11:53:53 RRSAgent has joined #registries 11:53:57 logging to https://www.w3.org/2024/03/12-registries-irc 11:53:57 RRSAgent, do not leave 11:53:57 tidoust has joined #registries 11:53:58 RRSAgent, make logs public 11:53:59 Meeting: Registries for W3C Specifications 11:53:59 Chair: Ege Korkan, Jan Romann 11:53:59 Agenda: https://github.com/w3c/breakouts-day-2024/issues/18 11:53:59 Zakim has joined #registries 11:54:00 Zakim, clear agenda 11:54:00 agenda cleared 11:54:00 Zakim, agenda+ Pick a scribe 11:54:01 agendum 1 added 11:54:01 Zakim, agenda+ Reminders: code of conduct, health policies, recorded session policy 11:54:01 agendum 2 added 11:54:01 Zakim, agenda+ Goal of this session 11:54:03 agendum 3 added 11:54:03 Zakim, agenda+ Discussion 11:54:03 agendum 4 added 11:54:03 Zakim, agenda+ Next steps / where discussion continues 11:54:04 agendum 5 added 11:54:04 tpac-breakout-bot has left #registries 12:13:59 tidoust has changed the topic to: Breakout: Registries for W3C Specifications - Kora - 13:00-14:00 UTC 12:43:42 JKRhb has joined #registries 12:45:40 present+ 12:45:52 rrsagent, draft minutes 12:45:53 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/03/12-registries-minutes.html JKRhb 12:58:01 kaz has joined #registries 12:59:30 meeting: Registries for W3C Specifications 13:00:17 nigel has joined #registries 13:00:27 Ege has joined #registries 13:00:29 present+ Kaz_Ashimura, Ege_Korkan, Nigel_Megitt, Enrico_Morisi, Jan_ROmann, Ramon 13:00:33 Present+ Nigel_Megitt 13:01:00 agenda: https://www.w3.org/2024/03/breakouts-day-2024/#b-7c1b6bcd-9ee1-4570-ba4d-9ccad717e78f 13:02:44 slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1zWnl7yWMKPjKgtjogZGDe-8xf4KTK3KakhPY0_uhsB4/edit?pli=1#slide=id.p 13:02:44 slideset: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-archive/2024Mar/att-0002/BreakoutDay-12March-Registries.pdf 13:03:02 present+ Klaus_Hartke, Kunihiko_Toumura 13:03:25 present+ Tomoaki_Mizushima, Xiaoqian_Wu 13:03:28 ktoumura has joined #registries 13:03:42 Tomo has joined #registries 13:03:45 zakim, who is on the call? 13:03:46 Present: JKRhb, Kaz_Ashimura, Ege_Korkan, Nigel_Megitt, Enrico_Morisi, Jan_ROmann, Ramon, Klaus_Hartke, Kunihiko_Toumura, Tomoaki_Mizushima, Xiaoqian_Wu 13:03:59 rrsagent, make log public 13:04:02 rrsagent, draft minutes 13:04:04 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/03/12-registries-minutes.html kaz 13:04:31 s/ROmann/Romann/ 13:04:41 present+ Atsushi_Shimono 13:04:43 q+ 13:04:54 q- 13:05:12 rrsagent, draft minutes 13:05:14 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/03/12-registries-minutes.html kaz 13:06:05 scribenick: kaz 13:06:07 https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1zWnl7yWMKPjKgtjogZGDe-8xf4KTK3KakhPY0_uhsB4/edit?usp=sharing 13:06:19 RJN has joined #registries 13:06:20 ek: slides above 13:06:33 ... co-Charing this session with Jan Romann 13:06:39 present+ 13:06:50 i|https|topic: Logistics| 13:06:56 xiaoqian has joined #registries 13:07:03 present+ xiaoqian 13:07:36 ek: please join the IRC, and add yourself using "q+" 13:07:36 present+ 13:07:36 ah thanks 13:07:38 topic: Intro 13:07:40 atsushi 13:07:45 enrico 13:07:57 klaus 13:08:05 atsushi has joined #registries 13:08:07 present+ 13:08:09 present+ Tomoaki_Mizushima 13:08:21 ramon 13:08:46 toumura 13:09:03 nigel 13:09:54 mizushima 13:10:32 xiaoqian 13:11:15 q+ 13:11:46 kaz 13:11:47 ack k 13:12:06 topic: Participation policies 13:12:28 ek: remember the Antitrust/competition plicy 13:12:35 ... also PWETF work 13:12:46 topic: Bringing some context 13:13:12 ek: (explain the background) 13:13:24 topic: What is a registry in general? 13:13:39 [slide 6] 13:13:46 ek: Examples 13:14:07 ... media types, URI schemes, websocket, language subtag, etc. 13:14:25 topic: Registries and W3C RECs? 13:14:41 ek: W3C RECs can't be changed after publication 13:14:56 ... so need another mechanism for registries 13:15:09 i/W3C/[slide 7] 13:15:20 [slide 8] 13:15:27 ek: Why are we here? 13:15:35 ... share the analysis 13:15:41 ... and get input 13:15:49 [slide 9] 13:15:57 ek: analysis by WoT 13:16:21 ... want to have a binding registry as written in the Charter 13:16:32 q+ 13:16:40 ... W3C registry mechanism is very open 13:16:49 ... several registries already 13:16:56 [slide 10] 13:17:06 ek: What did the WoT do? 13:17:20 ... analyzed both W3C process and IANA process 13:17:28 ack n 13:17:41 nm: two ways for registries 13:17:50 ... separate or embedded in a REC 13:17:58 s/separate/separate doc/ 13:17:59 Example of Registry section in DAPT -> https://www.w3.org/TR/dapt/#registry-section 13:18:15 nm: an example of registry section above 13:18:28 ek: yeah, we're aware of that fact 13:18:32 ack n 13:18:34 ... but tx for the concrete example 13:18:44 [slide 12] 13:19:03 i/12/[slide 11]/ 13:19:10 i/12/(switch to Jan)/ 13:19:26 jr: IANA registries 13:19:37 ... several examples 13:19:40 [slide 13] 13:19:48 jr: summary is 13:20:07 ... quite mature with various rules commonly accepted 13:20:20 ... with extensibility 13:20:34 ... several common review policies there 13:21:18 ... private use, experimental use, hierarchical allocation, first come/first sered, expert review, spec required, RFC required, IETF review, standard action, IESG approval 13:21:31 ... example of URI schemes and websockets sub-protocols 13:21:36 [slide 14] 13:21:55 jr: W3C Notes before the Registry Track 13:22:14 ... e.g., DID, XPointer, Media Source Extensions, TTML 13:22:19 [slide 15] 13:22:28 jr: summary 13:22:55 ... various processes, consensus as the goal 13:23:00 ... various entry formats 13:23:21 ... deletion/deprecation process 13:23:53 ... versioning mechanism is missing? 13:24:22 ... instead, deprecation and resubmission of new entry? 13:24:31 rrsagent, draft minutes 13:24:32 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/03/12-registries-minutes.html kaz 13:24:50 (switches back to Ege) 13:24:55 [slide 17] 13:25:16 ek: W3C reports with official registry mechanism 13:25:21 [slide 18] 13:25:26 ek: summary: 13:25:47 ... confirmation that the registry mechanism works 13:26:03 ... close collaboration with external communities and SDOs 13:26:28 ... not much in common between the two 13:26:28 q+ 13:26:36 ... can be a section in a REC 13:27:21 s/the two/WebCodecs and AAC/ 13:27:25 q- 13:27:34 [slide 19] 13:27:40 ek: comparison table 13:28:00 ... submission process, modification process, review and guidelines 13:28:27 ... about IANA, W3C Custom Registries and W3C Official Registries 13:28:31 q+ 13:29:45 kaz: do you mean "Notes, etc." by "W3C Custom", and "Registry Track" by "W3C Official" 13:29:50 ek: yes 13:29:55 s/cial"/cial"?/ 13:29:58 ack k 13:30:05 [slide 20] 13:30:15 ek: Summary of status at W3C 13:30:38 ... Registry Track mechanism is still very open 13:30:52 ... and need considerations by each WG 13:30:58 q+ to mention TTWG boilerplate 13:31:09 ... more information exchange expected with other WGs 13:31:16 topic: Discussion 13:31:19 q? 13:31:35 ack n 13:31:35 nigel, you wanted to mention TTWG boilerplate 13:31:43 subtopic: TTWG boilerplate 13:32:25 TTWG Boilerplate registry code -> https://github.com/w3c/ttwg/tree/main/boilerplate/registry 13:32:46 TTWG Registry discussion -> https://github.com/w3c/ttwg/discussions/241 13:33:03 nm: boilerplate and discussions above 13:33:16 present+ J-Y_Rossi 13:33:27 present+ Peter_Bruhn_Andersen 13:34:29 nm: goes through the registry document html 13:35:57 q+ 13:35:58 -> https://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://github.com/w3c/ttwg/blob/main/boilerplate/registry/index.html HTML preview (not well-styled) 13:36:47 -> https://www.w3.org/TR/dapt/#registry-section Dubbing and Audio description Profiles of TTML2 - G. Registry 13:37:04 nm: might be useful for people 13:37:26 ... the process require specific actions 13:38:07 -> https://www.w3.org/TR/dapt/#script-event-type 4.8 Script Event Type 13:38:16 ek: good resource 13:38:57 ... this boilerplate would be a good approach 13:39:14 nm: there is a guide to help people understand the process 13:39:55 ... can be an example 13:40:06 s/can/this can/ 13:40:28 ... other people may discover issues, though 13:40:28 q? 13:40:30 q+ 13:40:32 ack e 13:40:45 ek: don't think we should impose our need directly into this 13:41:03 ... btw, ReSpec doesn't support this mechanism? 13:41:06 nm: right 13:41:16 ... I created this styling approach 13:42:05 -> https://www.w3.org/TR/dapt/#example-24 Nigel shows the table right above Example 24 13:42:18 nm: probably my best solution so far 13:42:41 ... somebody could think about W3C official styling and ReSpec/Bikeshed tooling 13:42:49 q? 13:43:24 ... for example, other tables like the one at section 3 doesn't use the same style 13:44:31 kaz: tx for your information 13:44:46 q+ 13:44:51 ... WoT also needs to clarify our requirements for WoT Binding Templates 13:44:53 q- 13:45:07 xw: strong +1 for information exchange 13:45:12 ... to get suggestions 13:45:46 ... also agree having discussion with the Process CG would be helpful 13:45:51 ek: ok. tx! 13:45:53 ack x 13:46:19 topic: Summary 13:46:27 [slide 21] 13:46:31 ek: took some notes on the slide 13:46:43 ... would like to check out the next steps 13:47:11 ... main points of discussion, consensus or disagreement? 13:47:29 ... think there was consensus on more exchange with other WGs 13:47:36 ... should talk with the Process CG? 13:47:58 nm: note that PLH is managing the /Guide page 13:48:20 q+ 13:48:46 ek: should be incorporated with that 13:49:15 kaz: you mean the usage of registries and guidelines for them to be incorporated with the /Guide page? 13:49:18 ek: exactly 13:49:30 ack k 13:50:28 ... registry sections to be included in the TR search results 13:50:42 q+ 13:51:17 ek: who to work on what then? 13:51:41 kaz: probably I should bring this result back to PLH and the Strategy/Project Team 13:52:28 action: kaz to bring the results from the registries breakout session to PLH and the Strategy Team 13:53:05 ek: example of a registry section within a REC? 13:53:20 ... what's the trade-off? 13:53:39 nm: it's easy to update the table. no approval is needed 13:54:02 ... values to have the registry information in the REC 13:54:25 q+ 13:55:03 ack k 13:55:24 ek: (skims the check-out slide again) 13:55:46 kaz: possible item 3 for "What are the next steps?" should be WoT WG ourselves to clarify our requirements :) 13:55:49 ek: right 13:55:52 [adjourned] 13:55:56 rrsagent, draft minutes 13:55:58 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/03/12-registries-minutes.html kaz 13:56:46 JKRhb has left #registries 13:59:57 chair: Ege 14:00:00 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:00:02 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/03/12-registries-minutes.html kaz 14:06:22 atsushi_ has joined #registries 14:37:47 atsushi has joined #registries 17:26:47 tidoust has joined #registries 20:21:48 RRSAgent, bye 20:21:48 I see 1 open action item saved in https://www.w3.org/2024/03/12-registries-actions.rdf : 20:21:48 ACTION: kaz to bring the results from the registries breakout session to PLH and the Strategy Team [1] 20:21:48 recorded in https://www.w3.org/2024/03/12-registries-irc#T13-52-28 20:21:52 zakim, bye 20:21:52 leaving. As of this point the attendees have been JKRhb, Kaz_Ashimura, Ege_Korkan, Nigel_Megitt, Enrico_Morisi, Jan_ROmann, Ramon, Klaus_Hartke, Kunihiko_Toumura, 20:21:52 Zakim has left #registries