15:57:25 RRSAgent has joined #pbgsc 15:57:29 logging to https://www.w3.org/2024/05/01-pbgsc-irc 15:57:29 RRSAgent, make logs Public 15:57:30 Meeting: Publishing Steering Committee 15:57:35 date: 2024-05-01 15:58:15 Bill_Kasdorf has joined #pbgsc 15:58:53 shiestyle has joined #pbgsc 15:59:05 present+ 15:59:11 AvneeshSingh has joined #pbgsc 15:59:14 present+ 15:59:51 liisamk has joined #pbgsc 16:00:08 present+ 16:00:11 present+ 16:01:05 present+ 16:01:05 present+ 16:01:12 present+ 16:01:19 chair: wendyreid 16:02:26 present+ 16:03:30 rickj has joined #pbgsc 16:03:33 present+ 16:04:23 scribe+ 16:04:53 Wendy: this is a follow-on from our previous meeting 16:04:56 regrets+ George 16:05:04 ... we wanted to continue that discussion 16:05:15 Leslie has joined #pbgsc 16:05:38 ... one of the biggest questions that was mid-discussion was how to bring the Pub Steering Committee and the IDPF Board together 16:05:46 Leslie has left #pbgsc 16:05:46 ... and pick co-chairs to lead this committee 16:06:04 Bill_Kasdorf has joined #pbgsc 16:06:08 q? 16:06:17 present+ 16:06:22 ... there was agreement to merge the bodies 16:06:26 Leslie has joined #pbgsc 16:06:29 q+ 16:06:31 ... what does that look like? 16:06:32 ack Ralph 16:06:34 scribe+ 16:06:56 q+ 16:06:56 q+ 16:07:04 Ralph: What does it mean to merge the bodies? The IDPF board has a few formal responsibilities, but what does it mean to merge? 16:07:20 ... reasonable to include the IDPF board members as part of the activity 16:07:26 ack AvneeshSingh 16:08:01 Avneesh: the SC is not a legal entity; last time we mentioned making the SC also the IDPF Board 16:08:08 ... that brings in a different mindset 16:08:27 ... if we expect the SC to also drive IDPF 16:08:32 ... this is an important question 16:08:55 ... if we provide the option for any SC member to also join the IDPF Board, that might be less scary 16:08:57 ack rickj 16:09:14 Rick: helpful to frame why we're at this question 16:09:20 ... the original intent was for IDPF to dissolve 16:09:34 ... that hasn't happened yet and may not happen for a while 16:09:48 ... the IDPF Board has to continue to exist in order for W3C to have a license for EPUB 16:10:10 ... for that to work, the IDPF Board has to have funding and has to meet once a year 16:10:25 ... but there's no incentive for anyone to be on the IDPF Board 16:10:30 q- 16:10:45 ... it would be ideal if there were a mechanism to continue to rejuvenate the IDPF Board 16:10:54 ack Ralph 16:15:02 https://idpf.org/about-us/leadership 16:15:32 Rick: see the ^^ published list of the IDPF Board members 16:16:14 Ralph: We welcome the members of the board to join us 16:16:53 ... we have a valuable thing, and we have to figure out what to do next 16:16:55 q+ 16:16:59 ack Leslie 16:17:28 Leslie: looking at what Rick just provided, which is a little out of date, I'm having trouble understanding what's being asked 16:17:43 ... look at the gap; who's on the Board and not participating in W3C 16:17:49 ... we need a new IDPF Board chair 16:17:59 ... that should be someone who is also on the SC 16:18:26 q? 16:18:29 ... do you want all the officers to be on the SC or does everyone on the list need to be on the SC? 16:18:38 ... what's the gap you're trying to close 16:18:49 Rick: I may be identifying a problem that's a couple of years out 16:19:04 ... but if we ignore it for 2 years it may bite us then; we'll have to deal with it eventually 16:19:24 Leslie: at a minimum we need a new Board chair 16:19:36 ... it makes sense for that person to be in both bodies 16:19:40 Rick: agree 16:20:02 Leslie: does it help if all the IDPF officers participate in the SC? That seems an easy change to make 16:20:33 ... we need to show there is activity on the standard, activity on maintenance and new development 16:20:51 ... we could also be proactive about community outreach; finding a home for that 16:21:18 Wendy: the IDPF Board needs a new chair 16:21:27 ... the Pub Steering Committee also needs a new chair 16:21:44 ... they don't need to be the same person; it's good to have co-chairs 16:22:08 ... it seems simple to declare that the IDPF Board chair should be a chair of the SC 16:22:47 ... it may be awkward to require someone to be an officer of IDPF to be invited to the SC 16:22:53 ... but we do need chairs 16:23:03 q+ 16:23:07 ack Bill_Kasdorf 16:23:36 Bill: there are legal and procedural issues that puzzle me 16:23:51 q+ 16:23:52 ... there are no members of IDPF anymore 16:24:06 Rick: the members of IDPF now are just the Board members 16:24:31 Bill: technically the SC is the Publishing Business Group steering committee 16:24:44 ... which technically means that an organization has to join the Business Group 16:24:48 q+ 16:25:06 +1 to Bill 16:25:06 ... the mission of the SC is to address the needs of the publishing community in W3C 16:25:08 ack liisamk 16:25:11 Ralph: +1 16:25:41 Liisa: if the SC is to address the needs of the publishing community in W3C we need to make it possible for any CG member to participate 16:25:57 ... has anyone talked with the members of the IDPF Board who haven't participated here? 16:26:21 Wendy: Yoshii-san is an active participant in the CG 16:26:32 s/CG/WG/ 16:26:43 ... but our SC meetings are not at a convenient time for him 16:27:10 Bill: I'd like my affiliation [on the IDPF Board list] corrected 16:27:58 ack AvneeshSingh 16:28:26 Ralph: if I'm provided a list of updates to the IDPF Board page, I'll get those made 16:28:57 Avneesh: the IDPF Board members here can take an action to take back to the Board to propose that its chair join the SC 16:29:09 ... it is easy to change the terms of the SC 16:29:26 ... once we have a common chair it's a second task to choose a co-chair 16:29:42 ... then figure out how to use the group and how to proceed from there 16:29:54 +1 to Avneesh 16:30:14 Wendy: the next topic we wanted to talk about is invigorating activity in W3C 16:30:30 ... we have not brought in the next generation of leaders 16:30:41 ... there are people scattered around in the CG, BG, and WG 16:30:58 ... we know that there is interest and desire to further work on specification, technology, guidance and best practice 16:31:10 ... George talks at great length about things like scholarly publishing 16:31:21 ... how do we get more people in to build the next generation of leaders? 16:31:42 ... so we're not faced with a crisis in 2 years when the current leaders have moved on to the next phase of their careers? 16:31:51 ... what is the feasibility of talking about this in Paris? 16:32:15 ... there's TPAC in September; the Publishing Maintenance WG has not yet decided how it might want to use that opportunity 16:32:28 ... an idea we have discussed is having an industry workshop at TPAC 16:32:51 ... to focus on topics such as "what's next for EPUB?", "what's next for digital publishing?", "what's the future of TTS?" 16:32:59 ... maybe a session on scholarly publishing 16:33:16 ... potentially creating new profiles for Pub Manifest 16:33:32 ... other topics that have been floating around but without much energy 16:33:33 q+ 16:33:35 q+ 16:33:36 ack AvneeshSingh 16:33:55 Avneesh: this is all coming from the developer point of view 16:34:05 ... it's good to have all this but at the same time we should think about outreach 16:34:14 ... IDPF used to do this a lot 16:34:21 ... we should think about addressing this when we meet 16:34:25 q+ 16:34:26 +1 16:34:28 ack Bill_Kasdorf 16:34:47 Bill: what Wendy said resonates with me; I keep bringing up Pub Manifest, locators, etc. 16:34:54 q+ 16:35:06 ... there are a lot of those kinds of things that are of importance to publishing but we haven't been able to attract the right people 16:35:27 ... some people may be interested in participating but can't get their organization to join W3C 16:35:59 ... they may wish their organization would join but their organization doesn't see it as a priority 16:36:10 ... I don't have a suggestion on how to do that 16:36:24 q+ 16:36:24 ack ivan 16:36:28 ... I've been working on some big publishers for years as a W3C Evangelist and getting nowhere 16:36:52 Ivan: I think TPAC allows us to invite people 16:37:37 ... I fully agree that having discussions such as scientific publishing just among ourselves is meaningless; we need to invite people who are in a position to represent the big players in the industry 16:37:52 ... influential people from the big publishers 16:37:59 ... as well as IEEE 16:38:07 ... we need names, contacts, who are ready to come 16:38:14 ... then we could have something potentially exciting 16:38:16 q+ 16:38:20 ack wendyreid 16:38:39 Wendy: Avneesh raised a good point; IDPF did promotion and outreach 16:38:43 q- 16:38:48 ... we've not done that as well at W3C 16:39:13 ... what did that look like at IDPF? What did you do? How could we recreate some of that? 16:39:18 q+ 16:39:22 ack Leslie 16:39:27 ... it's not that we don't want to do it, just that those of us working on standards don't know how 16:39:36 Leslie: we should consider going where the people already are 16:39:48 ... for trade and scientific that would probably be different places 16:39:54 ... also different places for US and UK 16:40:09 ... there could be an active working group for EPUB-related issues in BISG 16:40:23 ... that could be a forum for conversation and an on-ramp for new ideas to consider 16:40:41 ... and for people to step up to a higher level of membership if they are interested in standards 16:41:02 ... do people need to step up to membership if they are not working on standards but want to talk about ebooks? 16:41:07 q+ 16:41:13 ... we're having trouble finding people who want to go deep on standards 16:41:20 ... there may be two different groups of people 16:41:26 ... in the US that may be BISG 16:41:35 ack ivan 16:41:37 ... it would be good foundational work if we were to nurture those communities 16:41:53 ack Bill_Kasdorf 16:42:20 Bill: I agree with Leslie's approach but also want to remind folks that for some of these sectors it's not about EPUB and also not really about books 16:42:23 ... it's about platforms 16:42:37 ... the platforms live and breathe W3C technologies 16:42:50 ... BISG is a Book Industry Study Group; they don't talk about journals 16:43:06 ... the journal people aren't interested in EPUB but they _are_ interested in web technologies 16:43:27 ... IDPF was a trade book organization for many years 16:43:30 liisamk has joined #pbgsc 16:43:38 ... that's not what the Publishing Steering Committee should be 16:43:42 q+ 16:43:47 ... the PubSC should be about publishing technologies 16:44:02 ack liisamk 16:44:12 q+ 16:44:12 Liisa: there are places where all these people are mtting 16:44:24 ... there are other organizations to whom we could have outreach 16:44:36 s/mtting/meeting/ 16:44:36 ... what are their interests? what are their needs? 16:44:46 ... if I do a webinar for BISG 150 people show up 16:45:03 ... those aren't people who are always in their regular working groups but they show up for an interesting toppic 16:45:10 s/toppic/topic 16:45:12 ack ivan 16:45:27 q+ 16:45:33 Ivan: I remember when, 15 years ago, we began to bring IDPF and W3C together 16:45:47 ... at that time I tried to go to a lot of different events and talk about W3C and what W3C could do 16:45:59 ... including the French and British publishing organizations 16:46:12 ... it may be that we should do this again 16:46:39 ... that and holding an event at TPAC are not mutually exclusive 16:47:08 ... a yearly event such as what IDPF did is a significant amount of work 16:47:15 q+ 16:47:21 ... I don't think W3C has the resources to do that right now 16:47:53 q+ 16:47:59 ... maybe reaching out with another organization who does this 16:48:17 Bill: when IDPF was doing this, they hired a person to put together and run the conference; it was a paid role 16:48:18 ack wendyreid 16:48:36 Wendy: one of the challenges is that we are losing more publishing conferences than we're seeing new ones start 16:48:42 as someone who helped Bill with IDPF conferences, it only came about because of two things: 1) he hired someone to manage it, and 2)it was done alongside another publishing conference... and those are a dying breed 16:48:48 ... it used to be that there were many conferences each year 16:49:07 ... we're losing venues 16:49:22 ... it's worth reaching out to BISG and BIC 16:49:35 ... and other entities around the world to ask how we can work with them to liaise 16:49:49 ... they have working groups that do good work, not all related to W3C work 16:49:56 ... we should be talking with them more 16:50:05 ... webinars tend to be passive events 16:50:18 ... in our work we need collaborative effort 16:50:38 ... identify issues and discuss how to proceed; that doesn't happen in a webinar 16:50:47 ack liisamk 16:50:52 ... we need to find venues and methods to make things interactive 16:51:05 Liisa: +1 that we need to find ways to get that many people in a conversation 16:51:13 ... it will be outreach to a variety of organizations 16:51:31 ... two things IDPF did that were successful: we hired out the standards writing and hired out the conference building 16:51:49 ... so IDPF wasn't asking all of its members to do technical work and we were giving them a place to learn 16:52:04 ... but it was hard at the end; it was hard to get people to do those things and hard to fund them 16:52:14 ... we've gotten good over the last four years at working virtually 16:52:29 ... we could come up with a way to bring people together virtually 16:52:38 ack AvneeshSingh 16:52:43 ... one of the reasons a lot of conferences are going away is that people don't want to travel 16:52:50 Avneesh: all good ideas 16:53:11 ... let's use venues where a lot of us will already be together and discuss 16:53:26 q+ 16:53:33 ... it's good to use the W3C brand but when we communicate it would also be good to have a little distance from the W3C brand 16:53:51 ... when we collaborate with other organizations it can be co-branded 16:54:32 ack Leslie 16:54:38 ... as an example: a couple of months ago we had a joint meeting with BISG and afterward I received comments from people who were not aware of the work being done in the Community Group 16:54:56 Liisa: +1 to Liisa; the right place to do that is in the working groups of these other organizations 16:55:22 ... it can be workshops, 10 minutes showing W3C's roadmap for EPUB, 10 minutes talking about the topic of the moment; e.g. a11y updates 16:55:36 ... and 20 minutes of listening to them and hearing what their issues are 16:55:48 ... a listening tour to go out to each of those other organizations 16:55:55 ... listening to what their concerns are 16:56:07 q? 16:56:11 ... that could be an on-ramp to getting new ideas and potentially new people into our working groups 16:56:33 Wendy: we're running out of time in this meeting but we're hearing some good ideas 16:56:46 Rick: I've started the process in the IDPF Board to discuss our chair 16:56:59 q+ 16:57:05 ack wolfgang 16:57:07 Wendy: maybe Bill can talk with Brian/BISG 16:57:29 Wolfgang: perhaps we should focus on people working directly on technology issues rather than higher management 16:57:38 ... we are the people who work with the problems we want to discuss 16:57:48 q+ 16:57:48 ... maybe an on-line discussion group 16:57:52 I need to run- but we should keep this conversation going 16:57:58 ... even if they don't have affiliation with W3C 16:58:18 ... list a topic and invite people to the discussion 16:58:32 ... get to know them and hope to attract them to participate more 16:58:44 ack shiestyle 16:58:45 ... an open discussion without a restricted agenda 16:59:01 Shinya: similar comment to Wolfgang 16:59:12 ... publishers have not so many technology people 16:59:26 ... get people together for discussions about technology topics 16:59:29 unfortunately I have to leave to get on a customer call. Apologies. Looking forward to continuing this conversation and working together!! 16:59:36 ... I also want to invite management to join the discussion 17:00:03 ... business people should participate in the conference; there are too few technical people 17:00:15 Wendy: thank you all; we're at the top of the hour 17:00:25 ... we'll meet again next week at our usual time 17:00:28 [adjourned] 17:00:32 zakim, end meeting 17:00:32 As of this point the attendees have been wolfgang, AvneeshSingh, liisamk, shiestyle, Ralph, Bill_Kasdorf, wendyreid, ivan, rickj 17:00:34 RRSAgent, please draft minutes v2 17:00:35 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/05/01-pbgsc-minutes.html Zakim 17:00:42 I am happy to have been of service, Ralph; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 17:00:42 Zakim has left #pbgsc 17:01:24 present+ Leslie_Hulse 17:02:13 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/05/01-pbgsc-minutes.html Ralph 17:05:31 i|Wendy: this is a follow-on|-> https://www.w3.org/2024/04/19-pbgsc-minutes.html previous meeting 19-April 17:05:35 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/05/01-pbgsc-minutes.html Ralph 17:06:11 rrsagent, bye 17:06:11 I see no action items