21 February 2024


David_Ezell, Ege_Korkan, Kaz_Ashimura, Kunihiko_Toumura, Luca_Barbato, Mahda_Noura, Michael_Koster, Michael_Lagally, Michael_McCool, Tetsushi_Matsuda, Tomoaki_Mizushima
McCool, Koster
kaz, luca_barbato

Meeting minutes


<kaz> Feb-7

McCool: Anybody feels we need to go into the minutes in detail?


McCool: objections to publish the minutes?

<none; minutes approved>

Quick Updates

<kaz> WoT main wiki

McCool: I cleaned the wiki pages

<Ege> wot PR 1180 - Archival: Early and very late spring cleaning

Ege: I prepared a pull request to clean up the repository

McCool: I would not debate it today, can we discuss it next week?

Ege: Sure


McCool: There is a Breakout day coming, we have to decide if we want to propose something within the next week

Ege: I proposed in the tracking issue

McCool: If we have a draft proposal we can have a resolution by next week

<kaz> Call for Breakouts (Member-only)

McCool: ege and mahda can you please prepare it?

Ege: yes

mahda: yes

Kaz: at that time, please clarify (1) session goal, (2) expected participants from which groups, (3) expected outcome, so that we can review the proposal quickly.


McCool: Ege can you summarize the meetup

Ege: Yes, have a good presentation on connected microscopes
… the video recording is now available
… the have a concrete requirement for manageable action

Ege: This week we'll have Ben Francis presenting Krellian

Ege: March 14 we'll have Deutsche Telekom will present Matter

Mizushima: The WoT CG JP will have an event in March 8th

McCool: It would be possible to have the recording automatedly translated would be great

<kaz> kaz: need to check with all the participants

Ege: For the WoT CG, we mainly record the speaker's presentation

Mizushima: The recording right now are available only for the W3C WoT-JP CG participants

Ege: I participated to Nordic Smart Cities meeting, 40+ participants, a swedish company presented their solution for building assets management

Kaz: We still need to clarify the liaison with the Nordic CG. We do not have to participate every time, but we should be happy to participate when invited. I'll ping the Chair of the CG again.

McCool: Likewise for the node.js event and the HiveMQ event

Schedule Changes

<kaz> Holidays and Upcoming Events

McCool: Easter and Golden week are coming

McCool: How many won't be availeble to the first week of April

Ege: The 1-5 is a school holiday but not a bank holiday

Kaz: If people plan to have vacation please let us know

Ege: The Cancellation section can be updated or cleaned up

Ege: The marketing meeting next week is canceled

IG Charter Renewal

<kaz> Draft IG Charter

McCool: In the Chairs call yesterday we worked on it, the plan for today is to look at the changes and possibly get consensus to have a final draft

PR 149

<kaz> PR 149 - Update IG-2023 Draft

McCool: I left in the Timeline only what is strictly related to the IG

McCool: objections to the timeline?

Kaz: As I mentioned during the WoT Chairs call yesterday, I'm OK with adding this initial plan itself, but would suggest we add the paragraph from the current IG Charter as well. Maybe right before the initial plan.

<kaz> current IG Charter

<kaz> The IG will, during its lifetime, undertake different activities that may proceed in parallel. No specific timeline has been identified at this point, but the various activities are intended to be running for short periods of time (2-12 months), with the possibility of running a few iterations of them.

McCool: I can do that right now

(McCool tries to compile the text with the initial schedule.

McCool: I'd use the text to replace the timeline to keep that simpler

McCool: 3 choices
… - leave it alone
… - The PR with the additional small clarification
… - comple the current Charter text with the initial schedule

Ege: I prefer the second option

Luca: +1

Lagally: Not strong opinion but I would not commit to any timeline in the charter

McCool: Objections to merge it?

Kaz: Please remember that my showed text above was simply extracted from the current IG Charter, so that's safe enough. Also we don't need to put dates for the IG Charter itself.

Kaz: On the other hand, if we as the whole IG really would like to add some concrete date as an initial plan, we should ask Mizushima-san for his opinion regarding the deadline of the Use Case work.

Mizushima: It would be good if we manage to finish by that time, but I'm not certain

McCool: Objections to merge it?

<none and merged>

PR 151

<kaz> PR 151 - Minor: typo and missing space

McCool: Objections to merge this?

<none and merged>

PR 150

<McCool_> PR 150 - add SVG and PNG for group relationship figure for the 2024 IG Charter

McCool: We updated the date and regenerated the png

Koster: The image might have WG**s** and other small wording changes

Ege: I prepared an additional diagram

<Ege> https://github.com/w3c/wot-charter-drafts/blob/main/relationship.md this is what I mean

Kaz: During the previous call about the IG Charter, we decided to use the simpler diagram after adding "WoT CGs" as part of the other groups.

Ege: Please do communicate to me this outcome

Kaz: Please remember that Charter is a basic planning document, so we don't need to describe all the details there. We can still continue the discussion about the relationship among WoT groups based on Ege's proposal.

Ege: got it

<McCool_> proposal: Proceed with AC review for the draft IG charter given at https://github.com/w3c/wot-charter-drafts/blob/main/wot-ig-2023-draft.html and rendered at https://w3c.github.io/wot-charter-drafts/wot-ig-2023-draft.html

<McCool_> proposal: Proceed with AC review for the draft IG charter given at https://github.com/w3c/wot-charter-drafts/blob/main/wot-ig-2023-draft.html

RESOLUTION: Proceed with AC review for the draft IG charter given at https://github.com/w3c/wot-charter-drafts/blob/main/wot-ig-2023-draft.html

Kaz: just to make sure, the next step is my bringing this to the W3C Team's review
… then AC review

WoT Resources


Ege: Kaz is updating the redirect setting for the TD resource

TF Reports


wot-marketing PR 476 - Repository readme template

Ege: proposal for readme template in general

(no objections; merged)

McCool: each TF should work on that


<luca_barbato> Doodle for Profile

McCool: please respond

Kaz: note that two of the proposed slots have overlaps with the existing calls

McCool: let's see the results next week then


Summary of resolutions

  1. Proceed with AC review for the draft IG charter given at https://github.com/w3c/wot-charter-drafts/blob/main/wot-ig-2023-draft.html
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 221 (Fri Jul 21 14:01:30 2023 UTC).