12:05:17 RRSAgent has joined #wot-discovery 12:05:21 logging to https://www.w3.org/2024/03/11-wot-discovery-irc 12:05:25 meeting: WoT Discovery 12:06:13 present+ Kaz_Ashimura, Michael_McCool, Kunihiko_Toumura, Tomoaki_Mizushima 12:06:19 chair: McCool 12:09:36 topic: Minute 12:09:42 s/Minute/Minutes/ 12:10:15 -> https://www.w3.org/2024/03/04-wot-discovery-minutes.html Mar-3 12:10:17 approved 12:10:21 topic: Logistics 12:10:38 mm: next cancellation should be April 1 12:10:44 ... for Monday 12:11:07 topic: DID Registry 12:11:10 mm: still pending 12:11:40 -> https://github.com/w3c/did-spec-registries/pull/486/ did-spec-registries PR 486 - Add WotThing and WotDirectory service types 12:11:50 topic: Planning 12:13:59 subtopic: Use Cases and Requirements 12:14:19 mm: what can we do for Discovery? 12:15:19 q+ 12:15:28 ... some of the security stuff can wait 12:15:40 ... versioning also 12:17:14 q+ 12:17:47 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot/blob/main/planning/Discovery/work-items.md wot/planning/Discovery/work-items.md 12:19:26 kaz: as you know, the WoT-JP CG had a seminar on WoT Security in general on Friday 12:19:48 ... and got good feedback from ECHONET and the panelist including the security expert from SECOM 12:20:15 ... so probably it would make sense to consider that feedback 12:20:34 ... but we should ask Mizushima-san for opinions about that too 12:20:37 mm: ok 12:21:26 ... we already have the wot/planning area including this proposals from the Discovery TF 12:21:33 kaz: yeah 12:21:48 ... so we need to clarify how to deal with the information at that area 12:21:50 ack k 12:22:19 ... also the relationship between the information under wot/planning and the UC TF discussion 12:22:45 mm: yeah 12:23:05 ... would like to look into how to deal with Discovery requirements also 12:23:42 mizu: we have not discussed the detail of the Functional Requirements or the Technical Requirements yet 12:23:50 ... during the UC TF calls 12:24:11 ... so I'm not really sure how to deal with the proposals at the wot/planning/Discovery area 12:24:44 ... would like to finalize the discussion on the templates for the Functional Requirements and the Technical Requirements 12:24:47 mm: agree 12:25:20 ... on the other hand, kind of concerned about the publication schedule 12:26:01 ... if we wait until the UCR Note is published in September, the work around Discovery will be delayed... 12:26:09 q? 12:26:12 ack t 12:26:36 ... we could wait until the publication but kind of concerned about the schedule 12:26:59 q+ 12:27:34 ack k 12:28:32 kaz: we can start some more concrete discussion about the Discovery Requirements once the UC TF discussion about the templates for the Functional Templates and the Technical Templates, e.g., in April or May 12:28:48 ... so we don't need to get too concerned about the schedule :) 12:28:55 mm: that's true 12:29:23 ... ok, let's close the topic then 12:30:01 topic: WoT-JP CG meeting feedback 12:30:08 mm: any feedback then? 12:30:16 kaz: not sure if Mizushima-san is ready for the report 12:30:25 q+ 12:30:57 ... maybe he'd like to summarize the discussion tomorrow 12:31:19 mm: is it possible to summarize that by the main call? 12:31:28 kaz: let's ask Mizushima-san :) 12:32:04 mizu: we'll have a meeting tomorrow to summarize the discussion from the WoT Security Seminar 12:32:08 mm: ok 12:32:22 ... if there is input for UCR, UC TF can work on that 12:32:55 ... and if there is a possible work item for Discovery, Discovery TF can discuss that 12:35:26 ... would create another PR for the requirements discussion 12:35:27 q+ 12:35:32 ack t 12:36:25 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot/pull/1186 wot PR 1186 - WIP: Link Discovery Work Items to Requirements 12:36:45 kaz: do you want to think about some more possible requirements based on the work items? 12:37:32 mm: the work items or the requirements descriptions on the UCR Editor's Draft is not really well-defined yet 12:37:59 ... would like to describe why the possible use cases are needed 12:38:26 ... and why the use cases are relevant for the possible requirements 12:39:45 ack k 12:40:02 [adjourned] 12:40:08 rrsagent, make log public 12:40:14 rrsagent, draft minutes 12:40:15 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/03/11-wot-discovery-minutes.html kaz 12:55:58 agenda: https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/WG_WoT_Discovery_WebConf#11_March_2024 12:55:59 rrsagent, draft minutes 12:56:01 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/03/11-wot-discovery-minutes.html kaz 13:03:47 JKRhb has joined #wot-discovery 15:14:09 Zakim has left #wot-discovery