12:01:31 RRSAgent has joined #wot 12:01:35 logging to https://www.w3.org/2024/04/17-wot-irc 12:01:40 meeting: WoT-WG/IG 12:02:31 present+ Kaz_Ashimura, Michael_McCool, Mahda_Noura, Michael_Koster, Kunihiko_Toumura 12:02:34 dape has joined #wot 12:02:57 Tomo has joined #wot 12:02:58 present+ Sebastian_Kaebisch 12:03:07 chair: McCool, Koster, Sebastian 12:03:10 ktoumura has joined #wot 12:03:16 present+ Daniel_Peintner 12:04:20 present+ Mahda_Noura 12:04:20 luca_barbato has joined #wot 12:04:44 present+ luca_barbato 12:04:52 sebastian has joined #wot 12:05:06 present+ Jan_Romann 12:05:22 rrsagent, draft minutes 12:05:23 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/04/17-wot-minutes.html JKRhb 12:05:42 rrsagent, make log public 12:05:57 scribe: dape 12:06:16 present+ Tomoaki_Mizushima 12:06:23 TOPIC: Minutes 12:06:24 rrsagent, make log public 12:06:32 rrsagent, draft minutes 12:06:33 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/04/17-wot-minutes.html kaz 12:06:39 MMC: Minutes approved in chairs call 12:06:44 -> April-03 -> https://www.w3.org/2024/04/03-wot-minutes.html 12:06:56 MMC: Any objections? 12:07:15 JR: change "sync" vs "async" actions 12:07:48 Kaz: fixed 12:08:05 MMC: No other changes -> minutes approved 12:08:13 TOPIC: Quick Items 12:08:19 SUBTOPIC: Proposed WoT IG charter under review 12:08:31 MMC: Charter still under review 12:08:53 -> https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/33280/wotig2024/results review results (Member-only) 12:09:11 Kaz: 15 positive answers and 3 abstains 12:10:06 MMC: May want to reach out to people that didn't respond yet 12:10:16 Kaz: Yes, we could send reminder 12:10:26 ... we need 5 more 12:10:53 SK: Should ping Oracle, MS, ... 12:11:03 MMC: Intel is also missing, will ping my AC rep 12:11:45 dezell has joined #wot 12:11:49 SUBTOPIC: Project Management Proposal 12:11:55 MMC: Older item.. 12:12:00 present+ David_Ezell 12:12:08 EK: Plan to present it in main call 12:12:32 Ege has joined #wot 12:12:40 MMC: Please do so now 12:12:51 EK: Figure with explanations 12:13:08 ... step 0 is most important .. we need issue 12:13:47 ... use-case needed also (if it is not coming from use case TF) 12:13:59 ... step 4 -> assign it to people 12:14:18 ... step 5 -> someone starts work and has priority 12:14:26 rrsagent, draft minutes 12:14:28 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/04/17-wot-minutes.html kaz 12:14:34 ... other steps are as usual ... work on solution 12:14:46 ... for categorization we want to use GitHub projects 12:15:04 EK: after step 5 is in agenda of meeting 12:15:21 MMC: I think we need a "rejected" box 12:15:26 EK: can do that after step 1 12:15:32 i|Older item|-> https://github.com/w3c/wot-thing-description/blob/main/proposals/project-management/project-management.md proposed project management policy 12:15:39 q+ 12:15:54 Kaz: I am okay with this proposal 12:16:05 ... anyhow, we can think about next steps 12:16:16 ... e.g., bringing proposal back to main call 12:16:33 ack k 12:16:38 MMC: helpful to clean-up categorization 12:16:49 ... e.g., labels w.r.t. security 12:17:05 ... align them across other task forces 12:17:18 MMC: I think we can start and test the process in TD taskforce 12:17:27 q+ 12:17:51 Kaz: I suggest to have a note about how to deal with other task forces 12:18:02 q? 12:18:40 q+ 12:18:44 EK: I am a bit confused 12:19:03 .. I think the proposal is ready and we should start the process 12:19:28 ... I already cleaned up some label w.r.t. colors etc 12:19:51 Kaz: IF we are okay as the whole group ... 12:20:05 .... that is fine.. but should be recorded as a RESOLUTION 12:20:29 ... should think about other task forces 12:21:17 EK: some more information: tables are ideas how GH project might work 12:21:33 mlagally has joined #wot 12:21:36 present+ Ege_Korkan 12:22:36 proposal: Accept process defined in https://github.com/w3c/wot-thing-description/blob/main/proposals/project-management/project-management.md#proposal-from-ege-korkan with the addition of an "Issue Rejected" arc from box 1; this will be initially tested in the TD TF only and if necessary refined. 12:22:41 q+ 12:23:34 DP: The fragment link should be changed 12:23:40 MMC: Yes, but after resolution 12:23:50 ack e 12:23:53 ack d 12:23:54 ack dape 12:24:05 Kaz: I am okay 12:24:11 ack kaz 12:24:14 resolution: Accept process defined in https://github.com/w3c/wot-thing-description/blob/main/proposals/project-management/project-management.md#proposal-from-ege-korkan with the addition of an "Issue Rejected" arc from box 1; this will be initially tested in the TD TF only and if necessary refined. 12:24:29 q? 12:24:46 q+ 12:24:51 EK: can become an official process later 12:24:55 MMC: Yes 12:25:13 SUBTOPIC: AC meeting 12:25:23 Kaz: Various discussions 12:25:32 ... some related to WoT and smart city 12:25:46 .... suggestions to improve W3C workflow 12:26:00 ... we can bring our results back to TAG 12:26:26 MMC: Process doesn't say anything about timing 12:26:45 Kaz: We can still wait a bit 12:27:08 s|TAG|TAG/AB, etc.| 12:27:10 gkellogg has joined #wot 12:27:37 q+ 12:27:41 ack k 12:27:53 s/.... sugg/... also sugg/ 12:27:54 MMC: Sidenote about new proposal that pops up 12:28:10 .. will create entry etc 12:28:27 LB: about external feedback 12:28:28 present+ Erich_Barnstedt 12:28:37 present+ Michael_Lagally 12:28:50 ... had discussion with XXXX framework ... 12:29:12 ... good for showcase on-boarding 12:29:23 q? 12:29:30 ack lu 12:29:31 ack l 12:29:45 MMC: on-boarding needs more understanding on our side 12:29:51 https://www.biscuitsec.org/ 12:30:02 s/XXXX /biscuitsec 12:30:14 q+ 12:30:22 s/biscuitsec/Biscuit 12:30:57 i/Sidenote/subtopic: P2P communication proposal/ 12:31:08 rrsagent, draft minutes 12:31:10 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/04/17-wot-minutes.html kaz 12:32:59 TOPIC: Notices 12:33:07 SUBTOPIC: Smart Cities IG Charter 12:33:08 -> https://w3c.github.io/smartcities-workshop/draft-charter Web-based Digital Twins Smart City IG Draft Charter 12:33:22 Kaz: Charter has been updated 12:33:28 ... and is under review 12:34:10 ... under wide review 12:34:13 MMC: timeline? 12:34:22 Kaz: wide review is 2 weeks 12:34:30 ... in May AC review will start 12:34:37 ... deadline might be in June 12:34:39 q+ 12:34:54 ack k 12:35:13 SUBTOPIC: Siemens Press release about converge DTDL with W3C Thing Description 12:35:19 -> https://press.siemens.com/global/en/pressrelease/siemens-and-microsoft-converge-digital-twin-definition-language-w3c-thing-description 12:35:27 MMC: press release came out 12:36:05 SK: Press release just reflects the work between Siemens and Microsoft 12:36:11 s/w3c-thing-description/w3c-thing-description Siemens Press release about converge DTDL with W3C Thing Description/ 12:36:13 q? 12:36:15 q+ 12:36:22 ... MS relies on DTDL 12:36:31 ... Siemens relies on TD 12:36:47 ... we have joint costumers 12:37:20 ... we worked on comparison 12:37:39 ... outcome: there is no big difference 12:37:54 ... some terms might be different.. but meaning is the same 12:38:04 q? 12:38:09 q+ 12:38:19 ... a tool exists that converts TD to DTDL and viceversa 12:38:24 ... tools is open source 12:38:36 ... we work on the small differences to align 12:38:51 q+ 12:39:02 q? 12:39:22 ... e.g. the comment term 12:40:25 EB: we were not allowed to go public first... that might be the surprise 12:40:28 gkellogg has joined #wot 12:40:37 ... there were several paths discussed 12:40:57 MMC: I am all for it 12:41:09 q? 12:41:13 ... anyhow, need group resolution and plan 12:41:29 ack mm 12:41:43 EB: now we can talk more freely about it 12:41:48 q? 12:41:55 Kaz: I agree with Michael 12:42:17 ... I am also surprised 12:42:50 ... should have been discussed by W3C marcom team first 12:43:02 ... press release gives wrong impression 12:43:33 ... text might be surprising to PLH and Coralie as well 12:43:37 q 12:43:39 q+ 12:43:42 ack mjk 12:43:44 ack m 12:43:50 ack 12:43:53 s/ack// 12:43:55 ack k 12:44:00 MMC: Okay lets go through the process 12:44:07 +1 for kaz 12:44:37 EB: I am open to rejoining the WG 12:44:39 a/as well/as well. I think I need to let them know about this./ 12:45:09 SK: my proposal would be to give overview 12:45:20 q? 12:45:32 ... maybe in TD call or separate call 12:46:05 MMC: Next week is not good because of Hannover fair .. what about 2 weeks 12:46:20 EB: comparison is documented in details 12:46:24 ... can send link 12:47:05 s/ by W3C marcom team first/ by the Marketing TF first, and then discussed by the whole WoT groups to get a resolution./ 12:47:37 https://github.com/barnstee/WoDTT/blob/main/comparison.md 12:47:51 s/press release gives wrong impression/This press release might give people wrong impression that W3C is officially work with DTDL for a new framework./ 12:48:01 q? 12:48:01 EB: May 1st or 2nd? 12:48:04 q+ 12:48:21 EB: holiday in Germany ... 12:48:39 ML: I am thrilled by announcement 12:48:55 ... industry adoption is very important 12:49:17 ... maybe link to conversion tool might be good? 12:49:18 https://github.com/wot-oss/wot-dtdl-converter 12:49:49 ack mlagally 12:49:53 q+ 12:50:33 EB: no decisions have been made w.r.t. comparisons etc 12:51:25 Kaz: w.r.t. comparison: the whole WoT group might want to collect information about others like ECHONET etc also 12:51:42 ... a comparison page might be useful 12:51:53 ack kaz 12:52:12 MMC: Yes, we need a migration plan also 12:52:54 TOPIC: Meetups 12:53:00 SUBTOPIC: WoT CG 12:53:10 MMC: Meetup 16th of May about W3C Solid (https://solidproject.org/ 12:53:19 SUBTOPIC: WoT JP CG 12:53:27 MMC: doing event planning 12:53:37 TOPIC: Meeting Schedule Changes 12:53:45 SUBTOPIC: Cancellations 12:54:00 MMC: Decided not to call Hannover fair week 12:54:33 ... golden week in May 12:54:38 ... in Japan 12:54:41 q+ 12:55:02 q+ 12:55:11 MMC: suggest to move Comparison call on May 8 12:55:22 ... TD call is cancelled today 12:55:32 .... tomorrow there will be a TD call 12:55:32 q+ 12:55:43 MMC: May 1 is cancelled 12:55:52 .... unavailable that week 12:56:12 ML: When is next main call about Press release and DTDL 12:56:21 MMC: May 8 12:56:25 ack mlagally 12:56:53 ack k 12:57:29 rrsagent, draft minutes 12:57:30 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/04/17-wot-minutes.html kaz 12:57:48 Kaz: Please update Scripting cancellations 12:57:51 DP: Will do 12:58:09 TOPIC: JSON Schema 12:58:22 EK: JSON schema becoming standard? 12:58:29 ... I support it 12:58:47 gkellogg has joined #wot 12:58:50 ... we need group resolution 12:59:25 q+ 12:59:51 EK: will work on text to share 13:00:17 (then group review and group resolution) 13:00:23 ack e 13:00:24 MMC: Can take a look as a group 13:00:33 ack k 13:00:43 TOPIC: F2F planning 13:00:53 MMC: June is bad 13:01:22 ... European championship event 13:01:39 ... Siemens suggest to defer to November 13:02:02 Kaz: TPAC is in US this year 13:02:17 MMC: Virtual F2F in June? 13:02:39 ... face-to-face in Munich for some people 13:02:55 q+ 13:03:00 ... TPAC is in September 13:03:08 i|Vir|-> https://www.w3.org/events/tpac/2024/tpac-2024-hybrid-meeting/ TPAC 2024 info| 13:03:18 q+ 13:03:40 SK: planned for end of November ... not so close to TPAC 13:03:57 ... industry event in Berlin 13:04:22 ML: Sounds we should create doodle poll 13:04:25 MMC: +1 13:04:45 q? 13:04:49 ack ml 13:04:50 TOPIC: TD Discussion 13:04:59 s/TD Discussion/TF Discussion 13:05:16 ack k 13:05:32 MMC: not able to continue as TF lead 13:07:16 [adjourned] 13:07:19 rrsagent, draft minutes 13:07:21 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/04/17-wot-minutes.html kaz 13:17:44 gkellogg has joined #wot 13:35:04 gkellogg has joined #wot 13:46:06 JKRhb has joined #wot 13:51:46 gkellogg has joined #wot 14:02:50 TallTed has joined #wot 14:10:11 JKRhb has joined #wot 14:19:46 JKRhb has joined #wot 14:20:32 gkellogg has joined #wot 14:21:34 JKRhb has joined #wot 14:37:09 JKRhb has joined #wot 14:39:21 gkellogg has joined #wot 15:02:53 gkellogg has joined #wot 15:03:33 JKRhb has joined #wot 15:05:18 Zakim has left #wot 15:11:02 bigbluehat has joined #wot 15:21:50 gkellogg has joined #wot 15:24:37 JKRhb has joined #wot 15:28:32 JKRhb has joined #wot 16:00:02 gkellogg has joined #wot 16:00:24 gkellogg has joined #wot 17:30:32 gkellogg has joined #wot 17:47:50 gkellogg has joined #wot 18:14:19 gkellogg has joined #wot 18:31:20 gkellogg has joined #wot 18:51:13 gkellogg has joined #wot 19:08:48 gkellogg has joined #wot 19:26:15 gkellogg has joined #wot 19:49:51 gkellogg has joined #wot 20:02:01 JKRhb has joined #wot 20:05:44 JKRhb has joined #wot 20:32:45 gkellogg has joined #wot 20:50:19 gkellogg has joined #wot 21:14:21 gkellogg has joined #wot 21:30:47 gkellogg has joined #wot 21:52:13 gkellogg has joined #wot 22:04:34 gkellogg has joined #wot 22:25:59 gkellogg has joined #wot 22:43:00 JKRhb has joined #wot 22:52:45 gkellogg has joined #wot 23:11:59 gkellogg has joined #wot 23:29:40 gkellogg has joined #wot 23:39:47 gkellogg has joined #wot