Meeting minutes
<Souri> Initially, we get=> :mary :e :john . Later, we get=> << :e | :john a :Man >> :accTo :mary . The second triple makes the first triple invalid.
<Souri> This is one of the reasons why I was trying to reserve exclusive IRI namespaces for names associated with triple-terms. That would avoid second pass and in general, allow easy detection of invalid triples.
<AndyS> :e rdf:reifies <<(:s :p :o)>> infers :e rdf:type rdf:Resource .
<AndyS> in RDF entailment.
<AndyS> An edge "is" :e rdf:reifies <<(:s :p :o)>> .
<Zakim> AndyS, you wanted to about RDF/XML
<TallTed> from Enrico via Zoom chat --
<TallTed> graph ::= ( triple | identifier rdf:reifies tripleTerm )*
<TallTed> triple ::= subject predicate object
<TallTed> subject ::= iri | BlankNode
<TallTed> predicate ::= iri_but_rdf:reifies
<TallTed> object ::= iri | BlankNode | literal
<TallTed> tripleTerm ::= triple
<TallTed> identifier ::= iri | BlankNode