18:16:54 RRSAgent has joined #webauthn 18:16:59 logging to https://www.w3.org/2024/04/24-webauthn-irc 18:17:12 Zakim, this conference is WebAuthn WG weekly 18:17:12 got it, elundberg 18:17:21 Meeting: WebAuthn WG weekly 18:17:46 Chair: Tony Nadalin 18:17:54 Scribe: Emil Lundberg 18:18:27 present: EmilLundberg, TimCappalli, MatthewMiller, NickSteele, SimoneOnofri 18:19:07 elundberg: 15 minutes in, few people are showing up. Probably scheduling/communication issue. Let's cut the meeting short 18:19:13 TimCappalli, MatthewMiller: agree 18:19:39 elundberg: let's discuss PR #2045 and be done for today https://github.com/w3c/webauthn/issues/2045 18:23:23 elundberg: [hearing general consensus in support of this] 18:28:38 SimoneOnofri: update on charter: only one comment 18:29:35 ...will announce new charter next week 18:30:04 elundberg: we probably don't have quorum for any more topics today, adjourn 18:30:18 Zakim, list participants 18:30:18 As of this point the attendees have been EmilLundberg, TimCappalli, MatthewMiller, NickSteele, SimoneOnofri 18:30:22 RRSAgent, make logs public 18:30:27 RRSAgent, generate minutes 18:30:28 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/04/24-webauthn-minutes.html elundberg 18:30:38 Zakim, bye 18:30:38 leaving. As of this point the attendees have been EmilLundberg, TimCappalli, MatthewMiller, NickSteele, SimoneOnofri 18:30:38 Zakim has left #webauthn 18:30:42 RRSAgent, bye 18:30:42 I see no action items