15:15:48 RRSAgent has joined #vcwg 15:15:52 logging to https://www.w3.org/2024/02/21-vcwg-irc 15:15:52 RRSAgent, make logs Public 15:15:53 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), ivan 15:16:07 Meeting: Verifiable Credentials Working Group Telco 15:16:08 Date: 2024-02-21 15:16:08 Agenda: https://www.w3.org/events/meetings/3c7f5c66-5e34-468a-837e-2c2bf12de748/20240221T110000/ 15:16:08 chair: brent 15:16:09 ivan has changed the topic to: Meeting Agenda 2024-02-21: https://www.w3.org/events/meetings/3c7f5c66-5e34-468a-837e-2c2bf12de748/20240221T110000/ 15:55:51 present+ 15:59:16 present+ 15:59:48 present+ brent 15:59:59 present+ manu 16:00:13 present+ selfissued 16:00:16 brent has joined #vcwg 16:00:29 present+ 16:00:41 present+ mircea 16:00:47 present+ dlongley 16:01:11 present+ meier 16:01:17 mirceanis has joined #vcwg 16:02:36 present+ pauld 16:03:16 will has joined #vcwg 16:03:17 present+ 16:03:41 scribe+ selfissued 16:03:42 DavidC has joined #vcwg 16:03:44 selfissued has joined #vcwg 16:03:49 present+ 16:03:50 present+ 16:03:53 scribe+ 16:04:15 decentralgabe has joined #vcwg 16:04:21 present+ dmitriz 16:04:25 brent: Welcome to the VCWG call 16:04:25 present+ 16:04:30 q+ 16:04:31 Jennie has joined #vcwg 16:04:37 ack manu 16:04:57 manu: I responded to a privacy review by Ping 16:05:30 present+ dlehn 16:05:41 Jennie: I'm Jennie Meyer. I'm here with Digital Contract Design. 16:06:05 Topic: PING Review Report 16:06:16 https://github.com/w3cping/privacy-request/issues/127#issuecomment-1932531261 16:06:32 manu: PING did a review on Bitstring Status List 2 weeks ago 16:06:37 Response here: https://github.com/w3cping/privacy-request/issues/127#issuecomment-1956903375 16:06:41 ... including by Martin Thompson of Mozilla 16:06:49 ... I responded about an hour ago 16:06:59 ... Nothing new came up 16:07:17 ... The spec could talk more about correlation and tracking with the identifiers used 16:07:24 ... Please look at the response to them 16:07:44 ... I've requested that they raise issues for things they want us to address 16:07:46 q+ updates to vc jose cose 16:07:52 q- 16:07:57 q+ 16:08:04 q- updates 16:08:34 manu: If they don't raise issues, we may have to read the tea leaves 16:08:41 Topic: Work Item Status Updates/PRs 16:08:51 ack decentralgabe 16:08:54 q+ 16:09:09 decentralgabe: We've been making excellent progress 16:09:23 ... We have 10 remaining issues for Before CR - 4 with PRs 16:09:43 s/progress/progress on jose-cose/ 16:09:44 ... We hope to get to CR by the end of the month or not much later 16:10:00 brent: PR #239 adds securing with JWS 16:10:17 scribe+ 16:10:29 selfissued: Gabe has done good work so that rendering of examples are consistent. 16:10:40 ... People are encouraged to review the issues and PRs 16:10:59 ack manu 16:11:18 scribe- 16:11:22 https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/pulls 16:11:25 manu: I processed PRs on VCDM. We have another set that appear to be non-controversial. 16:11:46 present+ Przemek 16:11:51 Jeffrey has reviewed the algorithm alignment work here: https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-integrity/pull/244 16:12:00 przemek has joined #vcwg 16:12:41 q+ 16:12:48 ack manu 16:13:34 brent: Are there other VCDM PRs that could benefit from discussion in the group? 16:13:54 Topic: PR Review 16:13:54 ivan: There's also the item on media types we should look at 16:13:56 https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/pull/1439 should be ready for merge, will do after this call 16:14:05 subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/pull/1441 16:14:15 q+ 16:14:57 q+ 16:14:59 ack ivan 16:15:01 q+ 16:15:20 ack manu 16:15:28 ivan: I don't want to get into a discussion of the details of the diagram here 16:15:37 ... The question is whether we want to keep it 16:15:40 manu: 16:15:51 manu: We should keep it. I've referred to it. 16:16:01 lifecycle of VC: https://w3c.github.io/vc-data-model/#concrete-lifecycle-example 16:16:56 ... We should update the diagram and move it to the lifecycle section 16:16:58 ack decentralgabe 16:17:10 decentralgabe: +1 to what Manu said 16:17:17 ... I find the diagrams very useful 16:17:20 +1 to "more pretty pictures please" 16:17:26 ... More pretty pictures please 16:17:31 q+ 16:17:51 brent: Where in the DM is the diagram currently? 16:17:55 https://w3c.github.io/vc-data-model/#life-cycle-details 16:17:56 ack ivan 16:18:03 ivan: Let's keep it 16:18:20 ... I propose that I edit the diagram to incorporate comments from David Lane, etc. 16:18:29 we also have https://www.w3.org/TR/vc-data-model-2.0/#concrete-lifecycle-example without a diagram 16:18:31 ... Later we could move it, but I don't want to mix the two issues 16:18:45 s/Lane/Lehn/ 16:18:46 ... I'm happy to do the required changes 16:19:19 q+ 16:19:21 brent: We should probably combine sections 16:19:24 ack manu 16:19:33 For reference, the new version of the diagram is (temporarily) here; https://raw.githack.com/w3c/vc-data-model/validation-on-diagram/diagrams/ecosystemdetail.svg 16:19:48 pdl-asu has joined #vcwg 16:19:50 s/;/:/ 16:19:54 present+ 16:19:59 manu: We need to figure out what we're doing with these sections 16:20:10 ... Let's start by updating the diagram first 16:20:22 ... Then later editorially move things around 16:20:30 +1 to manu 16:20:52 brent: The PR that modifies the diagram will be merged after Ivan updates it 16:21:09 ... I will open a PR proposing combining sections 16:21:28 q+ 16:21:32 subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/pull/1440 16:21:44 ack ivan 16:22:11 ivan: We had a call on this issue. We decided to change the term "Media Type" to "Encoding Format". 16:22:14 https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/1408 16:22:16 gkellogg has joined #vcwg 16:22:26 q+ 16:22:35 ivan: Discussions are ongoing 16:23:00 ... We shouldn't spend that much time on this 16:23:08 ack manu 16:23:47 manu: The goal is for activity streams to be able to use this without changes 16:24:06 ... We may just be incompatible with the activity streams context 16:24:26 ... If changing this one thing doesn't fix it, then we shouldn't make the change, since the problem wouldn't be addressed 16:24:47 ... The way activity streams and schema.org define the context are neither right 16:24:53 ... We probably don't want to do this 16:25:12 ... Maybe we should define IANA media type and have it refer to the IANA registry 16:25:29 ... I'm leaning towards that being my preference 16:25:33 q+ 16:25:40 ... The downside is that we're creating yet another term 16:25:42 q+ 16:25:47 ack ivan 16:26:14 ivan: Note that the two things you mentioned are orthogonal to one another 16:26:26 ... What term should we use? 16:26:36 ... Should we define it ourselves? 16:26:37 q+ to ask Dmitri if there are plans for another AS context? 16:26:38 ianaMediaType was my idea, fwiw. its domain & range remain vital. 16:27:03 ... The definition of a data type for media types can be added 16:27:08 ... It's not a huge deal 16:27:20 ... I question altogether whether we should do 16:27:29 ... This property won't be widely used anyway 16:27:46 scribe+ 16:27:50 another option is to go with `encodingFormat` today and then potentially add `ianaMediaType` or `mediaType` in a future WG 16:27:51 ack selfissued 16:28:11 selfissued: It would be strange to change from a term that is well known "media type" to "encoding format", which we'd be entirely making up. 16:28:23 ivan: We are not making it up, schema.org defined it. 16:28:28 selfissued: That's not authoritative for us. 16:28:32 ivan: That's debatable. 16:28:34 ack manu 16:28:34 manu, you wanted to ask Dmitri if there are plans for another AS context? 16:29:42 manu: Dmitri is on the call and is chairing the Social Web Community Group 16:30:03 q+ to propose a concrete path forward. 16:30:10 dmitri: We're the ones shepherding the activity streams formats 16:30:24 ack manu 16:30:24 manu, you wanted to propose a concrete path forward. 16:30:27 ... We want to be able to sign activity streams objects 16:30:40 manu: We shouldn't use schema.org 16:30:48 ... We shouldn't use activity pub 16:30:58 q+ 16:31:02 ... We should point to IETF and IANA and get this right once and for all 16:31:19 ... It probably shouldn't go in our vocabulary 16:31:31 ... It could go in our security vocabulary 16:31:43 ... We should call it something that people understand 16:31:48 q+ 16:32:16 -> IANA pointer https://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/media-types.xhtml 16:32:23 ack ivan 16:32:38 ivan: I have put this pointer into the minutes 16:32:59 q+ 16:33:13 iana: From an RDF point of view, would the pointer be the URL of the property? 16:33:26 ... I don't really like that 16:33:40 ... Instead we can define a media type for RDF 16:33:49 ... This is where the string format is defined 16:34:03 ack manu 16:34:03 ... We define a property in one of our vocabularies 16:34:13 manu: I wouldn't object to that 16:34:34 ... But we'd be repeating what the social web and schema.org did and we'd be creating another property 16:34:49 ivan: I don't know exactly how activity streams defined it 16:35:02 ... If its compatible with IANA, we could use it 16:35:21 ... If Dmitri gives me a pointer to the definition, I could look at it 16:35:25 It's defined here: https://www.w3.org/TR/activitystreams-vocabulary/#dfn-mediatype 16:36:00 dmitri: What's the objection to reusing the mediaType definition? 16:36:13 manu: They made it too specific to activity streams 16:36:25 dmitri: That could be changed so it can be applied to any domain 16:36:33 ivan: That would be perfect 16:36:35 q+ 16:36:53 ack selfissued 16:37:04 selfissued: It's not clear to me, are we taking a dependence on an externally defined vocabulary? 16:37:06 dmitri: We could change that 16:37:08 q+ 16:37:12 ack manu 16:37:38 manu: We already point to a bunch of externally defined vocabularies 16:37:47 ... We'd be reusing the URL they use for the definition 16:37:58 ... This would be more correct than using the schema.org encoding 16:37:59 q+ 16:38:03 ... We could actually call this media type 16:38:06 ack dlehn 16:38:27 q+ 16:38:32 q- 16:38:38 dlehn: ?Question? 16:38:57 ... Equivalency checking 16:39:01 agree with Dmitri, I don't think this is an issue to re-use AS as long as it's aligned. 16:39:11 ... How much do people do full RDF processing? 16:39:15 dmitri: Zero 16:39:32 q+ 16:39:46 brent: The proposal to raise an issue on the activity streams repository sounds right 16:39:56 ack ivan 16:39:58 ... For our PR, the consensus is to not merge that PR 16:40:13 ivan: I'm happy to close it 16:40:32 ... Who has the action to raise the PR in the right place? 16:41:00 brent: I'm willing to do it but I'm not sure I could accurately reflect what we want. 16:41:06 ivan: I'm willing to do it 16:41:21 Topic: VCDM Issue Processing 16:41:30 https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+sort%3Aupdated-asc 16:41:56 The activity streams repository is https://github.com/w3c/activitystreams/issues/ 16:42:05 subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/1254 16:42:55 q+ 16:43:00 ack manu 16:43:29 manu: This text is in the internationalization write-up 16:43:41 ... I think it's fine where it is 16:43:54 +1 to manu 16:43:58 ... It doesn't need to be in the Security Considerations 16:44:09 ... I think we should mark the issue pending close 16:44:18 brent: Any objections to that? 16:44:24 ... No objections 16:44:29 subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/1098 16:45:08 brent: This is about setting up a mini registry inside the spec 16:45:21 ... What are the next steps? 16:45:41 gkellogg has joined #vcwg 16:46:14 DavidC: The issue sets it out clearly 16:46:28 ... It's a question of semantics 16:46:28 q+ 16:46:41 ... If something is already defined, what does it mean to more formally define it? 16:46:46 ack manu 16:47:14 manu: The distinction is between a term being defined, referencing a URL, and writing text about the definition 16:47:50 ... For example, we may reserve render method but we won't write normative text about it 16:47:58 DavidC: I can buy that 16:48:08 ... We have a table of reserved properties anyway 16:48:39 ... We can say that "these terms are reserved" and may be defined later 16:48:40 +1 to that suggestion 16:48:46 subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/1197 16:48:52 DavidC: I can create a PR 16:49:46 q+ 16:49:53 ack selfissued 16:50:08 selfissued: The term "public key" is well known, "verification material" is not, why would we do this? 16:50:08 q+ 16:50:18 ack manu 16:51:33 manu: There are verification methods that don't use public keys. 16:51:55 brent: A response to this issue entails going through the spec and inspecting the places we use the term "public key" 16:52:04 scribe- 16:52:11 subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/995 16:53:06 q+ 16:53:11 q+ 16:53:14 ack manu 16:53:53 manu: I am against continuing this discussion 16:54:42 brent: Marking "pending close", per the previous minutes 16:55:21 brent: If we are pretty sure we're not going to get to something, we should close it. 16:55:37 ... I don't have confidence that a future group will pick up on leftovers we leave them 16:55:58 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:55:59 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/02/21-vcwg-minutes.html ivan 16:56:06 ... We're right on the verge of being able to call it done 16:56:55 rrsagent, bye 16:56:55 I see no action items