20:06:39 RRSAgent has joined #matf 20:06:44 logging to https://www.w3.org/2024/02/19-matf-irc 20:06:44 RRSAgent, make logs Public 20:06:45 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), jj 20:06:49 Carolina_Crespo has joined #matf 20:06:51 Zakim, this is MATF 19 February 2024 20:06:51 got it, jj 20:06:59 present+ 20:07:00 present+ 20:07:02 present+ 20:07:05 present+ 20:07:05 present+ 20:07:06 present+ 20:07:10 present+ 20:07:47 TOPIC: Introductions 20:08:10 Karla Rubiano introduced herself, iOS developer from Colombia with a passion for accessibility 20:08:35 Bram Janssens introduced himself, experienced with web accessibility, works for Anysurfer, also interested in app accessibility 20:08:50 TOPIC: Work Statement 20:10:41 Jan Japp presented Work Statement. Covers agenda, goals and planning for next few months. 20:11:20 Statement will be reviewed by AG WG in March 2024 20:12:22 Objective is kept simple, directed to Android and iOS apps. 20:13:34 Joe Humbert: Do we need more clarity needed what apps referred to? 20:15:01 Karen Herr: When MATF was created mobile web wasn't as well know. Now the experience is more there. We can be more focused in Native mobile 20:15:20 Jan Japp: Happy to focus on just native apps 20:18:23 Joe Humbert introduction: Doing mobile work for a while - 6 years. Works as a mobile lead. Has been presenting for a while on guidance/standards needed around mobile. 20:20:51 Scope of work, 6 bullets. First covers main goal which is to publish a W3C Group Note. 20:21:43 Jan Japp: The first bullet states 'Mobile app'. Do we need to specify iOS and Android or just leave it Native / Mobile Apps. 20:22:09 Joe Humbert: As it's high level we can just keep it to Native / Mobile apps. 20:23:09 Jan Japp: Change made to refer to as "Native Mobile Apps" 20:24:38 Second scope of work covers contributing to WCAG Evaluation Methodology. How we would evaluate. 20:25:27 JCooley: Feedback to change "Mobile App" to "Native Mobile App" for consistancy. 20:26:36 Third scope of work covers contributing to exist ACT Rules to make them more generic, otherwise adding specific native mobile ones. This would contribute to automated and manual testing. 20:28:29 Joe: Is there a processes on how the ACT Rules get finalized? 20:30:41 Karen: The ACT also has a public group. There's a batch that are drafted and awaiting to get published. 20:31:08 Forth scope of work covers collaborating with other groups such as COGA. 20:31:24 Karen: The ACT rules go through AGWG before publishing 20:32:54 Fifth scope of work covers creating code samples and techniques. This would be a nice to do but not sure if achievable. How could we achieve adding techniques? 20:33:22 Karen: Currently techniques goes through AGWG. 20:34:17 Jan Japp: I feel this would be difficult to get native technique through this group. 20:35:04 Joe Humbert: Even if we can't provide techniques, perhaps they would allow linking to developer iOS or Android guidelines 20:36:14 Jan Japp: We can just keep this in and just see. Perhaps we could also map ARIA. 20:38:50 Jan Japp: last scope of work covers updating relevant resources, google drive and wiki. Important to know how old documents are and if they are not being worked on anymore. 20:42:05 Jan Japp: Next section covers Approach. We would aim to have other experts and key stakeholders such as developers, designers, researchers..etc.. 20:42:47 WCAG A and AA will be prioritized over AAA. 20:44:59 Karen Herr: I'd like us to be a robust group and we should a couple of people with disabilities working on the group. 20:46:26 People that contribute don't need to be an invited expert. 20:48:15 Jan Japp: Timeline goal is to publish W3C group notes before the EU Accessibility Act. Split into 6 phases. Aim to publish this year. 20:49:25 Jan Japp: Idea not to have 2 meetings covering the multiple time zones. Hope that people can join at least 1 meeting every 2 weeks. 20:50:29 Jan Japp: We have a new MATF GitHub repository, which is where we will store our content. 20:53:38 Jan Japp: Stakeholders are anyone whos using an app. 20:55:53 Jan Japp: Probably will get delayed but a good goal to have. 20:58:21 Karen: We'll find out how long it takes to get AG WG to review and provide feedback as we start. 21:00:32 Jan Japp: Other sections in the Work Statement covers dependencies, communication, participation, facilitation and patent policy. 21:01:21 Karen: Are we going to have anyone looking at WCAG 3 silver? 21:02:31 Jan Japp: Feel that Scope of Work number 4 potentially covers it. 21:04:11 Joe: Does the work statement have to get approved? 21:04:29 Jan Japp: Yes. 21:05:43 Jap Japp: Document open for a couple of days for feedback. Would like to send it out this week. There will still be time after that to make changes. 21:08:21 zakim, list participants 21:08:21 As of this point the attendees have been Carolina_Crespo, jj, Joe_Humbert, jeanne_ec, karen, Mick, Bram 21:08:40 present+ Karla 21:09:42 rrsagent, make minutes 21:09:43 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/02/19-matf-minutes.html jj 21:10:40 Zakim, this is MATF February 19, 2024 21:10:40 got it, jj 21:11:08 scribe: Mick 21:11:19 meeting: MATF February 19, 2024 21:11:38 rrsagent, make minutes 21:11:39 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/02/19-matf-minutes.html jj