WoT-WG - TD-TF - Slot 2

02 May 2024


Cristiano_Aguzzi, Daniel_Peintner, Ege_Korkan, Kaz_Ashimura, Kunihiko_Toumura, Luca_Barbato, Mahda_Noura, Michael_Koster, Tomoaki_Mizushima
Ege, Koster
dape, dape7, kaz

Meeting minutes


<kaz> agenda for today

Draft minutes review

<kaz> Apr-24

Ege: Any minutes updates ?
… none -> approved

<kaz> Apr-25

Ege: No request for changes
… approving minutes

Ege: Errata related


Ontology errata

<kaz> PR 2008 - Errata fixes

<kaz> PR 2009 - Ontology publication folder synchronization

Ege: 2 PRs
… both about ontology errata

Ege: There is a process for the errata
… there are issues labels and tracked by scripts
… script starts doing stuff .... since we are not using labels
… no difference between 1.0 and 1.1
… we might need to fork script and filter on TD version

Ege: or render everything ourselves

Daniel: Is there any downside when rendering ourselves ?

Ege: More work.. in case of multiple items

Cristiano: Wondering whether we can contribute back our updates
… fork might not be the right choice
… others would benefit

Ege: Good point
… seems to be on GitHub

Kaz: Mechanism is not a rule or policy
… rather best practices
… should use errata labels for errata issues only to avoid confusion

Ege: one aspect is the technical solution
… but everyone can add labels and we should be careful when using

Kaz: We should remind everyone of the errata "mechanism"

Ege: ok
… btw, I tend to prefer option 3 or 5 for the next step
… or option 1

Kaz: btw, do you mean "generating the HTML manually instead of the JS using the Errata label" by "create the rendered version ourselves"?

Ege: right

Kaz: ok
… btw, it would be clearer to put "Opt." to 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, given you mean those are different options

Ege: ok
… (and adds "Option" to each)

Ege's comment og PR 2008

[ PR 2008 itself has been merged ]

Ege: will create another issue for the next step

PR 2009

PR 2009 - Ontology publication folder synchronization

Ege: the link included in the Editor's draft doesn't work properly
… but it's wrong to put the link within a HTML because the Web browser assumes "text/html" as the media type

Kaz: could you clarify the point?

Ege: 2 separate URLs
… one for Download and another for Open

    "value": "Download",
    "href": "https://w3c.github.io/wot-resources/td/v1.1/ontology/jsonschema.ttl",
    "value": "Open",
    "href": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/w3c/wot-resources/main/td/v1.1/ontology/jsonschema.ttl"

Cristiano: maybe would be better to just have a link for "Download"
… not a strong opinion, though

Ege: will add some description about the content negotiation mechanism to the Editor's Draft too


PR 2010 - add binding appendix and fix respec erors


Kaz: ok with the PR itself. tx
… let's continue further updates

Ege: right

[ merged ]

Binding updates

WoT Binding Templates ED

Ege: would suggest we publish an updated Note for WoT Binding Templates

<Ege> proposal: Publish the current Binding Templates ED as a WG Note

Kaz: I'm OK with the publication itself, but we should explicitly describe our plan to include the content into the TD spec within the Status section (and possibly the diff section) of the Note.

<Ege> proposal: Publish the current Binding Templates ED as a WG Note with the following changes: Adjust the changelog, direct people to the TD in the status section

RESOLUTION: Publish the current Binding Templates ED as a WG Note with the following changes: Adjust the changelog, direct people to the TD in the status section

Project management

WoT TD Project

Ege: we've started to use the above Project (as a PoC)

Binding Templates

PR 354

<Ege> Delete context directory

<cris> +1 for mergining

Kaz: so we've changed the directory structure. right?

Ege: right

[ merged ]

PR 356

PR 356 - fix: move context tag from Sequence/Choice to NamedMember

Kaz: this is a bug fix. right?

Ege: correct

[ merged ]


Ege: we're done for today
… we'll continue to discuss registry, errata, etc.


Summary of resolutions

  1. Publish the current Binding Templates ED as a WG Note with the following changes: Adjust the changelog, direct people to the TD in the status section
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 221 (Fri Jul 21 14:01:30 2023 UTC).