Social CG

01 March 2024


angelo, ckolderup, dmitriz, emelia, eprodrom, j12t, snarfed, tantek, thisismissem
eprodrom, tantek

Meeting minutes


andy piper: self-introduction. Member of multiple Open Source organizations and a member of various teams, working with Mastodon and IFTAS.

reilly: Reilly Spitzfaden, interested in Fediverse, audio engineer

tantek: IndyWebCamp Brighton will be March 9-10. Still tickets available. Great for locals. People doing hacking and sessions on all kinds of things.

<tantek> https://indieweb.org/2024/Brighton

<tantek> Tickets complimentary

johannes ernst: fediforum coming up March 19-20. 10 demos. Show-and-tell and unconference.


dmitriz: we're on monthly CG meetings

eprodrom: in calendar, will happen automatically

emelia smith: can we link from the home page?

dmitriz: yes

Issue triage meetings

dmitriz: issue triage is happening on a regular basis

eprodrom: is it worthwhile for other task forces to use issue triage time?

emelia: minutes and agenda?

eprodrom: yes

main specs

dmitriz: work has started on editor's drafts for AS2 and AP

dmitriz: route for normative changes

eprodrom: issues -> errata -> editor's draft

eprodrom: this kind of implementers guide belongs in the ActivityPub primer on the wiki: https://www.w3.org/wiki/ActivityPub/Primer

eprodrom: we should link from the spec to the primer

eprodrom: all the pages in the primer are available for anyone with a W3C account to edit, will follow-up and confirm

dmitriz: good idea to move wiki content into GitHub?

emelia: GitHub discussions or other issues?

tantek: Questions page inside the Primer? perhaps eprodrom can create a Questions page inside Primer as a starting point to point people to? Other way for people to connect?

johannes: lots of discussions in Matrix group, also

<tantek> e.g. https://www.w3.org/wiki/ActivityPub/Primer/Questions

johannes: worthwhile to talk about usability, other flows, etc.

johannes: need a roadmap

emelia: iftas is working on DSA guidance for instance operators

emelia: DSA is digital services act, EU legislation for online services responsibilities

emelia: most instances fall under small, micro businesses

report out from task forces

<snarfed> swicg/activitypub-http-signature#26

ryanbarrett: working on HTTP signatures. Tentative outline, initial text, ~1/3-1/2 of report.

ryanbarrett: can incorporate other work from FEPs.

ryanbarrett: please review.

emelia: note that outline does not include disparity on versions.

emelia: upgrade on roadmap?

ryanbarrett: some notes on how HTTP signature works now, will consider how others use it.

aarongrey: would like to see alongside spec, want to see working implementations. Minimal implementations for testing. Example infrastructure that people can build from.

aarongrey: would give some examples for working with.

emelia: some implementations working on modular work.

dmitriz: good idea for an issue!

emelia: what is the next step to get to the next version?

ryanb: will open an issue for how to do this

eprodrom: working on A) WebFinger ActivityPub report

eprodrom: repository here: swicg/activitypub-webfinger

eprodrom: A has done an amazing amount of work

eprodrom: zeroth draft of the document published at: https://swicg.github.io/activitypub-webfinger/

eprodrom: great time to be getting feedback on this document

eprodrom: if there is anything hard to understand or follow or technically erroneous, it would be very helpful to hear that

eprodrom: by the next meeting I would like to take this from zeroth draft to a Draft Report for the CG

eprodrom: I am also editing the Extensions Policy report: https://swicg.github.io/extensions-policy/

eprodrom: it's an important part of how we make the AP ecosystem a growing expanding ecosystem that covers new ways of social interaction

eprodrom: this has been published last week as an official Draft Report of the CG as agreed at the last meeting

eprodrom: good time for us to be putting some of this into practice

eprodrom: it would be good to step through this process with a widely used extension

eprodrom: there are a few popular extensions like the Security Vocabulary that might be good candidates here

eprodrom: if you have time, this is also an area to please collect some issues on this draft before we go to something final

eprodrom: one part of this policy is about versioning

eprodrom: one of the things we have tried to do with ActivityStreams context is have the tip of our version history at the W3C context document

eprodrom: but in situations where it is important to maintain an exact version of the document, we also have a version history listing, so you can say this document uses exactly this context

eprodrom: we have main links and also version links

eprodrom: we have made changes in the context since the last time we published a version

eprodrom: the current version we have listed in our version history is 1.10

eprodrom: I did a diff, I think it was A who brought it up, we have added the vCard namespace to the main context document and alsoKnownAs term

eprodrom: since the 1.10 was published

eprodrom: I propose to the group that we publish a v1.11 that is at the current state

eprodrom: that would also give us a chance to put in practice the versioning policy

eprodrom: PROPOSAL: publish version 1.11 of Activity Streams 2.0 context document based on current state of the context document.

dmitriz: let's give a second to talk about it before we vote

thisismissem: my question is about the extensions policy, my question is about backwards compatibility. are future versions required to be backwards compatible?

eprodrom: I think that the document as described is additive, append-only structure. It does not describe a mechanism for updating or replacing terms within the existing context.

eprodrom: That is an important part, I'm going to open a ticket to note append-only backwards compatibility.

dmitriz: let's vote on the proposal


<ckolderup> +1

<thisismissem> +1

<dmitriz> +1

<snarfed> +1


<thisismissem> plh: abstain

dmitriz: seeing a bunch of +1s, no -1s or 0s yet

<thisismissem> bob wyman: +1

dmitriz: no objections, proposal passed

RESOLUTION: publish version 1.11 of Activity Streams 2.0 context document based on current state of the context document.

thisismissem: would this be related to the licensing changes?

eprodrom: not directly related

dmitriz: yes we should do it, not necessary to be at the same time

Spam attack

eprodrom: spam attack on the fediverse, mostly direct messages directed at individuals

eprodrom: looks like some kind of discord between different groups, using the fediverse as a battlefield

eprodrom: lot of work going on with dealing with this large issue

eprodrom: wanted to make sure we had a discussion here about it

thisismissem: it wasn't commercial, it was two hacking groups of kids / teenagers. one from one discord server, another from another discord server

thisismissem: the link in the spam was to the target discord to get taken down

thisismissem: we have taken away some of the heat from ActivityPub platforms. did an interview with TechCrunch

thisismissem: this is not a Mastodon platform, this is a problem with Discord in Japan allowing the kids to do hacking activity

thisismissem: a reasonably well organized group of teenagers, potentially with an adult involved

thisismissem: it was reported to Discord, specifically to their Child Abuse Department and they went "meh, not our problem because you're not a parent of any of the teenagers involved"

thisismissem: this attack leveraged outdated instances, those with open registration, then automated processes to create accounts, and send the spam

thisismissem: normally we see one instance attacked. in the case of these Japanese kids, literally 100s of servers at a time sending out the same spam.

thisismissem: so our strategy for mitigation was very different than just one instance

thisismissem: it was actually a much more sustained spam attack than what we've ever seen before

thisismissem: possibly highlights a very fatal flaw in our current open federation model that we have

thisismissem: the other thing is that Japanese police are involved. there are criminal prosecutions involved for those involved with the spam wave

j12t: if it were an actual commercial attack rather than just teenagers, do we know what the plan is?

thisismissem: I linked to a paper that was published that explores a bunch of the more sophisticated threats to the fediverse

<thisismissem> https://www.tsjournal.org/index.php/jots/article/view/171

eprodrom: this is different from our current moderation based on server and account

eprodrom: not on content

eprodrom: there was no shifting of content or keyword mashing.

eprodrom: it would have been tractable with Bayesian approaches

eprodrom: we have some technical barriers to using these techniques. we need to be considering how to incorporate these techniques into our systems

dmitriz: we are at time, need to pause here, final comment thisismissem?

thisismissem: when we blocked hashtags, they adapted the spam and removed the hashtags. when we blocked images, they removed the images and started mentioning a bunch of useres. it did evolve

dmitriz: let's continue the conversation offline

dmitriz: see you all the first Friday in April, April 5th

<thisismissem> IFTAS Matrix: https://matrix.to/#/#space:matrix.iftas.org

dmitriz++ for chairing

<Loqi> dmitriz has 2 karma over the last year

<thisismissem> on misunderstandings of ActivityPub, this is one of the examples I saw going around: claims that activitypub is *push only*, which is factually incorrect (my response): https://hachyderm.io/@thisismissem/112017863938169538

<thisismissem> Also, a link about the TechCrunch interview https://techcrunch.com/2024/02/21/discord-took-no-action-against-server-that-coordinated-costly-mastodon-spam-attacks/

Summary of resolutions

  1. publish version 1.11 of Activity Streams 2.0 context document based on current state of the context document.
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 221 (Fri Jul 21 14:01:30 2023 UTC).


Succeeded: s/questions page/Questions page inside the Primer? perhaps eprodrom can create a Questions page inside Primer as a starting point to point people to

Succeeded: s/emelia:/thisismissem:

Maybe present: aarongrey, johannes, reilly, ryanb, ryanbarrett

All speakers: aarongrey, dmitriz, emelia, eprodrom, j12t, johannes, reilly, ryanb, ryanbarrett, tantek, thisismissem

Active on IRC: angelo, ckolderup, dmitriz, eprodrom, Loqi, snarfed, tantek, thisismissem