16:59:05 RRSAgent has joined #aria-editors 16:59:09 logging to https://www.w3.org/2024/03/04-aria-editors-irc 16:59:09 RRSAgent, make logs Public 16:59:40 Meeting: ARIA Editors 16:59:40 zakim, agenda? 16:59:40 I see nothing on the agenda 16:59:41 agendabot, find agenda 16:59:41 dmontalvo, OK. This may take a minute... 16:59:42 agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-aria-editors/2024Mar/0000.html 16:59:42 clear agenda 16:59:42 agenda+ [new] respec dark mode (aria #2133 etc) 16:59:42 agenda+ [continue] aria-common #109 remove/replace aria-wg-active.md and 16:59:45 agenda+ [continue] modernizing aria.js (aria-common #104 & PR #106) 16:59:48 agenda+ [continue] PR/Merge process - async meeting? (aria #2055) 16:59:50 agenda+ [on Hold] aria #2113 Remove abbr elements (etc) 16:59:53 agenda+ [on Hold] roll out prettier setup - tracked via aria-common#99 16:59:55 agenda+ [on Hold] spec markup for advice for AT (jnurthen) 17:00:55 pkra has joined #aria-editors 17:02:47 scribe: pkra 17:03:14 present+ 17:03:24 zakim, next item 17:03:24 agendum 1 -- [new] respec dark mode (aria #2133 etc) -- taken up [from agendabot] 17:03:32 present+ Daniel 17:04:18 jamesn: does anybody know where to look? 17:05:01 ... there's a respec issue https://github.com/w3c/respec/issues/2651 17:05:20 ... looks like they're taking it on 17:05:23 ... so we should be good. 17:05:35 ... once that's live, we can check if it works for us. 17:05:43 spectranaut_ has joined #aria-editors 17:05:56 agenda? 17:06:58 pkra: and jcraig commented on the issue regarding contrast media queries so that's good. 17:07:03 zakim, next item 17:07:03 agendum 2 -- [continue] aria-common #109 remove/replace aria-wg-active.md and -- taken up [from agendabot] 17:07:25 https://github.com/w3c/aria-common/issues/109 17:08:38 pkra: this started with spectranaut_ taking note of outdated participans md in aria-commons. 17:08:52 ... then dmontalvo did a demo via w3c API 17:09:03 ... then pkra looked through specs which ones use it https://github.com/w3c/aria-common/issues/109 17:09:07 jnurthen: automated? 17:09:11 pkra: yes, before and after 17:09:34 jnurthen: do we keep list of old contributions? 17:09:38 spectranaut_: do we need to? 17:09:42 pkra: there's still the old specs. 17:10:10 jnurthen: there's the important people we might not want to drop 17:10:15 spectranaut_: what do other specs do? 17:11:07 scotto: is that a bad thing? If they haven't contributed, should they really be mentioned alongside those who did actively work on a version? 17:11:31 jnurthen: e.g., latest css color spec has manual section but no historic mentions. 17:11:38 dmontalvo: wcag has previous participants. 17:11:57 ... we could match that manual section. 17:12:11 jnurthen: leaning towards dropping it 17:12:28 https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG22/#ack_participants-previous 17:13:15 pkra: it's just aria, accname, core-aam that even uses the outdated lists 17:13:30 ... everything else uses manual lists or nothing. So dropping seems fine 17:13:35 jnurthen: sounds fair 17:14:00 pkra: shall we start PRs to replace the outdated list with dmontalvo's solution? 17:14:04 spectranaut_: +1 17:16:03 dmontalvo: there's still a linting problem with my PR to aria-common. 17:16:10 pkra: we should just update our rules 17:16:24 jnurthen: does it run before or after respec? 17:16:33 dmontalvo: I'll check into it 17:17:12 jnurthen: the old one was an include made via respec 17:17:27 ... when should this run? 17:18:22 ... before / after? 17:18:30 dmontalvo: I'll look into integrating it into respec. 17:18:38 pkra: don't we do other things this way? 17:19:33 jnurthen: no, it's all configured in the respec config block. 17:20:20 pkra: ok. so as a before script? 17:20:27 jnurthen: yes 17:20:31 dmontalvo: I'll get on it. 17:20:40 zakim, next item 17:20:40 agendum 3 -- [continue] modernizing aria.js (aria-common #104 & PR #106) -- taken up [from agendabot] 17:20:58 pkra: I need to address spectranaut_ 's comments. 17:21:29 ... I just didn't get to it. 17:23:57 ... I want to address those and merge it quickly. Then there's bugs to fix and things to improve further. 17:24:40 jnurthen: would be good. lots of history. 17:24:53 pkra: there's still aria-child then 17:25:08 jnurthen: right, even if it only affects dpub. 17:25:47 agenda? 17:25:47 zakim, next item. 17:25:50 agendum 4 -- [continue] PR/Merge process - async meeting? (aria #2055) -- taken up [from agendabot] 17:26:23 pkra: spectranaut_ had sent async meeting question. 17:26:39 spectranaut_: in meeting. 17:26:58 ... sorry, not async. but with possible remote 17:27:11 spectranaut_: not perfectly convinced it's the best way forward. 17:27:30 jnurthen: do we have alternative proposals? 17:27:43 spectranaut_: worried that it causes too many problems, at least early on 17:28:27 jnurthen: do we still want to go for in-person? 17:29:47 ... would we have an office to work in? 17:31:09 spectranaut_: do we have other members that could help here? 17:32:49 pkra: ok, let's revisit next time. 17:35:00 ... I still wonder if we're trying to solve a social issue with a piece of technology 17:37:22 spectranaut_: right. jcraig's point was implementors are struggling. 17:37:27 jnurthen: we need to help there. 17:37:37 pkra: right. 17:37:46 scotto: struggling with our process as well 17:37:46 zakim, next item 17:37:46 agendum 5 -- [on Hold] aria #2113 Remove abbr elements (etc) -- taken up [from agendabot] 17:38:45 jnurthen: I think we should remove them. 17:38:47 ... e.g., HTML 17:38:54 scotto: isn't some of this done by respce? 17:39:05 jnurthen: I thought it wasn't. 17:39:24 scotto: pretty sure references do get it. 17:39:34 jnurthen: ok. but let's remove ours. 17:39:41 scotto: but let's stop being inconsistent. 17:40:20 jnurthen: I'm happy to go through them. 17:40:35 ... I feel like we can remove a few hundred at least. 17:40:58 ... there's a risk for merge conflicts. 17:41:18 ... I don't think it would make it worse. But possibly better. 17:41:31 ... and we should file bugs against respec to not expand something like HTML. 17:41:50 scotto: yes, fix it at source. 17:44:32 zakim, next item 17:44:32 agendum 6 -- [on Hold] roll out prettier setup - tracked via aria-common#99 -- taken up [from agendabot] 17:46:03 pkra: not much has happened 17:46:20 ... due to risk of merge conflicts 17:47:02 ... we wanted to do ARIA after 1.3 FPWD 17:47:17 jnurthen: right. 17:47:37 ... accname is smaller 17:47:42 pkra: and only 3 PRs right now 17:49:14 bryan: right. usually melanie helps with rebasing magic skills 17:49:24 pkra: could we connect to get started? 17:49:27 bryan: will do. 17:49:46 pkra: great! Let's do accname next then. 17:50:10 dmontalvo: if we want to move accname forward, we should work on the list of changes. 17:50:17 ... automatic list is not great. 17:50:36 ... could bryan and melanie perhaps send manual list of changes? 17:50:43 bryan: not sure how complicated that would be. 17:50:50 ... do we have something? 17:51:00 dmontalvo: we only miss changes since FPWD 17:51:48 ... the commit messages were not easy to grok for me. 17:51:56 bryan: ok. same here but let's coordinate. 17:52:16 zakim, next item 17:52:16 agendum 7 -- [on Hold] spec markup for advice for AT (jnurthen) -- taken up [from agendabot] 17:52:39 jnurthen: no updates right now. 17:53:03 zakim, end meeting. 17:53:03 As of this point the attendees have been pkra, Daniel 17:53:04 RRSAgent, please draft minutes v2 17:53:06 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/03/04-aria-editors-minutes.html Zakim 17:53:13 I am happy to have been of service, pkra; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 17:53:13 Zakim has left #aria-editors