XForms Group Weekly Teleconference

05 April 2024


Alain, Erik, Steven

Meeting minutes



Steven: It's not yet perfect, but you can search, and click through to minutes and so on. I'll keep updating it.

ACTION: Steven to restructure sections on controls


Steven: Continues

ACTION-2346: events crossing xforms boundaries [Erik]


Erik: Continues



Steven: [Talks through the proposal]

Alain: How about using a sequence for multiple keys
… although sometimes you need to ascend on some keys, and descend on others
… XQuery uses "ascending|descending" for "up|down"; we should normalise.

Erik: There is a problem with keys.
… multiple keys would have to work differently to how XPath does it.
… so having a sequence would not work
… you have reapply the function n times

Steven: Except when adding a new item, which would use log n applications

Erik: I don't think XPath supports multiple keys; xslt does
… (I think)
… they have a sort element

<ebruchez> https://www.w3.org/TR/xslt-30/#xsl-sort

Steven: So we still need to deal with multiple keys
… what do you think about the approach in general

Erik: Seems useful

Alain: Yeah

Steven: How about the idea of allowing the bind attributes on controls?

Erik: It makes sense.
… some difficult questions not yet resolved

Steven: I should try and dig out the previous discussions

Erik: Do they all work though?
… we have functions to access the model properties; if you have any on a control, it wouldn;t propogate back
… and @calculate?

Steven: It would be similar to @value that we have on a lot of controls.

Erik: We would need to go through all of them.

Steven: I think worth evaluating.

ACTION: Steven to evaluate effect of MIPs on controls

ACTION: Dig out previous discussions on MIPs on controls




Summary of action items

  1. Steven to evaluate effect of MIPs on controls
  2. Dig out previous discussions on MIPs on controls
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 221 (Fri Jul 21 14:01:30 2023 UTC).


Succeeded: s/yto/to/

Succeeded: s/]/

Succeeded: s/pot/ot/

Succeeded: s/Taks/Talks/

Succeeded: s/descend o /descend on /

No scribenick or scribe found. Guessed: Steven

All speakers: Alain, Erik, Steven

Active on IRC: ebruchez, Steven