16:01:08 RRSAgent has joined #tt 16:01:13 logging to https://www.w3.org/2024/03/14-tt-irc 16:01:13 RRSAgent, make logs Public 16:01:14 Meeting: Timed Text Working Group Teleconference 16:01:37 Agenda: https://github.com/w3c/ttwg/issues/276 16:01:47 Previous meeting: https://www.w3.org/2024/02/29-tt-minutes.html 16:02:14 scribe: nigel 16:02:22 Present: Nigel, Gary, Andreas 16:02:25 Chair: Gary, Nigel 16:02:36 Regrets: Chris, Cyril 16:03:05 Present: Atsushi 16:03:13 Present+ Nigel, Gary, Andreas 16:03:35 Topic: This meeting 16:03:48 Nigel: On the agenda today, we have the IMSC-HRM AC review, 16:03:55 .. and some DAPT issues and pull requests 16:04:02 atai has joined #tt 16:04:09 .. Is there any other business, or points to make sure we cover? 16:04:19 Andreas: Nothing from me 16:04:25 group: nothing else 16:04:41 Nigel: I just wanted to apologise again for the shifting meeting time for today. 16:04:51 .. Just for advanced information, 16:05:01 .. I think we should stick to this time for our call in 2 weeks, 16:05:20 .. and then move to 1 hour earlier UTC, to revert to the normal local time for most people, 16:05:33 .. unfortunately excluding Atsushi, but an hour earlier might be a good thing in Japan? 16:05:36 Present+ Pierre 16:05:50 Atsushi: That works for me. 16:06:09 .. Thank you for the consideration. The i18n call immediately before this sticks to UK time, 16:06:20 .. so that allows me to attend both. 16:06:39 Nigel: I think that's a decision. Any last words on this? 16:06:42 Atsushi: Thanks for that. 16:06:56 Topic: IMSC-HRM AC Review status 16:07:20 Gary: Philippe just closed the transition request just now, so I guess it's published. 16:07:39 https://www.w3.org/TR/2024/PR-imsc-hrm-20240229/ 16:08:26 IMSC-HRM AC Review poll results (access restricted) ->https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/33280/202402-PR-IMSC-HRM/results 16:08:49 Nigel: The AC review is open for another two weeks. 16:09:21 Nigel: That transition request was for transition to PR, which happened 2 weeks ago, I think the request 16:09:29 .. issue just got closed as an admin task. 16:10:01 .. [summarises poll results for those on the call] 16:11:45 .. It would be helpful to have as many responses as possible, 16:12:06 .. particularly not abstentions, so if you know any AC reps you can reach out to 16:12:14 .. and encourage a response, that would be very helpful. 16:12:30 Atsushi: If we cannot collect support from participating organisations we may have a hard 16:12:46 .. situation for transitioning to Rec so please get your own organisation to review positively. 16:12:59 Nigel: I assume invited experts cannot vote? 16:13:10 Atsushi: Yes, only member organisations. 16:13:21 Present+ Matt 16:13:29 .. Thank you for the consideration, this is quite important. 16:14:38 Proposed changes from BBC -> https://github.com/w3c/imsc-hrm/issues/79 16:17:28 Nigel: I looked at these and I think they're completely editorial and all are improvements. 16:17:37 Pierre: Sounds good, thanks to Chris for his review. 16:17:54 Nigel: There's no problem making edits like this between PR and Rec? 16:19:13 Atsushi: I need to check. 16:19:24 Nigel: I think the answer is that it's okay but happy for you to check. 16:19:44 Atsushi: From Proposed Rec to Rec, substantial changes are prohibited. 16:19:54 .. The easiest way is to raise comments via AC review. 16:19:59 Nigel: That is what Chris has done. 16:20:06 Atsushi: Then it's simple, we just need to fix. 16:20:19 .. If substantive issues are raised by AC review we need to go back through the process, but 16:20:26 .. it is common to make changes after AC Review. 16:20:40 Nigel: I guess that's with you as Editor Pierre. 16:20:50 Pierre: What's the right timing to generate a PR? 16:20:56 Nigel: I think you can do it whenever you like. 16:21:14 Atsushi: There's no formal timing for revising Proposed Rec. Everything should be Editor's Draft, 16:21:24 .. so everything should be fine, subject to our CfC period. 16:21:31 Pierre: Okay, I will address them ASAP 16:21:34 Atsushi: Thank you for that. 16:21:50 .. Please note that we may need to get one extra week to get back to reviewers after AC review, 16:22:07 .. on any changes. A bit like with a Charter we need to check with reviewers that they're happy with the changes. 16:22:33 Nigel: I imagine that Chris would directly review the Pull Request. 16:22:43 Atsushi: It's a formal process - we need to go back to all the reviewers. 16:23:21 Nigel: Anything more on IMSC-HRM? 16:23:39 Topic: DAPT 16:24:02 Nigel: Since the last meeting we closed one issue and merged one pull request. 16:24:24 .. More importantly, Cyril and I spent quite a bit of time thinking through the open issues, particularly 16:24:47 .. the one we discussed last call about backwards/forwards compatibility and how to handle 16:25:08 .. conformant DAPT documents that don't map directly to the DAPT Data Model as it stands. 16:25:26 3 agenda items -> https://github.com/w3c/dapt/labels/agenda 16:25:39 s/agenda/DAPT agenda 16:26:18 Subtopic: Investigate Data Model and TTML Syntax mapping w3c/dapt#214 16:26:27 github: https://github.com/w3c/dapt/issues/214 16:27:38 Nigel: The issue is that it is possible to construct TTML documents that are conformant DAPT documents 16:27:48 .. but which contain things that do not map directly to the DAPT data model. 16:27:54 .. Things that we considered were: 16:28:07 .. Adding more constraints to the DAPT documents to prevent that; 16:29:26 .. Adding generic grouping of Script Events to match nested divs 16:31:20 .. Adding statements into the DAPT Data Model -> TTML representation saying how to reverse it 16:31:35 .. Adding a new section explaining TTML -> DAPT Data Model mapping (we decided to do that) 16:32:16 .. Add no extra constraints or features (we decided it is better not to add any, and to have explanations instead) 16:33:32 .. I am drafting a pull request to add a possibly informative new section explaining 16:33:52 .. suggested rules for mapping TTML to DAPT, and also updating the Foreign Vocabulary section to make it 16:34:10 .. more generally apply to any unrecognised vocabulary even if it's in the TTML or DAPT namespaces. 16:34:17 q+ 16:34:30 .. Any thoughts about this? 16:34:31 ack at 16:34:40 Andreas: You say the new section will be informative? 16:34:46 Nigel: That's what I'm thinking at the moment. 16:35:00 Andreas: What's the normative expected behaviour of a processor. Is it implementation dependent? 16:35:15 Nigel: It's what's defined by the TTML features and extensions 16:35:29 Andreas: Er, ok. Nested divs for example, are not forbidden? 16:35:31 Nigel: That's right 16:35:45 Andreas: That would be part of the expected behaviour to deal with that? 16:35:46 Nigel: Yes 16:36:04 Andreas: You say the mapping rules will be informative, but what will the normative expected behaviour. 16:36:28 Nigel: It's what TTML says. There's no normative requirement to map into the DAPT data model. 16:37:26 .. The fact that a DAPT document was generated from the data model is interesting maybe but 16:37:50 .. doesn't define the processing behaviour. 16:39:03 Andreas: So you cannot guarantee that two DAPT data model-based implementations handle a generic TTML 16:39:06 .. document the same way? 16:39:24 .. There's no normative deterministic parsing into the data model? 16:39:35 Nigel: That's right, but parsing into the data model isn't a requirement. 16:41:56 .. There is already text around handling unknown stuff in ยง5.2, which is normative, and quite broad, 16:42:15 .. but essentially the processing semantics are defined by TTML, because DAPT is defining a profile of TTML. 16:42:33 .. Most of the extension features are constraining syntax, I don't think there are any that define 16:42:40 .. processing behaviours that wouldn't apply more generally. 16:43:27 .. In particular, none of the extension features is based on anything in the DAPT data model; 16:43:42 .. they are all constraining the TTML representation directly. 16:44:48 .. I think adding this guidance feels helpful, but the question is if it actually needs to be any more normative than guidance. 16:45:08 .. I suspect you're thinking about it and need to see the pull request. 16:45:19 Andreas: Yes, it would be good to see it written down and then play it through. 16:45:44 Nigel: Sure, I just wanted to inform you where we got to and the direction of travel. 16:45:58 .. Happy to have any comments either on the issue or the pull request when opened. 16:46:10 SUMMARY: @nigelmegitt to continue drafting a pull request 16:47:53 Topic: Clarify language application and inheritance model w3c/dapt#192 16:48:00 github: https://github.com/w3c/dapt/issues/192 16:48:08 q+ 16:48:57 Andreas: We discussed this last time and I think the conclusion was that we should add 16:49:12 .. lang to Script Event. 16:49:18 Nigel: That's easy, we can do that. 16:49:29 .. Thank you for the reminder! 16:50:12 SUMMARY: Add Language to Script Event as an optional property 16:50:26 Andreas: My recollection is we think that makes sense, Cyril suggested it, nobody objected. 16:50:39 .. My only question is what happens if xml:lang is on the element? 16:51:45 Nigel: We discussed in relation to w3c/dapt#214 about computing values and then applying them where appropriate. 16:52:03 Pierre: It's a two step process - first compute the value of xml:lang on every element, then when you map 16:52:20 .. those elements to your model, you get the values of xml:lang on the objects where you care about it. 16:52:35 .. Would you like me to add a note to the ticket? 16:52:41 Nigel: Yes please, on 214. 16:52:45 Pierre: OK 16:52:57 Nigel: Thank you, that would be really helpful. 16:53:21 Pierre: It works in both directions. If you map the model to XML you can just specify it on elements where it applies, 16:53:27 .. because that will always override the inheritance. 16:53:42 .. You can make another pass and simplify the serialisation using inheritance, but that's optional. 16:53:47 Nigel: [nods] 16:54:05 Pierre: I suffered through that on TTML validation parsing. There's no way to finesse it. There are always corner cases. 16:54:28 .. One fun one in TTML - you have to do xml:lang inheritance before ISD processing, because you end up 16:54:47 .. moving body under region as part of the ISD generation algorithm so if you haven't computed it already 16:54:53 .. then you might end up with the wrong value. 16:55:00 Nigel: That's a really good point. 16:55:41 .. There's no need for regions in DAPT normally, but it's a gotcha that someone might use them for some reason 16:55:59 .. and might put an xml:lang on them, who knows why, and then it needs to work how you just described it Pierre. 16:57:10 Topic: Meeting close 16:57:52 Nigel: Thanks everyone, as discussed at the top of the call, we will meet next in 2 weeks 16:58:12 .. at the 1600 UTC time. The meeting after that will be adjusted to 1500 UTC to track DST in Europe, which 16:58:21 .. also works for Atsushi. 16:58:51 Gary: It helps me too. 16:59:19 Atsushi: I am quite sorry but could send regrets for next time - that day I will be travelling, but I will try. 16:59:35 Gary: Don't try too hard if it's a travel day. 16:59:39 Nigel: +1 17:00:06 Nigel: Thanks again everyone. [adjourns meeting] 17:00:55 rrsagent, make minutes 17:00:57 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/03/14-tt-minutes.html nigel 17:05:06 s/need to get one extra week/need to take one extra week 17:06:24 s/Adding generic grouping of Script Events/Adding to the data model a generic grouping of Script Events 17:07:19 s/but what will the normative expected behaviour./but what will the normative expected behaviour be? 17:09:16 rrsagent, make minutes 17:09:18 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/03/14-tt-minutes.html nigel 17:20:15 scribeOptions: -final -noEmbedDiagnostics 17:20:18 zakim, end meeting 17:20:18 As of this point the attendees have been Atsushi, Nigel, Gary, Andreas, Pierre, Matt 17:20:20 RRSAgent, please draft minutes v2 17:20:22 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/03/14-tt-minutes.html Zakim 17:20:28 I am happy to have been of service, nigel; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 17:20:28 Zakim has left #tt 17:20:59 rrsagent, excuse us 17:20:59 I see no action items