13:01:12 RRSAgent has joined #wot-discovery 13:01:17 logging to https://www.w3.org/2024/03/04-wot-discovery-irc 13:01:17 meeting: WoT Discovery 13:02:06 ktoumura has joined #wot-discovery 13:03:14 meeting: WoT Discovery 13:03:25 McCool has joined #wot-discovery 13:03:32 present+ Kaz_Ashimura, Michael_McCool, Jan_Romann, Kunihiko_Toumura 13:06:13 agenda: https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/WG_WoT_Discovery_WebConf#4_March_2024 13:07:19 scribenick: kaz 13:07:29 present+ Tomoaki_Mizushima 13:07:36 topic: Minutes 13:07:46 -> https://www.w3.org/2024/02/26-wot-discovery-minutes.html Feb-26 13:07:50 Mizushima has joined #wot-discovery 13:07:53 mm: (goes through the minutes) 13:08:39 approved 13:09:51 q+ 13:10:24 ack k 13:10:38 topic: Meeting schedule 13:10:42 mm: any updates? 13:10:44 (none) 13:11:11 mm: I was thinking to take vacation some time in May 13:11:22 ... not sure about the exact date yet, though 13:11:51 topic: Issues and PRs 13:11:59 subtopic: PR 544 13:12:29 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-discovery/pull/544 PR 544 - fix(ontology): extract current version from .ttl file 13:12:39 mm: this is a kind of bug fix 13:12:54 jr: we need to visit the TTL file 13:13:18 ... to get the version information 13:13:21 mm: ok 13:13:56 ... we don't increase the version with only changing the rendering script 13:14:05 (merged) 13:14:39 subtopic: DID Registry 13:15:05 -> https://github.com/w3c/did-spec-registries/pull/486 did-spec-registries PR 486 - Add WotThing and WotDirectory service types 13:15:13 mm: (visits the PR) 13:15:19 ... still not merged yet 13:15:59 subtopic: Issue 533 13:16:11 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-discovery/issues/533 Issue 533 - Update HTML for Discovery ontology 13:16:25 mm: the first three check points have been already done 13:16:39 ... maybe we could have some more check points 13:16:50 ... for missing steps 13:17:12 ... (adds several more check points) 13:18:35 [updated check points] 13:18:36 [[ 13:18:36 - [ ] Align versioning with the group consensus policy, and consistent with the TD specification 13:18:36 - [ ] Fix domain/range issue 13:18:36 - [ ] Update the HTML file to reflect the actual content of the discovery ontology - PR into wot-discovery repo 13:18:37 - [ ] Replace the HTML resources in wot-resources (the publication is by redirection, so this will update the published resource at the official URL) - PR into wot-resources repo 13:18:40 ]] 13:19:52 q+ 13:20:42 ack k 13:21:12 kaz: putting the updated draft resources for Discovery under the "publication" area would be confusing 13:22:10 ... if all the resources correspond with some specific publication draft, maybe we can put it under the "publication" area every time 13:22:57 ... but if it's not the case, it would be better to put the draft WoT Discovery resources under "draft-resources" or somewhere like that separately from the "publication" area 13:23:02 mm: either is fine 13:23:28 ... let's think about it 13:23:36 subtopic: Issue 541 13:23:59 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-discovery/issues/541 Issue 541 - Add domain and range to ontology 13:24:14 jr: would talk with Mahda 13:24:24 subtopic: Issue 467 13:24:48 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-discovery/issues/467 Issue 467 - Resolve Remaining DID issues 13:25:15 mm: do we still have anything to do this? 13:25:18 (none) 13:25:21 (closed) 13:25:47 subtopic: Issue 402 13:26:04 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-discovery/issues/402 Issue 402 - Register DID service names 13:26:12 mm: still pending 13:26:39 ... depending on the did-spec-registries 486 issue 13:28:13 subtopic: Issues with "defer to Discovery 2.0" label 13:28:29 mm: not really relevant any more to have the label of "defer to Discovery 2.0" now 13:28:40 ... should we simply remove the label? 13:28:55 q+ 13:29:15 ... then reorganize things 13:29:15 q+ 13:29:29 jr: agree 13:29:36 ack j 13:29:42 kaz: ok 13:29:44 ack k 13:30:05 mm: (removed the "defer to Discovery 2.0" label) 13:30:12 subtopic: Issue 445 13:30:43 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-discovery/issues/445 Issue 445 - Implementation Report Fixes 13:30:52 mm: (goes through the issue) 13:31:56 ... (shows the WoT Discovery implementation report also) 13:33:06 -> https://w3c.github.io/wot-discovery/testing/report.html WoT Discovery Implementation Report 13:34:31 mm: (creates several check points within the Issue 445) 13:35:41 s/creates several check points/make the bullet points to check points/ 13:36:18 ... (also makes "Assertion tdd-notification-data-diff-unsupported..." done) 13:36:35 ... since the assertion is removed now 13:37:15 ... would ask Farshid for clariication for "tdd-things-list-pagination-order-utf-8..." 13:37:50 ... (then visits the wot-testing repo) 13:38:59 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-testing/blob/main/data/input_2022/Discovery/VAIMEE/manual.csv wot-testing/data/input_2022/Discovery/VAIMEE/manual.csv 13:39:49 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-testing/blob/main/data/input_2022/Discovery/siemens-logilab/manual.csv wot-testing/data/input_2022/Discovery/siemens-logilab/manual.csv 13:40:22 ... need to see the results again 13:40:41 q? 13:41:46 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-testing/tree/main/data/input_2022/Discovery/Results wot-testing/data/input_2022/Discovery/Results/ 13:41:51 rrsagent, make log public 13:41:59 rrsagent, draft minutes 13:42:00 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/03/04-wot-discovery-minutes.html kaz 13:43:04 mm: seems there are related issues 13:43:17 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-discovery/issues/413 Issue 413 - Improve wording of tdd-absolute-time assertion 13:43:26 q+ 13:45:37 ack k 13:45:52 kaz: you can check the detail later offline :) 13:45:58 mm: yeah, agree 13:46:36 subtopic: Requirements issues 13:46:51 mm: there are many requirements issues 13:47:07 subtopic: Issue 328 13:47:24 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-discovery/issues/328 Issue 328 - CR WD review June 2022 13:47:28 mm: can close this 13:48:16 ... but this issue is actually related to the use cases discussion 13:48:23 ... should rename it 13:48:44 ... (rename it to "Discovery Use Case for finding TDs in a given security realm" 13:48:53 s/lm"/lm")/ 13:49:15 subtopic: Issue 510 13:49:29 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-discovery/issues/510 Issue 510 - Update Requirements 13:50:03 mm: how about changing the title to "Update Discovery Requirements"? 13:50:12 (renamed) 13:50:26 q+ 13:50:50 ack k 13:51:10 kaz: should add a label on "requirements"? 13:51:19 mm: rather "use case"? 13:51:25 kaz: that's also fine 13:51:48 mm: and maybe we should move this over to the wot-usecases repo 13:52:04 (moved to wot-usecases repo) 13:52:25 subtopic: Issue 534 13:52:44 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-discovery/issues/534 Issue 534 - Link Work Items to Requirements in UC&R document 13:52:46 q+ 13:53:27 mm: how to handle this? 13:53:38 kaz: we should think about inter-TF issues as the whole WG 13:54:05 ... but putting some kind of label "collaboration", etc., could be a starting point 13:54:14 mm: ok 13:54:24 ... why don't to call it "organizational"? 13:54:29 kaz: that's fine 13:54:50 subtopic: Issue 209 13:55:16 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-discovery/issues/209 Issue 209 - Thing Description Framing 13:55:22 mm: has "move to TD" label 13:55:29 ... also very old (in 2021) 13:56:57 ... it's also an issue on the output as JSON (not TD) 13:57:39 ... anyway, not really a Discovery issue 13:58:00 ... let me transfer it to wot-thing-description repo 13:58:35 ... (also changes the title) 13:58:47 q+ 13:59:21 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-thing-description/issues/1981 wot-thing-description Issue 1981 - Thing Description Framing for RDF/JSON-LD round-tripping 13:59:56 [adjourned] 14:00:01 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:00:03 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/03/04-wot-discovery-minutes.html kaz 14:00:09 q- 16:23:51 Zakim has left #wot-discovery