [from agendabot] 17:04:47 https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/2178 17:05:24 sarah has joined #aria 17:05:49 spectranaut_: I'll take this 17:05:58 https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/2177 17:06:31 aardrian: related to the linked PR, we talked about it couple weeks ago 17:06:51 jamesn: agenda it 17:06:59 jamesn: might be strictly editorial, but agenda for now 17:07:09 https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/2176 17:07:22 jamesn: sounds like editorial 17:07:51 jamesn: but lets discuss it in a meeting anyway 17:07:59 https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/2175 17:08:29 jamesn: looks non controversial 17:08:34 giacomo-petri: I can do this 17:08:43 zakim, next item 17:08:43 agendum 2 -- -> New PR Triage https://tinyurl.com/ms24tc2t -- taken up [from agendabot] 17:08:51 fofila2 has joined #aria 17:08:55 fofila2 has left #aria 17:09:12 https://github.com/w3c/core-aam/pull/230 17:09:21 spectranaut_: I'll review 17:09:33 jamesn: and also we have james craigs, so that is good 17:09:36 zakim, next item 17:09:36 agendum 2 was just opened, spectranaut_ 17:09:47 zakim, close this item 17:09:47 agendum 2 closed 17:09:48 I see 9 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 17:09:48 3. -> WPT Open PRs https://github.com/search?q=repo%3Aweb-platform-tests%2Fwpt+is%3Aopen+label%3Awai-aria%2Caccname&type=pullrequests [from agendabot] 17:09:50 zakim, next item 17:09:50 agendum 3 -- -> WPT Open PRs https://github.com/search?q=repo%3Aweb-platform-tests%2Fwpt+is%3Aopen+label%3Awai-aria%2Caccname&type=pullrequests -- taken up [from agendabot] 17:10:07 https://bit.ly/wpt_a11y 17:10:44 zakim, close this item 17:10:44 agendum 3 closed 17:10:45 I see 8 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 17:10:45 4. -> Deep Dive planning https://bit.ly/aria-meaty-topic-candidates [from agendabot] 17:10:46 zakim, next item 17:10:47 agendum 4 -- -> Deep Dive planning https://bit.ly/aria-meaty-topic-candidates -- taken up [from agendabot] 17:11:24 jamesn: we have a deep dive planed for the 23rd of May on ARIA notify 17:11:34 jamesn: now shipped behind a flag in chromium in nightly 17:12:40 jamesn: does anyone want to schedule a deep dive for 16th? 17:12:49 jamesn: seems like there is a number of people out, lets skip next week 17:12:52 zakim, next item 17:12:52 agendum 5 -- -> ARIA Monorepo https://github.com/w3c/aria/wiki/Monorepo-Project -- taken up [from agendabot] 17:13:43 jamesn: this is for your information, we are planning on trying to move ARIA specs to a mono repo. we have a few folks working on that on the week of the 20th. 17:13:54 jamesn: you may notice a bunch of activity in the repos, do not be alarmed 17:14:51 spectranaut_: please weigh in if you have any concerns/ideas/preferences 17:15:21 spectranaut_: see the link in the wiki, feel free to edit with thoughts 17:15:23 zakim, next item 17:15:23 agendum 6 -- -> ARIA should clarify distinction between “contents exposed as descendant text nodes” vs “name from contents” (Was: listitem should include name from Contents 17:15:26 ... or name prohibited) https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/2160 and -> td, th naming doesn't align with ARIA -- taken up [from agendabot] 17:16:04 fofila has joined #aria 17:16:24 jamesn: (reads issue) 17:16:40 scotto has joined #aria 17:16:48 present+ 17:16:49 q? 17:17:41 should it be name from author anyway? shouldn't it just be name from content?? 17:17:56 q+ 17:17:58 scotto: the issue as I understand it is that listitem are only specified as getting name from author, so they wouldn't receive their name from content. I'm coming into this from the other end, which is why do we even let these things get name from author. so there is like one screen reader that allows teh name from author to get exposed and only if it is focused by tab key 17:18:08 scotto: similar to paragraph, which can't be name from author 17:18:39 scotto: we should clarify this, either list items get name from content, or, come to some decision of why list items are allowed to have name from author if it doesn't work anywhere 17:18:50 scotto: makes sense if there is a long list item, but if you want a short name for it 17:18:56 scotto: but if it doesn't work, what is the point 17:19:10 jamesn: I possibly have changed my opinion (from supporting it) 17:19:38 scotto: there was was a shift over time that I never really fully ack'd that in the ax tree, the text of the element is often promoted to it's accessible name 17:19:46 scotto: but that is just the CONTENT, it's not an accessible name 17:19:59 scotto: this always felt like... that makes sense to someone, but it never made sense to me 17:20:07 q? 17:20:11 scotto: these two things (name from content and content) seem a bit conflated 17:20:17 ack sarah 17:20:55 sarah: I was going to say that another use case (good or bad) , because we don't have interactive list role, people use list and list item, and in that scenario name from author gets important 17:21:11 jamesn: what I'm hearing from that, is that we can't use it because people are using it practice 17:21:22 scotto: just because people are using it doesn't mean it works 17:21:32 scotto: only a few instances did the name from author get read 17:21:42 Q+ 17:21:44 sarah: when the author name is used, there is secondary actions in there 17:22:06 jamesn: would secondary actions help? 17:22:17 sarah: I think more relevant would be interactive list? 17:22:32 jamesn: but once we have a secondary action.... we could do no? 17:22:41 sarah: no, we had a deep dive on this 17:22:47 sarah: we need a new role 17:22:47 ack aardrian 17:23:22 aardrian: sarah was outlining.. not a valid use of name from author, but maybe an invalid use of list roles. maybe there is a value in a single access grid like role. I'm on board conceptionally 17:23:38 jamesn: how do we move that forwar 17:23:58 jamesn: in order to resolve list items should be named 17:24:13 jamesn: do we need to do things before we prohibit name from author?? 17:24:17 jamesn: should this be deprecated 17:24:57 scotto: for what its worth, I think we should pause on this for right now, we need james to weigh in, and I'm hesitant to make any changes until we decide are we going to create a iterative list item 17:25:44 jamesn: lets pause on list item, and wait until james craig is back to discuss the larger issue 17:25:48 zakim, next item 17:25:48 agendum 7 -- -> Question: time can have a name from author? https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/2075 -- taken up [from agendabot] 17:26:16 jamesn: no idea why time can have a name from author, right scott? 17:26:18 scotto: yeah 17:26:29 jamesn: anyone know why we allow time to be named by author 17:26:37 scotto: I have no memory of discussing this 17:26:46 jamesn: anyone reject from removing name from author from time 17:26:50 To adjust how I was minuted above, "...single _axis_ grid like role. I'm on board..." 17:26:55 jamesn: we can put it in the obsolete list 17:27:08 +1 for obsolete list 17:27:42 jamesn: should we deprecate the role....? 17:27:49 jamesn: no just kidding 17:28:01 jamesn: does anyone want to do this 17:28:27 spectranaut_: does it have implementation follow up? 17:28:32 scotto: nope 17:28:38 scotto: only author 17:28:48 jamesn: so its a small issue 17:29:07 ray-schwartz: I'll take it! 17:29:35 Zakim, next item 17:29:35 agendum 8 -- -> Trim whitespace from computed accessible name/description https://github.com/w3c/accname/issues/95 -- taken up [from agendabot] 17:30:47 present+ Dniel 17:30:49 jamesn: does anyone know what the none breaking space thing is 17:31:11 mel: we did have some discussion, we decided ot use CSS spec author's white space definition 17:31:25 mel: I'm pretty sure we decided not to provide our own definition 17:31:41 jamesn: some places in the acc name spec we say that we trim whitespace, in this case we do not say it 17:32:31 jamesn: the specific issue is that when we look at the name and description computation, for example, when you have aria label -- you trim the white space when it is only white space 17:32:42 jamesn: after it's returned, do we trim the front and back or not? 17:32:50 mel: whats the impact of this on a user 17:33:08 jamesn: impact on the testing more than user? 17:33:40 spectranaut_: if all the browsers are triming it, and it doesn't cause problems, then we should spec it 17:33:48 q+ 17:33:51 jamesn: joanie thinks we should trim 17:34:06 jamesn: but she says at the end of the calculation we should trim it 17:34:19 ack scotto 17:34:39 scotto: I've seen this being important for users, keeping white space when trying to string together aria-labelledby strings 17:34:54 scotto: otherwise it will take the first and last words and make a garbage word 17:34:55 Q+ 17:35:20 scotto: if acc name or the aria spec should even call out, if you are stringing together multiple sources, put a space between them 17:35:57 isn't that what space separated provides? I think we can just make ACCNAME consistent. 17:36:08 jamesn: when you have multiple labelbys, the spec says you should add a space between them 17:36:18 scotto: how new is that? 17:37:20 jamesn: is there any use case where we want the spaces to remain? the final things returned by the accname calc, do you ever want spaces at the start or end of that 17:37:35 ack aardrian 17:37:52 aardrian: if you have a compound accessible name that is pulling in accessible names, then there might be a use case where you want there to be spaces between each of the entries of the compound accessible name 17:38:15 jamesn: I'm wonder if there is other places in the algorithm that take care of that 17:38:52 aardrian: at least in firefox, idk from chrome, if you have two label elements, they are concated with no space in between 17:39:16 jamesn: the last time we talked about, there were 9 open white space issues.. this will be the 10th 17:39:30 jamesn: maybe we need to work out all the ackname white spaces issues, and tackle them all together 17:39:38 That feels deep-divey? 17:39:44 melsumner: there hasn't been progress on this, i'll try to get it worked out in the next couple of weeks 17:40:35 jamesn: lets deep dive after that 17:40:40 Zakim, next item 17:40:40 agendum 9 -- -> CORE-AAM has "user agents must not expose non-global, not support attributes on roles", but there is no related author error in ARIA? 17:40:42 ... https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/2168 -- taken up [from agendabot] 17:42:13 spectranaut_: talks about the spec 17:42:22 spectranaut_: this makes non supported like prohibited 17:42:49 spectranaut_: from an author/validator point of view -- is there a reason they are treated different? 17:43:02 jamesn: stating this explictly seems fine 17:44:07 jamesn: I'm pretty sure validators produce an error for this? 17:44:11 spectranaut_: inconsistently 17:44:26 scotto: if I put aria-expanded on a paragraph, axe will throw an error 17:44:39 jamesn: pretty sure validators don't have an issue 17:44:48 jamesn: I think it's "editorial" because this implied 17:45:02 scotto: since we have validators throwing the error 17:45:06 jamesn: any one object ot this 17:45:26 eloisa: would this be considered a good first issue? 17:45:30 jamesn: yes! 17:45:53 eloisa: I'll take it 17:46:18 giacomo-petri: there is no rule for this right now, but I can bring it up at the next ACT meeting to make sure there is a rule for this 17:47:05 zakim, next item 17:47:05 agendum 10 -- -> prevent use of aria-hidden=true on document root elements https://github.com/w3c/aria/pull/1880 -- taken up [from agendabot] 17:47:34 scotto: this is ... yeah 17:47:45 jamesn: aaron has concerns and wants consensus 17:48:26 scotto: this issue about whether or not this role holds true for document or html element of an iframe 17:48:44 scotto: my point is that it should be forbidden there too 17:49:05 AzPrison has joined #aria 17:49:19 scotto: if someone is pulling in a document in an iframe, and aria-hidden is true, then the iframe will contain nothing but be exposed. if you wanted to expose the iframe --- putting hidden inside the iframe is not solving the problem 17:50:12 present+ 17:50:14 scotto: I won't say what the iframe should do 17:50:34 hey need help 17:51:39 Robert 17:52:42 jamesn: so how do we convince aaron? 17:52:49 scotto: I think I just need to remind him to look at the issue 17:53:03 cynthia: I'm happen to talk to aaron abou tit 17:53:34 "/me" robert 17:54:10 jamesn: people used to hide iframes all the time, in the bad old days, I don't think it's something we do before 17:54:17 melsumner has left #aria 17:54:45 Is this working can you see my messages? 17:55:55 jongund has joined #aria 17:56:28 zakim, next item 17:56:28 agendum 11 -- -> Trim whitespace from computed accessible name/description https://github.com/w3c/accname/issues/95 -- taken up [from agendabot] 17:57:10 zakim, close this item 17:57:10 agendum 11 closed 17:57:11 I see nothing remaining on the agenda 17:57:23 Zakim what the fuck 17:57:37 zakim, end meeting 17:57:37 As of this point the attendees have been StefanS, katez, aardrian, giacomo-petri, Rahim, jamesn, Summer, Matt_King, sarah, CurtBellew, Mario_B, HaTheo, CoryJoseph, Francis_Storr, 17:57:40 ... spectranaut_, melsumner, ray-schwartz, knights, scotto, Dniel 17:57:40 RRSAgent, please draft minutes v2 17:57:42 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/05/09-aria-minutes.html Zakim 17:57:49 I am happy to have been of service, spectranaut_; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 17:57:49 Zakim has left #aria 18:05:11 bkardell_ has joined #aria 18:14:10 AzPrison has left #aria 18:30:06 AzPrison has joined #aria 18:31:27 AzPrison has left #aria 18:54:08 jongund has joined #aria