WoT-WG - TD-TF - Slot 1

08 May 2024


Cristiano_Aguzzi, Daniel_Peintner, Ege_Korkan, Jan_Romann, Kaz_Ashimura, Kunihiko_Toumura, Luca_Barbato, Michael_Koster, Tomoaki_Mizushima
Ege, Koster

Meeting minutes


<kaz> May-2

Ege: We already had a look yesterday with kaz, we did some small fixes
… if somebody has further remarks
… we can approve the minutes.


Bindings note publication

<Ege> Issue 362 - New WG Note Publication

<Ege> PR 363 - Publication Preparation

Ege: I prepared a PR for it

<Ege> Preview/

Ege: I shuffled the sections to match the TD document and added a changelog to the document

Daniel: do we need to do the same for the protocol bindings as well?

Ege: They are not part of the NOTE

<Zakim> dape, you wanted to changes for each binding also?

Ege: we can decide if we want to take a snapshot of it and publish them as separate notes

Ege: there are still some discussions ongoing

Ege: once we have the registry ready we can publish them that way

Kaz: I agree with Ege and since you already sent the headsup in the main call we can publish quickly the core NOTE

Cristiano: I agree with the discussion so far
… do we want to directly go with the registry or do we want to make a NOTE with them before moving there?

Ege: Do you mean another publication?

Cristiano: I'd update the links once they are stable

Ege: we'd need to review the individual bindings, but I'd do that for the next one

Ege: for now we stick with the github.io links

Ege: any feedback on the current PR?


<PR merged>

Ege: We can send the email for the wider review

Kaz: Make sure do not need additional changes to the editor draft

Ege: for the next two weeks do not make changes to the core document since it will be in review

Kaz: Fixing typos is fine, though

Project Management

<kaz> WoT TD Project

Ege: I'm testing the github project we have
… my goal for today is to discuss how we want to handle issues that are trivial

Luca: Do you want to do a triage step as we did before?

Ege: I want to have them assigned to people

Luca: How many are we and how many issues for each person ?

Ege: it is not clear if the issues are all easy and simple to solve

Kaz: When categorize the issues, we can mark the easy issues, e.g., as "Editorial" (which already exists :) and those easy issues can be handled quickly.

Luca: Shall we pick the 10 editorial issues, split among us and see if we can fix them within the week?

Cristiano: I'm ok with splitting them among us

Luca: I'd assign the easy ones first and leave the ones that need discussion for later

Ege: Agreed

<kaz> Editorial Issues on wot-thing-description repo

<kaz> TD Issue 1824 - Make more explicit what to expect regarding Forms for the same affordance

<kaz> TD Issue 1957 - title reference is not correctly linked

<kaz> TD Issue 1674 - Mention that protocol bindings can also be defined in profiles

<The assigned issues are in the In Progress tab>

<kaz> WoT TD Project (see the "In Progress" column)


Ege: I propose to make a sub-TF, and meet 30 minutes before the TD call and then present the result in the TD call

Ege: Who is interested in this?

<cris> +1

Cristiano: I'd join

Kaz: Do you want me to join the call? Also do you want to take minutes?

Ege: I would not take minutes since it is a more practical/implementation activity

<luca_barbato> +1

<JKRhb> +1

Ege: I will send a calendar invite

Ege: We will start the week after the next

Ege: Do we have more business for today?

<none, call adjourned>

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 221 (Fri Jul 21 14:01:30 2023 UTC).