WoT-WG - TD-TF - Slot 2

25 April 2024


Ege_Korkan, Jan_Romann, Kaz_Ashimura, Kunihiko_Toumura, Mahda_Noura, Michael_Koster, Tomoaki_Mizushima
Ege, kaz

Meeting minutes


<kaz> agenda for today

Koster: there are some priorities
… like refactoring

<kaz> [ Refactoring (Binding to TD), Small PRs, if time left: Resource Management and Registry Requirements ]


<kaz> Apr-18

Koster: if you see something, shout out

Koster: any comments on the minutes?

Koster: minutes are approved


Koster: So you have a PR on it right?

Ege: yes we have PR 2000 that makes the move
… also a small PR on binding templates

PR 360 in Bindings

<kaz> Binding PR 360 - Header Alignment

<kaz> diff

Ege: I had to clean up some headers. I think we should be careful with simple HTML formatting stuff

Koster: ok I see

Kaz: Let's look at the diff version

Luca: changes are fine, please merge
… I think we will solve this issue when we adopt markdown and use bikeshed to turn things into html

Koster: so it won't be an issue going forward
… so let's quickly go over it
… ok so it looks good

Kaz: from respec point of view, it is not an issue
… from html point of view, it is good to change that. BTW, regarding the extra subsection title for introductory text, it was jus our chosen style was redundant.

Ege: it was rendering fine but it was wrong in the beginning

Koster: let's merge this PR

PR 2000 in TD

<kaz> TD PR 2000 - Binding mechanism refactoring

<kaz> diff

Koster: so all the headers got shifted
… otherwise nothing else has changed at this moment

Ege: I think I should have checked the references since now all references became informative
… I can change the references

Kaz: I am fine with the PR as is and we can do small changes after merging this
… since it is just the first PR

Ege: we can open issues now for the follow up points

Koster: merged

Issue 1987 for TD

<kaz> TD Issue 1987 - Moving Binding Mechanism Text to TD

Ege: maybe we can close this issue and then create another issue for follow-up
… btw, we need to discuss how to handle the appendix of the Binding Templates spec

Appendix B. Examples of Payloads and Data Schemas from IoT Platforms and Standards

Koster: let's see the appendix

Koster: so only the 3 example pairs are missing

Koster: should we create an issue

Ege: yes otherwise I will forget

TD Issue 2005 - Add Appendix B from the Binding Templates document to the merged TD document

Ege: let's see the project also

TD Project

Ege: Issue 2005 is listed on the "Categorized" column

Ege: then we can categorize and assign

Ege: after assigning the issue to me, we can move it to the "Assigned" column
… then the "In Progress" column

Ege: since I know that I can work on it

Koster: Ok we can move back to the other issues

Koster: then we can create new issue for the overlaps

<kaz> TD Issue 2006 - Fix overlaps between TD and Bindings content

Binding Core Document

<kaz> TD Issue 1987 - Moving Binding Mechanism Text to TD

Koster: We will create other documents for registry and policy

Ege: we can delete it or turn into a registry definition

Koster: yeah or the registry can be in the TD
… what are the tradeoffs between having the registry in the TD or binding template
… having it in the TD will make the TD longer

<kaz> FYI, Registry section of "TTML Media Type Definition and Profile Registry" Note

Luca: the TD document may end up being way too big
… on the other hand, the protocol binding and registry should be a small section
… if you want to write a binding, you have to be aware of TD
… so there is no separation of concerns

Kaz: I tend to agree with luca
… starting separately would be fine in the beginning
… separating them would be easier to manage
… we can change later as well

Luca: there is no real pros or cons, there will be an entry point
… it depends on how intense the whole section will be

<kaz> FYI (again), Registry section of "TTML Media Type Definition and Profile Registry" Note

<kaz> https://github.com/w3c/ttwg/discussions/241

Ege: there can be issues with having a coupling between td version and a binding
… it is easier to manage that if the registry is in a td document
… probably we need to agree on how the registry table looks like first

Kaz: basically, agree but we can make decision about "how to describe the registry mechanism" later, and we should clarify our requirements first
… for that purpose, we can take a look at the TTWG's work again.

Luca: if we have td 3.0, all the bindings will need to get updated
… so there needs to be a registry per td spec version

Ege: I think we can agree that the binding core document will be empty or non-existent if the binding registry lives in the TD spec

Koster: aob?

Koster: no call on wednesday, we meet next week thursday

<kaz> [adjourned]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 221 (Fri Jul 21 14:01:30 2023 UTC).