24 April 2024


Daniel_Peintner, David_Ezell, Ege_Korkan, Kaz_Ashimura, Kunihiko_Toumura, Luca_Barbato, Mahda_Noura, Michael_Koster, Michael_Lagally, Michael_McCool, Tetsushi_Matsuda, Tomoaki_Mizushima
Koster, McCool
Ege, kaz

Meeting minutes


<kaz> Apr-17

McCool: anything to change?

McCool: minutes are approved

IG Charter

McCool: there were 19/20 approvals

<kaz> AC review results (Member-only)

Kaz: now we have 22 supports, 1 suggestion

Kaz: the suggestion we see is more something for WG, I will contact the person

McCool: It can be a use case

McCool: it is good that nobody objected it


Ege: WoT CG has two meetups planned in may. May 16th has public information available

May 16 call resources

Ege: Also, we have another one on the 7th of May which is about Semantic Digital Twins and will be presented by the University Politecnica Madrid. We will make the calendar information public as soon as possible since we are waiting for the talk description

Mizushima: no specific update on WoT-JP CG



Daniel: note tomorrow is a holiday in Italy

Lagally: regarding Profile, we'll have a call next Tuesday. right?

Luca: yes

Publication schedule


McCool: no changes

TF Discussion

McCool: some of the issues around Security to be handled by the Use Cases TF
… and also I need to step down as the TF lead for Security and Discovery
… would search for a new TF lead
… no pressing issues about Discovery
… though we might want to think about geolocation information
… regarding Security, need for a separate Security TF meeting is also a question

Kaz: maybe we can split the question into 2 pieces: 1. suspension of Discovery and Security, 2. Call for new TF lead

<mm> proposal: Suspend Discovery TF and Security TF for now.

RESOLUTION: Suspend Discovery TF and Security TF for now.

McCool: first part resolved

<mm> proposal: Seek a new TF lead for the Discovery TF immediately; however, the new TF lead will decide when it is appropriate to restart meetings.

Mahda: concerned about the low participation

McCool: we have a document of Security guidelines
… right way to do is selecting a new TF lead
… and then pick a better slot
… or think about combining the Security call with another call possibly

<mm> proposal: Seek a new TF lead for the Discovery TF immediately; however, the new TF lead will decide when it is appropriate to restart meetings.

RESOLUTION: Seek a new TF lead for the Discovery TF immediately; however, the new TF lead will decide when it is appropriate to restart meetings.

<mm> proposal: Seek a new TF lead for the Security TF immediately; however, the new TF lead will decide when it is appropriate to restart meetings.

RESOLUTION: Seek a new TF lead for the Security TF immediately; however, the new TF lead will decide when it is appropriate to restart meetings.

McCool: another resolution about call for new TF lead for Security and Discovery has been also made

JSON Schema

Ege's proposed text

McCool: once we get consensus on the text, we can send it to the Strategy Team

Kaz: we should quickly skim the text before making the resolution

McCool: ok

The WoT WG is a long-time user and supporter of the JSON Schema

This message has been conveyed in the past via a joint blog post at the
JSON Schema blog (see here), which was also reviewed by the W3C MarComm

The WoT WG supports the path JSON Schema Project has decided to take in
becoming a self-governed entity that maintains the JSON Schema

We prefer W3C to consider JSON Schema specifications to be normatively
referencable and integratable into W3C specifications.

McCool: one thing missing is mention of the other RDF-based validation tools

Ege: main reason if developer friendly ness
… technically, we can use SHACL, etc. also

McCool: maybe we can add one sentence or two about our need around point 2

Since WoT TDs are usually serialized into JSON-LD, we provide a JSON
Schema for validation of TDs. This is published together with the REC at https://www.w3.org/2022/wot/td-schema/v1.1.

This is also the core of the tooling used for generating the implementation report,
a crucial step in getting to REC stage.

Luca: most important point is we're handling dialect of JSON Schema
… generating TypeScript is one example
… we can generate different markups using LinkML, etc., too

<Egephone> +1 on what is the most important usage

Luca: by now, it was not completely clear
… we have to be very careful
… very easily to diverge
… we can rely on our JSON Schema ourselves

McCool: the question is we can make mistakes
… also possible compatibility issues
… do you think we need to fix the proposed position text itself?

McCool: (propose some improvement)

<mm> suggest the following text added to the first point under "Problems:" There is the potential to create an accidentally incompatible dialect.

Luca: sounds good

Ege: can better highlight the problems if needed

McCool: point 2 is already clear

Kaz: would suggest we explicitly mention our need for "firm basis for our standardization work"

McCool: (generates concrete sentence for that)

<mm> expanding to a full sentence, put it right after "explained below" - "The WoT WG needs a firm basis for our current and future standardization work." - boldface would be good, also.

David: we do have an example of how people approach the issue of JSON Schema
… approach the keywords
… kind of similar to what McCool mentioned
… avoid unexpected dialects

McCool: yeah
… "The WG had to manually copy over a subset of JSON Schema Draft 7" is the core problem

<Egephone> Open api 3.1 is more strict about the json schema but they did have a discrepancy before

McCool: the point is impact to implementations

Luca: our schema mechanism is strongly bound to some specific version of JSON Schema
… it is something requires more careful treatment

McCool: yeah
… we should consider extension wouldn't break the existing keywords

Luca: would have some addition to the proposed text
… we use JSON Schema as "nice to have"
… the first point is our pain point

The primary use of JSON Schema is modeling and description of the data
that an IoT device sends or receives.

TD document calls it a Data Schema (see this section). We have even published
a JSON Schema ontology at https://www.w3.org/2019/wot/json-schema#

McCool: we should not add too much detail to this position statement
… and think the current text is fine for that purpose
… but disagree we remove point 2 and 3

Kaz: that's OK and important
… but we should fix the style for point 1, 2 and 3?

Ege: can fix that

McCool: given the fix, can we accept the text itself?

<mm> proposal: Accept the proposed text at https://hackmd.io/@egekorkan/B1p3op5k0#Submission-text and authorize Ege Korkan to post it to the strategy issue related to JSON schema. Ege may make changes in line with the suggestions above.

RESOLUTION: Accept the proposed text at https://hackmd.io/@egekorkan/B1p3op5k0#Submission-text and authorize Ege Korkan to post it to the strategy issue related to JSON schema. Ege may make changes in line with the suggestions above.

Kaz: let's continue some more tidy-up work offline
... for example, we need to extract the "Submission text"

F2F planning

McCool: need to see people's availability
… maybe organize a doodle pol

Versioning policy

McCool: still draft. right?

Ege: yes
… would like to talk about that next time

TF reports

McCool: no time to talk about this
… but I've marked Security and Discovery as "suspended"


Summary of resolutions

  1. Suspend Discovery TF and Security TF for now.
  2. Seek a new TF lead for the Discovery TF immediately; however, the new TF lead will decide when it is appropriate to restart meetings.
  3. Seek a new TF lead for the Security TF immediately; however, the new TF lead will decide when it is appropriate to restart meetings.
  4. Accept the proposed text at https://hackmd.io/@egekorkan/B1p3op5k0#Submission-text and authorize Ege Korkan to post it to the strategy issue related to JSON schema. Ege may make changes in line with the suggestions above.
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 221 (Fri Jul 21 14:01:30 2023 UTC).