20:03:46 RRSAgent has joined #fedid 20:03:50 logging to https://www.w3.org/2024/03/12-fedid-irc 20:03:50 RRSAgent, do not leave 20:03:50 tidoust has joined #fedid 20:03:51 RRSAgent, make logs public 20:03:52 Meeting: Promote the PROPOSED Federated Identity Working Group 20:03:52 Chair: Heather Flanagan 20:03:52 Agenda: https://github.com/w3c/breakouts-day-2024/issues/3 20:03:52 Zakim has joined #fedid 20:03:53 Zakim, clear agenda 20:03:53 agenda cleared 20:03:53 Zakim, agenda+ Pick a scribe 20:03:54 agendum 1 added 20:03:54 Zakim, agenda+ Reminders: code of conduct, health policies, recorded session policy 20:03:54 agendum 2 added 20:03:54 Zakim, agenda+ Goal of this session 20:03:56 agendum 3 added 20:03:56 Zakim, agenda+ Discussion 20:03:56 agendum 4 added 20:03:56 Zakim, agenda+ Next steps / where discussion continues 20:03:57 agendum 5 added 20:03:57 tpac-breakout-bot has left #fedid 21:16:33 HeatherF has joined #fedid 21:36:02 wseltzer has joined #fedid 21:38:58 ahHA! Managed to post in the channel! I WIN! 21:39:03 (My bar is so very, very low) 21:57:45 hsano has joined #fedid 22:00:11 present+ 22:01:08 present+ 22:01:26 hober has joined #fedid 22:01:33 present+ 22:01:44 Ian has joined #fedid 22:01:50 agenda? 22:01:58 zakim, take up item 1 22:01:58 present+ 22:01:58 agendum 1 -- Pick a scribe -- taken up [from tpac-breakout-bot] 22:02:00 scribe: Ian 22:02:03 zakim, close item 1 22:02:03 agendum 1, Pick a scribe, closed 22:02:04 I see 4 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 22:02:04 2. Reminders: code of conduct, health policies, recorded session policy [from tpac-breakout-bot] 22:02:06 zakim, take up item 2 22:02:06 agendum 2 -- Reminders: code of conduct, health policies, recorded session policy -- taken up [from tpac-breakout-bot] 22:02:09 martinA has joined #fedid 22:02:12 present+ 22:02:17 present+ Heather, WendySeltzer 22:02:30 present+ Hober 22:02:37 present+ SamGoto 22:02:41 present+ Hiroyuki_Sano 22:02:45 present+ Enrico 22:02:49 present+ MarcosC 22:03:01 [Heather walks through code of conduct] 22:03:05 zakim, take up item 3 22:03:05 agendum 3 -- Goal of this session -- taken up [from tpac-breakout-bot] 22:03:29 -> https://w3c.github.io/charter-drafts/2024/wg-fedid.html Draft charter 22:03:35 Heather: Any questions on the standardization process? 22:03:53 present+ Takashi_Minamii 22:04:20 Heather: Charte réa been out for review. 22:04:33 s/Charte réa/Charter has/ 22:04:42 present+ Tim_Cappalli 22:05:10 Heather: We added some "out of scope" bits. 22:05:57 ...we have received a proposal to make it easy for digital credentials work into the WG; we are not planning to add that at this time 22:05:59 -> https://github.com/w3c/charter-drafts/pull/486/files addition to out-of-scope 22:06:38 Hober: As we know chartering takes time. Does it make sense to add the spec now instead of waiting potentially many more months? 22:07:21 Heather: When we first started work on the charter we combined the two areas of work. We got feedback that the threads (fedcm and digital id) were not at the same level of maturity. 22:07:38 Hober: It is not uncommon for a group to have work at differing levels of maturity. 22:07:51 q+ 22:07:52 Heather: I agree. I am reporting the consensus we reached. 22:08:03 present+ Zachary_Tan 22:08:42 Heather: I hope to continue to have conversations with people who were against the idea of bringing digital credentials / identity into the charter. 22:09:35 wseltzer: The choice is between "take a charter with no FOs and start work and demonstrate success" v. "reopen review" 22:09:49 ...I think nobody thought it would be uncontroversial to add a deliverable 22:10:17 ...so the preference was to start a group; the compromise was to start work and reopen the discussion for how to add to the group 22:10:29 q- 22:11:09 TimC: It may be challenging to have two groups in the same WG trying to get two streams done. 22:11:24 Hober: Yes, but there are examples of it working 22:12:20 TimC: Agree that if there is consensus to add the deliverable; adding sooner rather than later is a good idea. 22:13:37 TimC: There is pressure (from a variety of global stakeholders) to get Digital Credentials into a more stable group. 22:15:17 -> https://www.w3.org/2024/03/12-rwi-minutes.html Minutes from Building Consensus on the Role of Real World Identities on the Web 22:15:39 Heather: Regarding relationship between CG and WG; the WG will take the stable bits through the Rec process. 22:16:16 [Heather on timeline] 22:16:31 Heather: AC is supposed to respond to addition of "out of scope" by 19 March. 22:16:50 ...two proposed chairs are Wendy Seltzer and myself 22:17:11 Heather: I know there are a lot of eyeballs (especially from higher ed) on this work. 22:17:25 q+ 22:17:45 wseltzer: we are excited to be nearly ready to launch the WG. The CG will continue to be a venue for additional incubation. 22:18:39 ack me 22:20:45 Ian: Payments folks have also been looking at FedCM in the context of returning user recognition; we'll probably continue to watch the evolution. 22:21:34 zakim, take up item 4 22:21:34 agendum 4 -- Discussion -- taken up [from tpac-breakout-bot] 22:21:52 Heather: Any discussion about how the WG will function? Meeting cadence, etc? 22:22:27 present+ Kyle_Den_Hartog 22:23:12 Ian: Got any standards positions? 22:23:15 kdenhartog has joined #fedid 22:23:32 Heather: Chrome very invested. Not sure about positions. 22:23:33 present+ 22:23:42 Sam: here are some links re: Webkit and Firefox 22:23:50 ...there is a prototype in Firefox 22:24:13 ...from Webkit we heard "directionally reasonable" 22:24:54 ...but that was a couple of years ago (and passkeys were not as well-supported) 22:25:08 ...but overall this seems directionally correct by different browsers. 22:25:52 ...here are some links to positions 22:26:07 -> https://github.com/mozilla/standards-positions/issues/618#issuecomment-1221964677 Gecko position 22:26:27 -> https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/g/blink-dev/c/URpYPPH-YQ4/m/3YjQdq9CAQAJ Edge position 22:26:41 -> https://lists.webkit.org/pipermail/webkit-dev/2022-March/032162.html Webkit position 22:27:15 -> https://brave.com/privacy-updates/24-google-sign-in-permission/#the-more-promising-future Brave position 22:27:22 Kyle: We are generally supportive of FedCM 22:27:54 -> https://github.com/w3ctag/design-reviews/issues/718#issuecomment-1187725216 TAG feedback 22:28:30 Kyle: We have not yet turned on the feature but the intention is to do so closer to more stability 22:30:06 [Kyle arrived after discussion about digital identity => Charter; Heather summarizes "not planning to change this right away so that the group can start"] 22:32:34 Kyle: We think identity work is premature for the WG at this point. 22:33:31 ...we think the better path is to continue incubation at this time. I plan to put this in a GitHub comment. 22:33:48 ...we are ok with the charter in its current state 22:34:42 Heather: I think it's healthy to have a bit of pressure on us. 22:35:06 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/03/12-fedid-minutes.html Ian 22:35:53 [Some discussion about upcoming AC meeting discussion about identity] 22:37:03 Wseltzer: Thank you for that input. Once the WG starts up, it will be heads-down on its deliverables. The Membership will be the best venue regarding the choice of adding deliverables to the charter 22:38:18 Ian has left #fedid 22:39:24 Ian has joined #fedid 22:39:45 Sam: What's the next step? Timeline? 22:40:31 Heather: AC feedback should end next week. Then there is a call for participation with a link for Members to join 22:40:53 ...the Chairs allow a bit of time for people to join; then schedule meetings. 22:41:08 kdenhartog has joined #fedid 22:41:13 wseltzer: Once the Call for Participation goes out, make sure your AC Rep approves your request to join the WG 22:41:30 Heather: The CG will continue to meet 22:42:25 IJ: Do you have lots of non-Members in the CG? What proportion plan to join the WG? 22:43:04 Heather: There are a good number of non-members (e.g., higher ed). I expect a mix of some become members, some only participate in the cg, maybe an IE. 22:44:38 zakim close item 4 22:44:44 zakim, close item 5 22:44:48 agendum 5, Next steps / where discussion continues, closed 22:44:48 I see 3 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 22:44:48 2. Reminders: code of conduct, health policies, recorded session policy [from tpac-breakout-bot] 22:44:54 zakim, close item 2 22:44:54 agendum 2, Reminders: code of conduct, health policies, recorded session policy, closed 22:44:56 I see 2 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 22:44:56 3. Goal of this session [from tpac-breakout-bot] 22:45:04 Heather: Check out my YouTube channel on FedCM! 22:45:08 zakim, close item 3 22:45:08 agendum 3, Goal of this session, closed 22:45:09 I see 1 item remaining on the agenda: 22:45:09 4. Discussion [from tpac-breakout-bot] 22:45:14 zakim, close item 4 22:45:15 agendum 4, Discussion, closed 22:45:15 I see nothing remaining on the agenda 22:46:03 https://www.youtube.com/@TheDigitalCowNetwork 22:46:27 ^^^ Heather's youtube channel 22:47:32 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/03/12-fedid-minutes.html Ian 22:47:48 zakim, bye 22:47:48 leaving. As of this point the attendees have been hsano, HeatherF, hober, Ian, martinA, WendySeltzer, SamGoto, Hiroyuki_Sano, Enrico, MarcosC, Takashi_Minamii, Tim_Cappalli, 22:47:48 Zakim has left #fedid 22:47:50 rrsagent, bye 22:47:50 I see no action items