11:57:23 RRSAgent has joined #wot-profile 11:57:28 logging to https://www.w3.org/2024/03/19-wot-profile-irc 11:58:16 meeting: WoT Profile 11:58:51 present+ Kaz_Ashimura, Luca_Barbato 12:00:54 Tomo has joined #wot-profile 12:02:25 luca_barbato has joined #wot-profile 12:02:27 mlagally has joined #wot-profile 12:02:36 zakim, who is on the call? 12:02:36 Present: Kaz_Ashimura, Luca_Barbato 12:03:59 present+ Michael_Lagally, Tomoaki_Mizushima 12:04:25 agenda: https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/WG_WoT_Profile_WebConf#Profile_-_Mar_19th%2C_2024 12:08:56 q+ 12:09:23 regrets+ Ege 12:10:12 rrsagent, make log public 12:10:17 rrsagent, draft minutes 12:10:18 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/03/19-wot-profile-minutes.html kaz 12:11:29 topic: Minutes 12:11:50 -> https://www.w3.org/2023/04/19-wot-profile-minutes.html minutes from 19 April 2023 call 12:12:05 chair: Luca 12:12:14 lb: (goes through the minutes) 12:13:06 ... discussio about Testfest prep 12:13:18 q+ 12:13:43 ... any objections? 12:13:45 none 12:13:47 approved 12:13:49 lb: Minutes are approved 12:13:51 ack k 12:14:30 s/lb: Minutes are approved// 12:14:36 rrsagent, draft minutes 12:14:37 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/03/19-wot-profile-minutes.html kaz 12:15:39 topic: Retrospective 12:16:08 ml: (summarizes what happened so far) 12:16:42 ... wrote a document on what to do 12:16:47 q+ 12:17:25 ack k 12:17:40 dape has joined #wot-profile 12:17:45 s/what to do/a strawman idea/ 12:18:05 q? 12:18:07 q+ 12:18:47 https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwifrefFp4CFAxWG_rsIHc7gAxYQFnoECBYQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.w3.org%2FTR%2Fwot-profile%2F&usg=AOvVaw2zCDTbPTIiBxg--wH2Xuat&opi=89978449 12:19:06 ack k 12:19:49 kaz: we should describe what we've done and what we should for the next step 12:19:55 ml: agree 12:19:57 +1 for kaz 12:20:05 ... (shows the current WoT Profile Note) 12:20:40 -> https://www.w3.org/TR/wot-profile/ WoT Profile WD - 18 Jan 2023 12:20:49 ml: (goes through the WD) 12:20:52 ack k 12:22:03 ... currently, we have HTTP Basic Profile, HTTP SSE Profile and HTTP Webhook Profile 12:22:15 ... also we have remaining GitHub Issues 12:22:47 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-profile/issues wot-profile issues 12:23:12 ml: Luca and myself went through those issues but didn't close anything 12:23:28 q+ 12:23:44 ... in addition, there are several implementations 12:23:49 ... from Ben and Siemens 12:23:58 lb: also my implementation 12:24:14 present+ Daniel_Peintner 12:25:07 https://cdn.statically.io/gh/w3c/wot-profile/main/testing/report.html 12:25:16 ml: and then, the testing area includes basic input for the potential Implementation Report (as above) 12:25:22 rrsagent, draft minutes 12:25:24 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/03/19-wot-profile-minutes.html kaz 12:26:01 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-profile/tree/main/testing wot-profile/testing area 12:26:33 ml: happy to have Luca leading the discussion for WoT Profile now 12:26:37 q+ 12:26:41 q+ 12:26:42 ack lu 12:26:50 ack d 12:27:17 lb: would like to finalize WoT Profile 1.0 asap 12:27:43 q+ 12:28:10 ... we should complete the WoT Profile with the current 3 profiles 12:28:22 ... then could work on WoT Profile 2.0 12:28:41 ... so that WoT Profile would fit improved TD/Binding 12:29:03 ... my perception is that WoT Profile is still needed for WoT 12:29:41 ... TD is powerful and flexible, but there is something that can't be described by TD only 12:30:04 q? 12:31:19 ack k 12:31:31 q+ 12:31:48 kaz: handling the WoT Profile 1.0 based on the current WD is one possibility 12:32:04 ... but given we're already on the new Charter for WoT 2.0 12:32:31 ... and the other TFs are working on spec refactoring to see what to be described by which spec 12:32:47 ... I'd suggest we also should think about refactoring for WoT Profile spec too 12:33:17 lb: as for Profile, we have something almost ready for publication (for 1.0 version) 12:34:10 ... I'm sure WoT Profile 1.0 with some simple tweaks would be useful for interoperability purposes 12:34:49 ... once we've finalized the WoT Profile 1.0 (as REC), we can work on WoT 2.0 12:35:09 +1 12:35:17 ack k 12:35:20 ack d 12:35:34 dp: sounds we want to have two separate tracks 12:35:39 ... one is WoT Profile 1.0 12:35:49 ... then WoT Profile 2.0 along with TD 2.0 12:35:59 ... but not really sure about the timeline for WoT Profile 1.0 12:36:08 ... we need to publish CR, PR and then REC 12:36:21 ... and the procedure would take much longer than our expectation 12:36:24 ... e.g., longer than 6 months 12:36:56 ... is your expectation for the first option really making the current WD a W3C REC? 12:37:17 lb: we can publish a CR in one month 12:37:41 ... then we can publish a PR asis if there is no big change 12:38:01 ... the procedure should not take long 12:38:57 ... we need to clarify what is important here 12:39:10 q+ 12:39:18 q+ 12:39:56 ... we should a document ready for a Note, and a document good for a REC 12:40:07 s/should/should have/ 12:40:09 q+ 12:40:58 ml: that's true we need refactoring of the documents 12:41:18 ... but the scope of the WoT Profile itself has not changed 12:42:17 ... WoT Profile spec itself is very important for interoperability purposes 12:43:04 ack ml 12:43:33 dp: the problem I think is it's not really ready for a REC 12:43:45 ... also have some conflicts with the TD spec 12:44:14 ... HTTP basic profile might be OK, but how to handle the actions is still problematic 12:44:21 q+ 12:44:29 ++q 12:44:33 q++ 12:44:43 ... so makes me a bit concerned 12:44:49 rrsagent, make log public 12:44:53 rrsagent, draft minutes 12:44:54 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/03/19-wot-profile-minutes.html kaz 12:45:02 q+ 12:45:10 ack d 12:45:16 ack dape 12:45:17 qq+ mlagally 12:45:21 q- + 12:45:53 ml: can you document those issues? 12:46:05 dp: we've already documented them... 12:46:08 ack ml 12:46:08 mlagally, you wanted to react to dape 12:46:29 lb: wanted to see them beforehand 12:48:13 DP: parts of the issues I mentioned is in https://github.com/w3c/wot-profile/issues/259#issuecomment-1210627679 12:48:44 q+ 12:49:34 kaz: 1, 2 and 3 12:49:47 ... need to document what we as the TF want to do 12:49:51 ... then bring it to the whole WG 12:49:57 ... and get approval as the WG plan 12:50:00 ack k 12:50:07 @@@ 12:50:31 mizu: we need to refactor the WoT Profile document 12:50:52 ... because the document structure at the moment is complicated unfortunately 12:51:07 ... we need what is described by which document 12:51:15 ... and also what to be standardized 12:51:18 q? 12:51:22 ack t 12:51:51 lb: Kaz's proposal sounds good 12:51:58 ... let's give the topics priority 12:52:19 ... we can solve the issues either by marking the profile compatibility barrier 12:52:30 ... and see the feasibility 12:53:12 ... regarding the problem around how to handle actions, the problem should be discussed for WoT 2.0 12:53:30 ... WoT Profile 1.0 to be served for TD 1.0 12:53:49 ... even though the usage is restricted 12:53:56 s/TD 1.0/TD 1.1/ 12:53:58 s/TD 1.0/TD 1.1/ 12:54:17 ... if there is any compatibility issue, we have to solve it 12:54:22 q? 12:54:26 ... ack lu 12:54:32 s/... ack lu// 12:55:11 ... something may not be able to be handled properly with WoT Profile 1.0, but that's OK 12:55:22 q? 12:55:24 ack lu 12:55:29 ack ml 12:55:52 ml: my proposal is closing the issues marked as "Profile 1.0" 12:56:12 q+ 12:56:26 ... then think about the next steps 12:56:52 ... get a solid WD candidate and publish it as an updated WD 12:56:56 q? 12:57:17 kaz: clarification question 12:57:28 ... what do you mean by "closing"? 12:57:34 ... just closing? 12:57:48 ... or discuss them and address them, and then close them? 12:57:51 ml: latter 12:58:31 kaz: ok 12:58:48 ... given we only have 2 more minutes, we should clarify the next steps 12:58:54 ... who to do what? 12:58:57 lb: ok 12:59:13 ... Daniel, please clarify problems from your viewpoint 12:59:34 q? 12:59:36 q- 12:59:41 q+ 12:59:51 ... I also would like to clarify my points too 13:00:24 q+ 13:00:27 rrsagent, draft minutes 13:00:29 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/03/19-wot-profile-minutes.html kaz 13:00:36 ack k 13:01:16 ack ml 13:01:34 kaz: all, please document your proposals 13:01:51 ml: when to meet next? 13:01:56 ... in two weeks? 13:02:09 lb: have to look into the calendar 13:02:21 ... next week is not good anyway 13:02:39 ml: next 2 weeks, I'd say 13:02:59 lb: will meet on Apr-9 13:03:15 kaz: AC meeting on April 8-9 13:03:43 ... let's have the discussion on the schedule by email 13:03:45 lb: ok 13:03:47 [adjourned] 13:03:56 rrsagent, make log public 13:04:02 rrsagent, draft minutes 13:04:03 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/03/19-wot-profile-minutes.html kaz 13:04:16 s/ok/ok, please give your input/ 13:04:18 rrsagent, draft minutes 13:04:20 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/03/19-wot-profile-minutes.html kaz 15:28:26 Zakim has left #wot-profile