14:06:31 RRSAgent has joined #rdf-star 14:06:36 logging to https://www.w3.org/2024/04/12-rdf-star-irc 14:06:41 Zakim has joined #rdf-star 14:07:03 TallTed has changed the topic to: RDF-star WG - Semantics Task Force - 2024-04-12 agenda: https://www.w3.org/events/meetings/6d0cd306-0be8-4267-865a-6272cc8d9da4/20240412T100000/ 14:07:41 meeting: RDF-star Semantics TF 14:07:43 agenda: https://www.w3.org/events/meetings/6d0cd306-0be8-4267-865a-6272cc8d9da4/20240412T100000/ 14:07:44 TallTed, sorry, I did not recognize any agenda in https://www.w3.org/events/meetings/6d0cd306-0be8-4267-865a-6272cc8d9da4/20240412T100000/ 14:07:45 scribe: ?scribe? 14:07:47 chair: ?chair? 14:07:49 present+ souri, gkellogg, niklasl, TallTed, tl, AndyS, enrico, fsasaki 14:07:51 topic: continuing discussion on how to constructively blend Amazon's concerns into the current structure of the RDF 1.2 proposal 14:09:19 subtopic: many-to-many vs many-to-one reifiers-to-triple_terms 14:11:47 RRSAgent, draft minutes 14:11:49 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/04/12-rdf-star-minutes.html TallTed 14:12:14 enrico has joined #rdf-star 14:12:18 present+ 14:12:19 previous meeting: https://www.w3.org/2024/04/11-rdf-star-minutes.html 14:12:19 next meeting: https://www.w3.org/2024/04/18-rdf-star-minutes.html 14:12:24 RRSAgent, draft minutes 14:12:26 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/04/12-rdf-star-minutes.html TallTed 14:12:34 RRSAgent, make logs public 14:13:07 Souri has joined #rdf-star 14:13:16 q+ 14:13:16 regrets+ ora 14:13:16 present+ 14:15:24 q+ 14:16:17 q+ 14:16:29 ack enrico 14:16:34 ack souri 14:18:48 enrico: a solution is to have general well-formedness for many-to-many, and then various best practices: for LPGs, annotations, provenance, n-ary relations, events and situations, etc 14:19:20 RRSAgent, draft minutes 14:19:21 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/04/12-rdf-star-minutes.html TallTed 14:19:42 souri: suggests an "LPG profile" 14:20:17 souri: (full) RDF 1.2 should be limited by LPG 14:20:27 scribe: AndyS 14:20:29 s/?scribe?/ad-hoc/ 14:20:29 scribe+ enrico, AndyS 14:20:35 q+ 14:20:50 RRSAgent, draft minutes 14:20:51 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/04/12-rdf-star-minutes.html TallTed 14:21:02 souri: not everyone is interested in that restriction. 14:21:13 ack pchampin 14:21:28 I understood that souri: (full) RDF 1.2 should NOT be limited by LPG 14:21:48 pchampin: about undirected edges and the need for many-to-many 14:21:51 s/scribe: ad-hoc// 14:21:51 RRSAgent, draft minutes 14:21:52 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/04/12-rdf-star-minutes.html TallTed 14:22:24 ... there are other ways to model this e.g. subproperty, symmetric properties 14:22:51 enrico: LPG undirected edges need many-to-many: << :w1 | :liz :married :richard >> :location :las-vegas . << :w1 | :richard :married :liz >> :date 1966 . 14:23:05 s/souri: (full) RDF 1.2 should be limited by LPG/souri: (full) RDF 1.2 should not be limited by LPG/ 14:23:18 q+ 14:24:22 RRSAgent, draft minutes 14:24:23 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/04/12-rdf-star-minutes.html TallTed 14:24:44 q? 14:24:57 ack fsasaki 14:24:58 ack fsasaki 14:25:26 s/?chair?/ad-hoc/ 14:25:34 fsasaki: best practice for LPG encoding to give best interoperability - not part of SemTF 14:25:35 q+ 14:25:50 ... maybe main meeting and with LPG people 14:26:43 niklasl? 14:28:12 niklasl: my angle is to understand the problem with many-to-many (M2M) from an LPG POV. 14:29:02 ... if an edge in LPG is an instance of a relationship, (unclear to me) - no notion of denotes. 14:29:56 ... are we going overboard here? Entailment forces M2M 14:32:07 ... does M2M to confuse more than it helps? I don't think so. 14:33:23 tl: sematics of multi-edge reification - is a foreach semantics or it applies to the collection. 14:34:22 q+ 14:34:57 q- 14:35:15 ack tl 14:35:43 Here is a source of confusion for me: I think rdf:reifies is multi-valued, but not set-valued. This is different than a named graph, which is an association of a resource with a set of triples. 14:36:22 RRSAgent, draft minutes 14:36:23 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/04/12-rdf-star-minutes.html TallTed 14:36:29 q+ 14:37:56 q+ 14:38:22 enrico: what is confusing here if others can use one reifier for multiple triples 14:38:44 ack pchampin 14:38:52 pchampin: I am neutral here. 14:39:44 ... I think that the confusing is how to explain (not the semantics) the rationale for the design - the intended meaning 14:39:52 q+ 14:40:12 ... e:g: rdf:subject is different to rdf:object 14:40:39 ... not clear we have the same understanding of rdf:refiies 14:41:40 s/refiies/reifies/ 14:41:45 ... "intended meaning" is not captured by formal semantics 14:42:17 ... rdf:reifies -- what is the "intended meaning"? 14:42:51 ... don't know what the graphic is for the multi-triple case. 14:43:31 pfps has joined #rdf-star 14:43:36 ack souri 14:43:44 q+ 14:43:44 present+ 14:43:54 present+ 14:44:28 souri: hard to cast LPG in RDF language 14:45:54 ... I'm asking about multi valued rdf:reifies - multi-valued or container valued? 14:46:01 q? 14:46:45 q+, to say that if there is no many-to-many reification then the many-to-many case looks exactly like the many-to-one case as far as users are concerned 14:47:49 s/container valued/container-valued/ 14:47:58 if a person has hobbies tennis,swimming and skiing, those are three distinct hobbies, but they are also all all sports related hobbies. the distinction between multi-value and set doesn't make much sense to me. it depends on teh contents 14:49:35 ask fsasaki 14:49:41 Citation from Rinke Hoeskstra, Elsevier, from LinkedIn: "Compatibility is essential, not just for querying across the graphs, but also for graph production pipelines where the wrangling of data happens in RDF and the serving happens in a PG projection. " 14:49:43 ack fsasaki 14:49:52 s/ask fsasaki// 14:51:51 ack enrico 14:52:19 enrico: the meaning of rdf:reifies will be in the best practices document. 14:53:00 ... let's wait for this document 14:53:17 q+ 14:53:31 ... several profiles for LPGs which will take sometime to develop 14:54:59 ack pfps 14:56:13 pfps: re: the neptune input. many-to-many looks like many-to-one - SPARQL Update is affected, nothing else. 14:56:15 q+ 14:56:33 ... not seeing users are hurt by M2M. 14:57:12 ack pchampin 14:57:17 or even affected by many-to-many 14:57:54 pchampin: M2M needs to represent the reification 15:00:46 ... "reificiation" is an abstract concept making it hard to understand and M2M adds to that 15:01:13 q? 15:01:23 scribe+ 15:01:51 AndyS: to pfps's remark that M2M looks like M2O, it is not as simple with SPARQL; 15:02:02 ... querying means closing the world. 15:02:13 q? 15:02:18 ack AndyS 15:02:20 ack AndyS 15:03:19 q+ 15:03:34 niklasl: I expect the interpretation of an edge in LDP to be the relationship. 15:03:40 niklasl: re: users of LPG -- the interpretation of the edge as nodes and edges. 15:03:47 scribe- 15:04:09 q+ 15:06:41 scribe+ 15:07:12 scribe- 15:07:13 ack Souri 15:07:40 Souri: is rdf:reifies multi-valued, or not. 15:07:43 q+ 15:07:59 ... Is is multi-valued or set-valued? 15:08:41 ... If you have the same reifier for multiple triples, we may want to add something that affects multiple triples. 15:09:12 ... Once you've done that, you can't say thing about an individual triple now; you'd need to create a new reifier to connect only to one triple to say things about that. 15:09:58 ... The ability to have multi-valued rdf:reifies gives the user to say things about multiple triple terms together with one annotation or set of annotations, while staying inside a single RDF named graph. 15:10:27 ... That ability is not there today; you can create multiple graphs, but they're in different scopes; you're not able to take sub-groups of triples and annotate them. 15:10:40 RRSAgent, draft minutes 15:10:41 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/04/12-rdf-star-minutes.html TallTed 15:10:52 ... The ability to allow multi-valued rdf:reifies provides for different modeling opportunities. 15:11:08 q? 15:11:12 ack pchampin 15:11:36 pchampin: Responding to Souri, your question about set- vs multi-valued is important. 15:11:38 i/regrets+ ora/present+ pchampin 15:11:49 ... My position is that the open world assumption, it's clearly multi-valued. 15:12:26 ... If the meaning is that it can reify multiple triples, then there could be other triples being reified I'm not aware of. 15:12:53 ... If it's a set of triples, the set cannot be known, because some rdf:reifies statements may exist that I'm not aware of. 15:13:01 q+ 15:13:05 ... A set is open ended (multi-valued). 15:13:17 ... That makes many-to-many confusing. 15:13:56 ... As for LPG edges, they don't have a formal definition so you can't talk about denotation. 15:14:28 ... That was my argument about not having a single predicate for expressing reification, and types could have some advantages. 15:14:44 ... That is what makes mapping fron RDF to LPG difficult. 15:14:53 +1 to that 15:14:55 q? 15:14:58 ... We should keep rdf:reifies high-level and under-specified. 15:14:59 ack tl 15:15:06 tl: +1 to that. 15:15:32 ... Does Souri mean forEach semantics for multi-valued? 15:16:08 Souri: If you say jon plays sport cricket and footbal, it can be multi-valued. 15:16:42 tl: By forEach, I mean if you can use it to say that an annotation applies to each such triple, or the set of those triples. 15:16:46 q+ 15:17:21 ... You might give a date and want it to apply to each edge individually. 15:17:42 ... There is a continuum between the two extremes. 15:18:23 ... In general, I think we can leave it open. If you come from LPG you probably think it's for each edge. 15:18:50 ... forEach was part of RDF in 1999, but didn't make it into 1.0. 15:19:00 ... That suggests it's not actually a problem. 15:19:03 RRSAgent, draft minutes 15:19:04 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/04/12-rdf-star-minutes.html TallTed 15:19:13 q? 15:19:20 ack Souri 15:19:46 Souri: We have things that are sets of triples, but not sets of triple terms. 15:20:08 ... The connection between a reifier connects to individual triple terms, not a set of triple terms. 15:20:22 s/jon plays sport cricket and footbal/jon playsSport cricket and jon playsSport football/ 15:20:27 ... A set of triples does not really exist. 15:20:52 ... We could have a set of triple terms sharing a single reifier. 15:22:02 ... Suppose I say that sports cannot be put in a set, you can't talk about cricket, soccer, etc. 15:22:15 ... But, in RDF, a set of triples is fundamental, as it defines a graph. 15:22:29 ... But, triple terms are different than triples. 15:22:57 ... If it's multi-valued, it cannot connect to a set of triples, which is what would be normal in RDF. 15:23:25 ... We need to show a need for both views. 15:23:33 q? 15:23:59 tl: The reason triple term is abstract, and occurrences are different topics. 15:24:32 Souri: In RDF we don't use a set of URIs. Can we talk about a set of URIs. 15:25:17 ... We can talk about how to express a Bag, but a Graph is a set of triples. We don't talk about a set of triple terms. 15:25:50 tl: We say John has several hobbies and we can talk about the set of those hobbies. 15:26:34 pchampin: gkellogg pointed out the Bag collection in RDF 1.0, as those have an open-world assumption. 15:26:40 q+ 15:27:10 ... The problem is, because of OWA, you can never know it's complete. That's why lists were created, as they're closed. 15:27:34 ... If a list has been tampered with, you can tell. 15:28:01 ... Seq was similar, but not closed. 15:28:38 ... Also, lists have an order; if I had to describe a set, I probably would use a list, but say that order was insignificant. 15:29:05 :graph :hasTriples (<< s p o >> <>). 15:29:20 q+ 15:29:27 :graph :hasTriples (<<( s p o )>> <<(s' p' o' )>>). 15:29:27 ack pchampin 15:29:32 +1 for that example 15:29:42 ack AndyS 15:30:01 AndyS: The other thing about lists is they have to be bnodes to preserve merging. 15:30:11 ack Souri 15:30:39 Souri: Remember we restrict RDF triple terms such that they can only be the object of rdf:reifies. 15:30:41 Containers have other issues: too many triples - or rather too obviously a triples structure. They are nice(ish) in RDF/XML. Turtle had list syntax from day one. 15:31:15 ... We would be going against that restriction if we introduce lists. 15:31:48 q? 15:32:07 q+ 15:32:12 ... If you could say rdf:reifies (<<|...|>>, <<|..|>>) we could use this for different modeling purposes. 15:32:24 pchampin: Maybe we should use a different predicate. 15:32:48 ack tl 15:33:15 tl: If we have :e1 reifies ..., we could be explicit about what annotations refer to. 15:33:37 RRSAgent, draft minutes 15:33:38 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/04/12-rdf-star-minutes.html TallTed 15:33:44 Souri: Maybe rdf:refiiesSet as a predicate. 15:34:26 zakim, end meeting 15:34:26 As of this point the attendees have been souri, gkellogg, niklasl, TallTed, tl, AndyS, enrico, fsasaki, pfps 15:34:28 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 15:34:30 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/04/12-rdf-star-minutes.html Zakim 15:34:36 I am happy to have been of service, gkellogg; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 15:34:36 Zakim has left #rdf-star 15:34:45 rrsagent, bye 15:34:45 I see no action items