Breakout: Running Better Meetings - How to Facilitate at W3C

12 March 2024



Meeting minutes

<wendyreid> date: 2024-03-12

Simone: what was the most challenging situation to handle and how did you handle it?

Wendy: moderating for a publication track, an open question about ePub, a living standard, or a traditional track?
… some people was thinking is a danger
… feeling that the group stay traditional
… but spending a lot of time on that
… you have to be prepared for that

Naomi: material for the topic is available?

Wendy: it is on the repo @@

Naomi: it is useful to have scribe, but how to find scribe?

Wendy: is difficult, in particular over the year
… for example al TPAC
… maybe solving using Technology
… but it is not an easy job

Naomi: What do you think about automatic transcripts?

Wendy: sometimes using captions in my groups

Naomi: some non-native speaker enjoying automatic translations

Yves: also to answer on the scribing thing. Also, it can be difficult. there is a reason why this can be if it is automatic people don't talk because they are recorded. it is a question of consent

Wendy: maybe editing in real-time can be useful, for privacy

Yves: great to hear for having agreement for automated tools. maybe some bots

Sarven: This topic is certainly on the table from a technological point of view. And the feeling of different technology can be different. Issues in a CG for the same reason. Some people prefer IRC or other solutions. We don't have a clear path for the minutes and their lifecycle

Wendy: the real challenge is to use kind of gdocs or different technology such as cryptpad, but it is something to be considered. then understand how to preserve that.

Yves: the TAG for example is using cryptpad for collaboration and it is difficult to preserve, maybe in github as it is not automated
… it is good that we're not forcing anybody, as long as we have archive groups have a good amount of liberty to take minutes

> w3c-cg/solid#18

Sarven: i am curious that have attended sessions and keeping them to have open as the ycan be useful

Wendy: it can be useful, also for sessions in TPAC and big chairs meeting


Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 221 (Fri Jul 21 14:01:30 2023 UTC).


No scribenick or scribe found. Guessed: simone

Maybe present: Naomi, Sarven, Simone, Wendy, Yves

All speakers: Naomi, Sarven, Simone, Wendy, Yves

Active on IRC: simone, tpac-breakout-bot, wendyreid