WoT Use Cases

24 April 2024


Ege_Korkan, Kaz_Ashimura, Luca_Barbato, Michael_Lagally, Michael_McCool, Tomoaki_Mizushima

Meeting minutes


Mizushima: May-1 call will be cancelled
… also I'm planning to take off around end of May

McCool: please add that to the main WoT wiki too

Mizushima: ok


Mizushima: updated proposed plan

Apr-24: Wrap-up "further discussion" on the Use Case Template
May-8: Initial discussion on Requirements Template
May-15 and May-22: Fix basic Functional Requirements Template
May-29 and June-12: Fix basic Technical Requirements Template

Mizushima: objections?

(none; approved)

Minutes review and discussion points


Mizushima: proposed use case template was accepted

proposed use case template

Mizushima: but there were several remaining questions
… Q1: How to let non-IG members submit their use cases?
… Q2: What to be described by the README?
… Q3: How to apply existing guidelines within the old template?

Mizushima: any objections?

(none; approved)

Wrap-up "further discussion" on the Use Case Template

How to let non-IG members submit their use cases?

Mizushima: Ege made an Issue about this

Issue 281 - Mention Possibility of External Submissions via Issues

Mizushima: so far UCs are submitted via PRs
… but we want to accept use cases from non-Members too
… would agree with Ege and propose we use GitHub Issues instead of PRs to submit use cases
… for example, the Strategy repository also uses the GitHub Issue mechanism to submit a proposa for Exploration, Incubation, Chartering, etc.
… so I've made similar configuration for wot-usecases repository (as a test case?)

wot-usecases Issues

Mizushima: to submit a use case, you can simply click "Get started" on the Issue page
… the use case template will be copied on the issue page after that
… then the Use Cases TF can review the submitted use case
… on the other hand, if there is any problem with the proposed issue, our comments will be put on the GitHub Issue
… what do you think?

Kaz: this is inline with what Ege mentioned during the previous call

Ege: nice to add a link to the example use cases

<Zakim> kaz, you wanted to react to kaz

Kaz: clarification question
… the content of the new Issue is identical to the new Use Case template. Right?

Mizushima: yes

Kaz: in that case, we add a link to the GitHub Issue content

Ege: btw, maybe we can remove the check boxes?

Kaz: I think we added check boxes so that submitters can check their progress

Ege: ah, right

Luca: let's see the "Preview" of the Issue to see if that's workable

<luca_barbato> https://docs.github.com/en/communities/using-templates-to-encourage-useful-issues-and-pull-requests/configuring-issue-templates-for-your-repository

Mizushima: if we add "x" to the checkbox "[ ]", it will be checked

Luca: can help Mizushima-san makes the GitHub Issue a right shape

<Ege> https://docs.github.com/en/communities/using-templates-to-encourage-useful-issues-and-pull-requests/syntax-for-issue-forms is also relevant

Luca: technically, we can use YAML instead of MD

<Ege> please see https://github.com/w3c/browser-specs/issues/new/choose

Kaz: yeah, technically, we can try YAML too
… but the question is whether we want to try YAML or not

Lagally: what is the merit of using YAML instead?

Luca: would be more flexible

Lagally: what would be the output of YAML in the end?

Luca: we can get a MD as a result

Ege: it will help if we can just look at an example :)

<Ege> https://github.com/w3c/browser-specs/issues/new/choose

<luca_barbato> https://github.com/w3c/browser-specs/issues/new?assignees=&labels=new+spec&projects=&template=suggest-spec.yml&title=Add+new+spec%3A+%3Ctitle%3E

Kaz: would suggest we once split the discussion into 2 pieces
… 1. using GitHub issues for use case submission
… 2. what mechanism to be used for that
… if everybody is ok with #1 above, let's record that and then continue the discussion about #2

Ege: agree

Mizushima: ok with that

<luca_barbato> +1

Mizushima: so let's use GitHub Issues to let people submit use cases

(no objections)

RESOLUTION: use GitHub Issues to let people including non-Members submit use cases

Mizushima: ok
… let's look into how to do that now

Kaz: maybe you can ask Luca to talk about that

Luca: Issue template?

Mizushima: yes

<luca_barbato> https://docs.github.com/en/communities/using-templates-to-encourage-useful-issues-and-pull-requests/configuring-issue-templates-for-your-repository

Luca: (shows the GitHub document about issue template above)
… (there is an example of Bug reports)
… we can make sure the submitters put all the information using YAML
… (also shows another example of w3c/browser-specs repo)

YAML configuration on the browser-specs repo

Luca: we can use checkboxes as well

Mizushima: tx!
… unfortunately, we're getting out of time
… let's continue the discussion next time

Kaz: would suggest you have some more chat with Luca before the next call too

Luca: fine by me
… please contact me

Mizushima: ok
… the meeting is adjourned now


Summary of resolutions

  1. use GitHub Issues to let people including non-Members submit use cases
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 221 (Fri Jul 21 14:01:30 2023 UTC).