18:03:17 RRSAgent has joined #webauthn 18:03:22 logging to https://www.w3.org/2024/03/13-webauthn-irc 18:03:50 Rolf has joined #webauthn 18:03:56 Chair: Tony 18:04:25 present+ MatthewM, Pascoe, Simone, Rolf, Sweeden, DavidW, DavidT 18:04:46 Meeting: Web Authentication Working Group 18:05:02 rrsagent, make logs public 18:05:07 Scribe: EmilLundberg 18:06:20 topic: Face-to-face 2024-04-19 18:06:21 present+ Nina 18:06:49 agl: on track, no signup yet but will send out attendance survey 18:07:22 Zakim, list participants 18:07:34 Zakim has joined #webauthn 18:07:47 Zakim, this conference is WebAuthn WG weekly 18:07:47 got it, elundberg 18:08:06 present+ MatthewM, Pascoe, Simone, Rolf, Sweeden, DavidW, DavidT, Nina 18:09:34 plh: transferring my role to Simone Onofri 18:10:55 present+ elundberg, TimCappalli, JohnBradley, agl, AndersÅberg, 18:11:09 #2020 18:11:41 rolf: shouldn't be any worse than today 18:12:08 MatthewM: is the name abbreviated because of authenticator processing? 18:12:46 ...new name is "confirmation" extension 18:13:35 JohnBradley: saving bytes is important for authenticators in constrained hardware, with limited size buffers 18:14:16 Sweeden: some references to "txAuthSimple" or the like still remain 18:15:18 ...i.e. CollectedClientTxAuthSimpleData 18:16:01 MatthewM: I'm happy to move this forward 18:16:14 nadalin: Is there interest from more than 1 browser to support this? 18:16:16 agl: L3 or beyond? 18:16:37 ...there is interest, but [as for Chrome] not within L3 timeline 18:17:46 TimCappalli: should be enough implementations with ~1 browser and a couple of browser extensions/etc 18:18:13 agl: Chrome on Android would likely pass this through at some point, Chrome on iOS is not up to us 18:18:35 ...Windows does not yet have a pluggable provider interface 18:19:14 JohnBradley: Windows update cycle is ~6 months to a year 18:19:47 nadalin: sounds like this is unlikely to land in L3 18:20:11 Rolf: still interested in moving this along 18:20:20 nadalin: any password providers interested? 18:20:39 AndersÅberg: Bitwarden has no position yet 18:20:54 ...there is some interest 18:21:46 Rolf: need platform support to drive interest, and interest to drive platform support 18:22:40 #2023 18:22:55 my bad 18:22:57 #2033 18:23:13 nadalin: looks good to go 18:23:20 ...any other changes to editors/contributors? 18:24:23 elundberg: what's the difference between editors and contributors? 18:24:38 ...or rather, how do we make the difference 18:27:21 nadalin: contributors come with/draft ideas, editors make lots of text changes 18:28:09 ...no specific responsibilities of an editor, help churn the spec through process when that needs to be done 18:28:50 Nina: reading the W3C definition it seems like most of our "contributors" should be listed as "authors", but I don't think it matters much 18:29:36 simone: chairs appoint the editors 18:31:16 nadalin: merging #2033 18:31:34 #2017 18:32:18 elundberg: working on it 18:32:42 agl: changing to "code point MUST be removed" would make some implementations non-compliant 18:32:57 ...(client implementations) 18:33:35 ...but we _can_ make breaking changes between levels 18:34:07 ...Chrome would be find with that change 18:34:15 JohnBradley: nothing would change for authenticators 18:35:03 nadalin: could still cause problems 18:35:16 JohnBradley: what problems? it's causing problems now by doing the wrong thing 18:36:29 elundberg: what won't change is that for RPs, 64 bytes is the max without getting unpredictable results 18:36:44 #1954 18:36:51 https://github.com/w3c/webauthn/pull/1954 18:37:16 DavidW: still pending, waiting for a workable example 18:37:25 ...#1953 awaiting review from JohnBradley 18:37:59 ...can synthesize an example, but want to wait for an actual prototype implementation 18:40:27 nadalin: #1953 is ok to merge 18:40:41 #1951 18:40:44 https://github.com/w3c/webauthn/pull/1951 18:40:56 pascoe: pending review 18:41:24 #2040 18:41:25 https://github.com/w3c/webauthn/pull/2040 18:42:37 ...restricting the origin to a single domain is too limited for some deployments 18:42:55 ...this would allow hosting a list of allowed origins at a .well-known URL 18:43:32 ...there is a recommended cap of 5 "labels" (i.e., domain minus eTLD) 18:44:34 ...unlimited number was considered too permissive, 5 was selected as a reasonable number 18:44:59 Sweeden: if this is a SHOULD, could client implementations set a lower limit? 18:45:03 agl: 5 should be the minimum 18:45:23 TimCappalli: would Apple support 5? 18:45:25 Pascoe: no comment 18:46:22 MatthewM: why /origins and not just /webauthn with a doc we can extend later? 18:46:30 agl: array is not a valid JSON root 18:47:21 TimCappalli: we considered merging with similar things for the passkey migration protocol, but these things seem unrelated enough 18:47:51 MatthewM: [passkey management?] 18:47:59 TimCappalli: separate spec outside of WebAuthn 18:49:20 Sweeden: seems reasonable to make it a shared .well-known/webauthn instead of separate endpoints 18:49:58 agl: my mistake, array can be a JSON root 18:50:13 DavidW: should be a JSON object root for extensibility 18:50:57 JohnBradley: we can create a registry for defining new properties 18:52:43 TimCappalli: changing to an extensible multi-purpose doc is a substantive change to the PR, might take a while 18:54:40 ...needs a new section to define the multi-purpose doc 18:55:11 MatthewM: how specific/single-purpose do other .well-knowns tend to be? 18:55:39 Sweeden: fairly general, I would support a single extensible endpoint 18:56:39 agl: we could postpone extracting a standalone section until we do define additional properties 18:58:26 Nina: a single endpoint could help with caching too 18:59:58 nadalin: hearing consensus for a single extensible endpoint 19:01:24 ...will this impact the other .well-known for passkeys in webbappsec? 19:01:35 TimCappalli: consider that unrelated for now 19:01:50 nadalin: adjourn 19:02:05 Zakim, list participants 19:02:05 As of this point the attendees have been MatthewM, Pascoe, Simone, Rolf, Sweeden, DavidW, DavidT, Nina, elundberg, TimCappalli, JohnBradley, agl, AndersÅberg 19:02:32 present+ TonyNadalin 19:02:37 Zakim, list participants 19:02:37 As of this point the attendees have been MatthewM, Pascoe, Simone, Rolf, Sweeden, DavidW, DavidT, Nina, elundberg, TimCappalli, JohnBradley, agl, AndersÅberg, TonyNadalin 19:02:45 RRSAgent, make logs public 19:02:52 RRSAgent, generate minutes 19:02:54 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/03/13-webauthn-minutes.html elundberg 19:03:09 Zakim, bye 19:03:09 leaving. As of this point the attendees have been MatthewM, Pascoe, Simone, Rolf, Sweeden, DavidW, DavidT, Nina, elundberg, TimCappalli, JohnBradley, agl, AndersÅberg, 19:03:09 Zakim has left #webauthn 19:03:12 ... TonyNadalin 19:03:20 RRSAgent, bye 19:03:20 I see no action items