19:02:13 RRSAgent has joined #aria-at 19:02:17 logging to https://www.w3.org/2024/03/21-aria-at-irc 19:02:23 rrsagent, make log public 19:02:35 Zakim, start the meeting 19:02:35 RRSAgent, make logs Public 19:02:36 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), jugglinmike 19:03:08 present+ jugglinmike 19:03:14 present+ howard-e 19:03:19 present+ James_Scholes 19:03:34 present+ Alyssa_Gourley 19:03:57 present+ Matt_King 19:03:59 howard-e has joined #aria-at 19:04:10 present+ 19:04:21 scribe+ jugglinmike 19:04:56 meeting: ARIA and Assistive Technologies Community Group Weekly Teleconference 19:05:31 Topic: Review agenda and next meeting dates 19:06:33 Matt_King: Next meeting: Wednesday March 27 19:06:41 Matt_King: Requests for changes to agenda? 19:06:49 Matt_King: hearing none, we'll move forward as planned 19:06:59 Topic: Upcoming app fix patch 19:07:19 Matt_King: I've asked the Bocoup team to prioritize two bugs to fix with rapid patches 19:07:53 Matt_King: Issue 973: Candidate review start date is errantly reset when a test plan advances to candidate 19:08:12 Matt_King: Issue 799: Cannot view reports for draft test plans 19:08:51 howard-e: We have patches for both of these and they will be available for review on the "staging" server after the call 19:09:10 Matt_King: I'll try to review before Monday, so that hopefully we can merge and deploy on Monday 19:09:19 Topic: Toggle button test plan next step 19:09:29 Matt_King: We're waiting on some work from a few people, including Hadi and myself 19:09:37 Matt_King: I hope to get to my part this weekend 19:10:05 Matt_King: James_Scholes would you like to run this as Hadi or wait for Hadi's return 19:10:26 James_Scholes: Isa is out of the office this week, but we expect her to return some time next week 19:10:49 James_Scholes: If she returns before Hadi is able to share results, then we can ask Isa 19:11:14 Alyssa_Gourley: I'm also available to complete Hadi's work if necessary 19:11:38 Matt_King: I'm not sure if we can re-assign it to you, but we can look into it if necessary 19:11:52 Topic: Command button test plan next step 19:12:06 Matt_King: I'm looking at "report status dialog" for command button, and the app says that there are no reports 19:12:40 Matt_King: I seem to recall that howard-e was going to manually manipulate the data so that we wouldn't have to re-run this plan 19:13:02 Matt_King: It doesn't seem like it would be complicated to get the results from the prior version into the current version because the two differ so slightly 19:13:19 howard-e: I did volunteer to perform that operation. I can do that today, as well, after this call 19:13:42 howard-e: I've also been working on enhancing the "copy results" functionality 19:14:07 howard-e: It's issue #935. That includes a checklist, and the final item in the checklist concerns exactly this situation 19:14:36 howard-e: All that to say: I hope this process is easier in the future, but in the short term, I'll be performing that task manually later today 19:15:15 Matt_King: Great! Soon, we will have many plans in Candidate Review [lists specific plans]. That's exactly where I want to be when I meet with Apple 19:15:40 Matt_King: I would love to get a 30 minute meeting with Apple by the end of the month 19:15:57 s/lists specific test plans/Button, Link, Toggle, and Alert/ 19:16:09 Topic: Radio test plan 19:16:32 Matt_King: I thought this was ready to advance until just last week, when we recieved a question in APG 19:16:43 https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/issues/2954 19:17:09 Matt_King: [summarizes the issue] 19:17:48 s/lists specific plans/Button, Link, Toggle, and Alert/ 19:18:08 Matt_King: We can be proactive here and just remove "Enter" key testing 19:18:27 Matt_King: Then, when APG updates, nothing about the test plan will need to change 19:18:37 present+ Michael_Fairchild 19:18:43 Michael_Fairchild: That sounds like a fine course of action to me 19:20:19 Matt_King: I'd like the Test Plan to be run by the second week of April 19:20:44 Alyssa_Gourley: I can do that in time. I don't have a Mac, though 19:20:56 Matt_King: If you could do JAWS and Chrome, that would be great 19:21:26 Matt_King: We can use the NVDA Bot to gather the output, then we can assign it to you, and you would just be assigning verdicts 19:21:58 Matt_King: I encourage you to do some validation of the AT responses reported by the bot 19:22:07 Alyssa_Gourley: That sounds so much better 19:23:47 V24.03.13 of radio test plan: https://aria-at.w3.org/test-review/75322 19:24:56 James_Scholes: This test plan doesn't have an "Enter" command 19:25:09 Matt_King: It looks like you're right--cool! That means we're already good to go 19:25:38 Matt_King: So we can just add this to the Test Queue right now and assign Alyssa_Gourley 19:26:37 s/Queue right/Queue for JAWS right/ 19:27:24 Matt_King: And I just assigned the NVDA Bot to run it for NVDA 19:30:57 Matt_King: It looks like there's some kind of component problem in the "assign tester" menu. Instead of using "aria-checked" on the checkbox, it declares the state as part of its name 19:31:06 howard-e: I'll make an issue for this later 19:31:18 Topic: Proposal to change terminology used for undesirable behaviors 19:31:40 Matt_King: GitHub issue Proposal for new terminology for the phenomena we currently call "undesirable behaviors" or "Other behaviors with negative impact" ยท Issue #1043 19:31:50 github: https://github.com/w3c/aria-at/issues/1043 19:32:33 Matt_King: We have wording for additional behaviors which are undesirable: "Other behaviors that create severe negative-impacts are not exhibited" and "Other behaviors that create moderate negative-impacts are not exhibited" 19:32:50 Matt_King: There's been a little bit of confusion over the fact that we say "Other behaviors" 19:33:03 Matt_King: That has to be interpreted in the context of the behaviors that we assert 19:33:18 Matt_King: I've been giving this a lot of thought, and I was thinking that we might be able to make these statements more clear 19:33:36 Matt_King: We might switch from "negative impacts" to "negative side-effects" 19:34:01 Matt_King: I looked through the list of things that we currently classify as "negative impacts", and to me, it sounds like they could all be called "negative side-effects" 19:34:26 Matt_King: Then the assertions would read, "Severe negative side-effects do not occur", or "Moderate negative side-effects do not occur" 19:34:35 Matt_King: Do other folks feel like this would be an improvement? 19:34:44 James_Scholes: It works for me 19:35:22 Alyssa_Gourley: That would be clear to me, too. 19:36:30 Matt_King: I'm thinking about when we put this in the reports. For someone who isn't familiar with the testing, when they see "severe negative side-effects did not occur" or "moderate negative side effects did not occur", and those both pass. It seems like that would be clear to me 19:36:51 Michael_Fairchild: That sounds like it makes sense. I'm a little concerned about complexity, but I don't have a better solution 19:37:10 Matt_King: To be clear, we already have all of this implemented, I'm just talking about changing the wording 19:38:01 Matt_King: I'll take the next action on this 19:38:11 Topic: Assertion priority for alert role 19:39:18 Matt_King: I took the language that we previously discussed for the definitions of MUST, SHOULD, and MAY, and I inserted those definitions into the project's glossary 19:39:57 New glossary definition of must should and may: https://github.com/w3c/aria-at/wiki/Glossary#assertion-priority 19:41:00 Matt_King: Does anyone have any objections to closing this issue and thereby formalize the definitions of the assertion priorities? 19:41:12 Alyssa_Gourley: Not from me 19:41:43 James_Scholes: I support this 19:43:06 Matt_King: Okay, great 19:43:56 Matt_King: Relatedly, we've been talking about the Alert pattern--specifically whether conveying the concept of "alert" should be a "MAY" assertion or a "SHOULD" assertion 19:44:41 Matt_King: In the ARIA specification, the Alert role is intended to capture peoples' attention in some way that is distinct from other assistive technology responses 19:45:10 Matt_King: We don't test that the "alert" interrupts other prior speech. I don't know if we should or even could do that 19:46:01 Matt_King: I think that's separate from the role, though; I think that's testing the property "aria-live" (the value "assertive") 19:46:45 Matt_King: In that case, we wouldn't be testing specifically the alerted value, but rather how the value is conveyed 19:47:19 Matt_King: There's a camp that believes that we should stay true to the spec even though that in the wild, the role has been so misused that it has lost its original meaning 19:48:02 Matt_King: On the other hand, there are folks who believe that the reality is more important than the theoretical language of the specification, and that asserting the latter doesn't actually help anyone 19:49:01 Matt_King: For this meeting, I'm not looking for a final decision that may never change, but I would like to come to a conclusion that represents this group's stance today 19:51:11 Michael_Fairchild: Could we consider an interruption as the indication that this is an alert? 19:52:22 Alyssa_Gourley: That alone could be confusing because in some contexts, it wouldn't be clear if an alert occurred--the interruption could seem like the literal text on the page 19:53:55 Alyssa_Gourley: Could it be a thing were in the verbosity settings, somehow, if users have the verbosity set to "beginner" or "intermediate", then it says "Alert" every time. Otherwise, it does not 19:54:42 James_Scholes: I think that Vispero would have it on by default and expect advanced users to turn it off 19:54:59 Matt_King: We didn't get a firm word from Vispero about whether or not this totally blocks them 19:55:42 Matt_King: We didn't discuss whether we give vendors an opportunity to communicate why they intentionally chose to fail a "should" assertion 19:57:10 Matt_King: Vispero was strongly advocating for using "pass" and "fail" to discuss "should" assertions 19:58:27 James_Scholes: I don't disagree with Vispero's user-oriented answer (rather than a more ARIA-focused answer). I mostly want to move forward on this 20:02:38 [continued discussion of the intricacies of the issue] 20:02:46 Matt_King: I'm still not hearing consensus here 20:03:20 Matt_King: If Vispero was adamanet that this be made a "MAY" assertion, would anyone strongly object to that? 20:03:26 Michael_Fairchild: No 20:03:33 Alyssa_Gourley: No 20:05:26 Matt_King: I will continue speaking with Vispero on this topic 20:06:31 Matt_King: Thanks to Michael_Fairchild (and folks at Microsoft) for securing compute time on Microsoft Azure for our use in automation! 20:11:01 Zakim, end the meeting 20:11:01 As of this point the attendees have been jugglinmike, howard-e, James_Scholes, Alyssa_Gourley, Matt_King, Michael_Fairchild 20:11:03 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 20:11:04 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/03/21-aria-at-minutes.html Zakim 20:11:11 I am happy to have been of service, jugglinmike; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 20:11:11 Zakim has left #aria-at 20:11:13 RRSAgent, leave 20:11:13 I see no action items