15:52:53 RRSAgent has joined #hcls 15:52:57 logging to https://www.w3.org/2024/03/07-hcls-irc 15:52:58 rrsagent, make logs public 15:53:03 Meeting: FHIR RDF 15:53:06 Chair: David Booth 16:09:46 Topic: Intros 16:10:32 detlef: Work for Sohard, Germany. 16:11:07 ... Developed semantic DICOM access system, converting DICOM to RDF. Goal is to integrate clinical data into huge KG and use AI to get new knowledge from it. 16:11:29 .. We have proprietary solution right now. Already using FHIR RDF. Very handy. 16:12:45 dbooth: Which version of FHIR RDF. 16:12:48 detlef: Not sure. 16:13:29 Topic: Concept IRIs 16:13:51 gaurav: Waiting for content check. Not sure what it means. If no movement soon, will poke someone. 16:14:18 ... Planned to figure out next steps of IRI stems, -- next week. 16:14:44 Topic: Turtle generation 16:15:11 jim: Getting set up to figure out Tim Prudhomme's last status. Test one example at a time, rather than all. 16:15:55 Topic: DICOM 16:16:27 josh: Interested in bridging from large imaging with DICOM. 16:16:43 erich: Want casting of DICOM data to RDF, and also integrate it to FHIR. 16:17:16 ... Want a complete picture. Various projects on DICOM RDF, but nothing official. Want it official. 16:17:56 eric: Need to document overlap between FHJIR resoures and DICOM metadata. That would inform use cases and what to standardize. 16:18:26 erich: From design standpoint, would be good to have it complete. 16:20:16 dbooth: Could either map DICOM to FHIR, then get FHIR RDF for free; or map DICOM directly to RDF. 16:21:20 erich: If it isn't a complete mapping to FHIR, then it might not be enough. 16:22:15 eric: If we map directly to RDF, we'll still need to determine FHIR overlap. 16:23:13 ... But if we map from DICOM to FHIR it won't be complete. 16:23:26 dbooth: But could be complete, because FHIR has extensibility. 16:23:52 eric: but wouldn't want to use the extensions -- too hard. 16:24:05 detlef: Patient overlap definitely. 16:25:30 erich: I emailed the FHIR imaging group, but haven't heard back yet. 16:25:55 dbooth: Might need to join one of their calls, to get more attention. 16:26:33 rob: Two calls in March, 12 and 19, 11am ET. 19th call is canceled. 16:27:16 eric: Is there a sympathetic ear in that group? Want to determine the overlap of DICOM and FHIR 16:27:44 ... Probably they've already document the overlap somewhere. 16:30:02 https://www.hl7.org/concalls/CallDetails.cfm?concall=71194 16:30:13 ACTION: Erich to join the March 12 call. 16:35:07 Present: Erich Bremer, Detlef Grittner, Rob hausam, Jim Balhoff, EricP, Josh Moore, Gaurav Vaidya 16:49:28 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:49:29 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/03/07-hcls-minutes.html dbooth 16:53:15 Topic: Issue review 16:53:25 ACTION: DBooth to figure out if this was promised for the R01 grant https://github.com/w3c/hcls-fhir-rdf/issues/130 16:56:46 ADJOURNED 16:57:44 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:57:45 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/03/07-hcls-minutes.html dbooth 16:59:32 TallTed has joined #hcls