17:56:24 RRSAgent has joined #aria 17:56:28 logging to https://www.w3.org/2024/02/22-aria-irc 17:56:28 RRSAgent, make logs Public 17:56:29 Meeting: ARIA WG 17:56:33 agendabot, find agenda 17:56:33 jamesn, OK. This may take a minute... 17:57:21 Sorry, I did not find an agenda. 17:57:36 agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-aria/2024Feb/0013.html 17:57:36 clear agenda 17:57:36 agenda+ [New Issue Triage](http://tinyurl.com/5abvx8pk) 17:57:36 agenda+ [New PR Triage](http://tinyurl.com/5ykwjkps) 17:57:36 agenda+ [WPT Open PRs](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3Aweb-platform-tests%2Fwpt+is%3Aopen+label%3Awai-aria%2Caccname&type=pullrequests) 17:57:37 agenda+ [Deep Dive planning](https://bit.ly/aria-meaty-topic-candidates) 17:57:39 spectranaut_ has joined #aria 17:57:40 agenda+ [Final Proposal: AccName Role Traversal Proposal](https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1821#issuecomment-1946338425) 17:57:43 agenda+ [Status Update: Consider providing a way for authors to customize the announcement of state](https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/2085) 17:57:46 agenda+ [Add `nameFrom: heading` steps to computation after spec addition ARIA PR #1860 is reviewed.](https://github.com/w3c/accname/issues/182#issuecomment-1946855168) 17:57:50 agenda+ [Status Update: ARIAMixin has many integer attributes with string types and uses DOMString? incorrectly](https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1110) 17:57:53 agenda+ [Accessible Rich Internet Applications Working Group](https://www.w3.org/groups/wg/aria/) ([View Calendar](https://www.w3.org/groups/wg/aria/calendar/)) 17:58:48 Adam_Page has joined #aria 18:00:38 Francis_Storr has joined #aria 18:00:56 present+ 18:01:16 present+ 18:01:34 giacomo-petri has joined #aria 18:01:42 present+ 18:02:16 present+ 18:02:45 pkra has joined #aria 18:03:11 scribe: Adam_Page 18:03:51 present+ 18:06:44 StefanS has joined #aria 18:07:01 present+ 18:07:26 zakim, next item 18:07:26 agendum 1 -- [New Issue Triage](http://tinyurl.com/5abvx8pk) -- taken up [from agendabot] 18:08:27 jamesn: aria/#2124 18:09:25 pkra: deals with how to use aria-owns on elements without children 18:09:35 pkra: spec should be updated to reflect what browsers are doing 18:09:42 pkra: but we need to confirm that 18:10:07 scotto: I linked a related issue for ARIA in HTML 18:10:09 sarah has joined #aria 18:10:28 pkra: there’s also an editorial part to it because of very old language 18:10:43 pkra: will bring up on edior’s call 18:11:12 pkra: I’ll take assignment 18:11:14 scotto: me too 18:11:36 jamesn: html-aam/#532 18:11:43 scotto: no triage needed, this is for me 18:11:59 zakim, next item 18:11:59 agendum 2 -- [New PR Triage](http://tinyurl.com/5ykwjkps) -- taken up [from agendabot] 18:12:15 zakim, close this item 18:12:15 agendum 2 closed 18:12:16 I see 7 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 18:12:16 3. [WPT Open PRs](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3Aweb-platform-tests%2Fwpt+is%3Aopen+label%3Awai-aria%2Caccname&type=pullrequests) [from agendabot] 18:12:20 zakim, next item 18:12:20 agendum 3 -- [WPT Open PRs](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3Aweb-platform-tests%2Fwpt+is%3Aopen+label%3Awai-aria%2Caccname&type=pullrequests) -- taken up [from agendabot] 18:12:53 spectranaut_: we talked about most of these last week 18:13:15 Matt_King has joined #aria 18:13:24 present+ 18:13:36 zakim, close this item 18:13:36 agendum 3 closed 18:13:37 I see 6 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 18:13:37 4. [Deep Dive planning](https://bit.ly/aria-meaty-topic-candidates) [from agendabot] 18:13:40 zakim, next item 18:13:40 agendum 4 -- [Deep Dive planning](https://bit.ly/aria-meaty-topic-candidates) -- taken up [from agendabot] 18:13:44 siri has joined #aria 18:13:49 BGaraventa has joined #aria 18:14:12 jamesn: we had a tentative plan for value calculation 18:14:24 ... but may not need a deep dive after all 18:15:06 present+ bgaraventa 18:15:46 spectranaut_: I recall thinking that a little reorganization would be good, but it’s not necessarily complicated 18:15:48 q+ 18:16:00 Matt_King: we say how to calculate value in the combo box spec 18:16:14 ... but the way it’s written is confusing, and it’s not consistent with similar components, like textbox 18:16:23 ... so the idea is to make sure there’s a clear definition in one place 18:16:32 ... and then it can be referenced from combobox, textbox, etc. 18:16:49 ... the current wording is a bit hacky 18:16:58 ack sarah 18:17:01 q+ 18:17:06 scotto has joined #aria 18:17:11 present+ 18:17:21 cyns has joined #aria 18:17:25 sarah: I also have some context and remember when it first came up, so would be happy to help 18:17:28 ... I’ll take assignment 18:17:36 ack me 18:17:40 present+ 18:17:40 ack BGaraventa 18:18:17 q+ 18:18:37 jamesn: we need a reliable way to test this 18:18:38 ack scotto 18:18:50 scotto: I still question whether this belongs in accname 18:19:13 ... can’t it just be a section in the ARIA spec? 18:19:31 jamesn: the accname spec will need to reference this value calculation algorithm 18:19:53 ... why don’t we _start_ in the accname spec, and then decide whether it’d be sensible to relocate it 18:21:03 q+ 18:21:04 Matt_King: the original motivation for putting it in accname is because the value calculation itself wants to reference a part of the name calculation 18:21:33 ... and until we do this thoroughly, we won’t know how much of the name calculation we’ll end up using 18:21:38 ack BGaraventa 18:22:02 BGaraventa: it comes into play in the recursion 18:22:09 jamesn: okay, any other deep dives? 18:22:40 ... scotto, you‘ve got the other two 18:22:52 ... but no urgency to schedule a deep dive right away 18:24:18 sarah: I’ve got a potential deep dive topic for aria-maxlength — aria/#1199 18:26:03 ... useful both for conveying max length upon focus, but also if you want a UX where assistive tech would “bonk” when a user’s input reaches it 18:26:14 jamesn: can we fill a deep dive with this? 18:26:38 sarah: it’s surprisingly tricky 18:26:59 jamesn: we should have more documented material & homework before we schedule the deep dive 18:27:05 sarah: okay, I’ll add some more information 18:27:11 zakim, next item 18:27:11 agendum 5 -- [Final Proposal: AccName Role Traversal Proposal](https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1821#issuecomment-1946338425) -- taken up [from agendabot] 18:28:13 q+ 18:30:01 scotto: this is essentially limited to hyperlinks 18:30:32 ... so the basic idea is we add a note: “hey browsers, in this scenario you can use innerText” for accname 18:31:00 ... where browsers fail to provide a proper accname in these cases, assistive tech work around it 18:32:04 ack Matt_King 18:34:43 q+ 18:35:35 qv? 18:37:25 scotto : because of the hyperlink’s transparent content model, if it’s filled only with things that have name from author, then it stops the accname traversal 18:37:32 ack cyns 18:37:54 present+ 18:38:00 cyns: I’ve pinged AaronLev, but this feels icky to me to not have the name be correct in the a11y tree 18:38:42 ... need to see how feasible this is, but need to see if we could reinterpret name from author elements inside hyperlink as generic 18:38:50 scotto: we did discuss and abandon that 18:39:03 cyns: the whole point of these mappings was that we would eliminate magic 18:39:07 qv? 18:39:33 agenda? 18:39:44 aardrian has joined #aria 18:39:50 Matt_King: let’s say we have a large table inside a hyperlink 18:39:52 zakim, drop item 9 18:39:52 agendum 9, [Accessible Rich Internet Applications Working Group](https://www.w3.org/groups/wg/aria/) ([View Calendar](https://www.w3.org/groups/wg/aria/calendar/)), dropped 18:40:03 ... and the table has a 3-word name from author 18:40:11 ... then doesn’t all the content of the table disappear from the accname? 18:40:12 hyperlinks couldn't have block content inside them when we wrote these rules. HTML changed the definition of link, and we haven't fully caught up 18:41:08 scotto: if the hyperlink was forcibly given a name or calculated from one of the name from author, then the contents of the hyperlink would just be squashed and AT would no longer be able to get to it 18:41:22 q+ 18:41:30 q+ Bryan 18:41:32 ... so this is a brittle situation and we need to be careful not to introduce a breaking change in the spec 18:41:57 Matt_King: do we expose all the semantics of a hyperlink’s children inside the a11y tree? 18:42:14 scotto: yes, but for the instance where hyperlinks are explicitly named 18:42:55 ack cyns 18:43:10 cyns: it’s more than ickiness, it’s hard to debug, hard to understand what’s going on 18:43:21 ... (the absence of the accname in the a11y tree) 18:43:28 i agree 18:43:38 ack BGaraventa 18:43:43 ack bryan 18:43:56 agenda? 18:44:01 BGaraventa: there is merit to having a careful algorithm 18:44:30 Matt_King: the intent is just to make a whole bunch of content clickable 18:44:36 ... but there’s only one href for the whole thing 18:45:00 ... and the SR user gets zero benefit from every bit of content being enclosed by the hyperlink element 18:45:22 q+ 18:45:25 ... it’s uncertain what the ideal SR UX is here 18:45:58 ... the intent of the author is completely masked by this markup approach 18:46:10 ack BGaraventa 18:46:39 BGaraventa: I’ve also experienced when a link encloses 5 images, and it presents as 5 links that all go to the same place 18:47:27 ... this only matters for inner elements that do not support name from content 18:47:43 ... so a spec update should center around that 18:47:52 ... and accommodate traversal 18:49:19 Matt_King: we shouldn’t force screen readers to pick up the slack for browser’s responsibility 18:49:50 ... a browser should be able to deterministically calculate accname for this situation 18:52:16 qv? 18:53:09 ... it’s important to prioritize parity for situations like this — how does a sighted user interpret a hyperlink filled with rich semantic content, and what is a comparable AT experience? 18:54:20 jamesn: we’ve had a lot of discussion and no consensus 18:54:32 ... let’s move the discussion into aria/#1821 18:55:01 ... let’s answer scotto’s proposal and, if needed, make a counterproposal 18:55:13 Matt_King: this feels like a HTML problem 18:55:15 scotto: absolutely, yes 18:55:38 jamesn: the same problem can exist with an ARIA pattern though 18:56:06 q? 18:56:26 jamesn: let’s continue the discussion in aria/#1821 18:56:29 zakim, next item 18:56:29 agendum 6 -- [Status Update: Consider providing a way for authors to customize the announcement of state](https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/2085) -- taken up [from agendabot] 18:57:00 jamesn: there are additional questions in the issue since we last talked 18:57:02 ... where are we with this? 18:57:06 siri has joined #aria 18:57:27 scotto: someone proposed using `aria-valuetext`, and that’s intriguing 18:57:37 ... allowing it to be used on more roles 18:57:55 jamesn: seems like the issue is stuck, would anyone like to take assignment? 18:58:11 giacomo-petri: we need to make a decision if we want to proceed with that 18:58:29 ... there are instances where the switch button doesn’t mean on/off 18:58:51 ... for example, a switch for centimeters vs inches 18:59:08 jamesn: that approach sounds reasonable 18:59:11 ... how about a draft PR? 18:59:32 giacomo-petri: yes, I’ll take assignment of that 18:59:58 zakim, end meeting 18:59:58 As of this point the attendees have been Francis_Storr, spectranaut_, giacomo-petri, Adam_Page, Rahim, StefanS, Matt_King, bgaraventa, scotto, sarah, siri 19:00:00 RRSAgent, please draft minutes v2 19:00:01 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/02/22-aria-minutes.html Zakim 19:00:08 I am happy to have been of service, Adam_Page; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 19:00:08 Zakim has left #aria