08 May 2024


mustaq, Patrick_H_Lauke, smaug
Patrick H. Lauke
Patrick H. Lauke, Patrick_H_Lauke

Meeting minutes

Last week's minutes https://www.w3.org/2024/04/24-pointerevents-minutes.html

Multi-pen support and persistent pointerId #353 w3c/pointerevents#353

Olli: I just commented on the pull request w3c/pointerevents#495

Patrick: we'll continue iterating on this, as it's not urgent/for v3

Mustaq: microsoft are landing WPTs / manual tests with deviceId

Olli: if they didn't catch this comment/issue in the PR, they'll need to tweak

ACTION: continue to iterate / check on WPTs that were filed

Meta-issue: update WPT to cover Pointer Events Level 3 #445 w3c/pointerevents#445

Patrick: does anybody need help? any blockers?

Olli: not had time recently

Mustaq: same

Olli: we should set aside a week/time to push on these

ACTION: olli/mustaq to coordinate solid time to collaborate and push on last remaining WPTs

Touch Events CG

More of a heads-up that the touch events CG, due to inactivity, is earmarked to be closed. do we want to continue, or gracefully close it? i mean even Apple etc have deemphasised TE and are all in on PE, so this is legacy

Olli: would be good to add a note at the top to say as much

Patrick: annoyingly, the only official published spec is the old v1, and no linking back to the community note https://www.w3.org/TR/touch-events/

Olli: links on the CG page are also not working/404

Patrick: I'll investigate if there's any kind of way of surfacing our community note a bit more even from the official TR (though doubt it) and to add a preamble to the CG version's intro to explain that while the note reflects reality more (as it documents things like azimuthAngle that were introduced by Apple later on), TE as a whole are considered legacy technology and that authors are encouraged to transition to PE instead

ACTION: Patrick to gracefully close Touch Events CG, update TE2 note

Summary of action items

  1. continue to iterate / check on WPTs that were filed
  2. olli/mustaq to coordinate solid time to collaborate and push on last remaining WPTs
  3. Patrick to gracefully close Touch Events CG, update TE2 note
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 221 (Fri Jul 21 14:01:30 2023 UTC).


Maybe present: Olli, Patrick

All speakers: Mustaq, Olli, Patrick

Active on IRC: Patrick_H_Lauke