15:10:20 RRSAgent has joined #publishingcg 15:10:24 logging to https://www.w3.org/2024/02/15-publishingcg-irc 15:14:12 meeting: Publishing Community Group: Plenary Session 15:15:20 date: 2024-02-15 15:15:32 chair: wolfgang 15:19:26 present+ wolfgang 15:54:53 LauraB__ has joined #publishingcg 15:55:28 rrsagent, set log public 15:56:30 agenda: https://www.w3.org/events/meetings/aaf7944d-e567-4a18-8f49-4096f3e62990/ 15:56:53 ivan has changed the topic to: Agenda plenary call 2024-02-15: https://www.w3.org/events/meetings/aaf7944d-e567-4a18-8f49-4096f3e62990/ 15:58:45 present+ 16:00:30 present+ 16:00:31 JonasLillqvist has joined #publishingcg 16:01:14 gpellegrino has joined #publishingcg 16:01:15 present+ ken_jones, wolfgang, gregorio, graham, LauraB, ashley, avneesh 16:01:20 present+ 16:01:36 AvneeshSingh has joined #publishingcg 16:01:37 CircularKen has joined #publishingcg 16:01:40 present+ 16:01:41 present+ 16:01:58 liisamk has joined #publishingcg 16:02:20 present+ 16:02:24 duga has joined #publishingcg 16:02:33 present+ 16:02:49 present+ pul_gilius, mike_baker, sagiv, jonas_lillqvist 16:03:00 s/pul/paul/ 16:03:14 CharlesL has joined #publishingcg 16:03:23 present+ 16:03:28 scribe? 16:03:36 scribe+ 16:03:39 present+ 16:03:58 present+ paul_belfanti 16:03:59 George has joined #publishingcg 16:04:07 jgriggs_prh has joined #publishingcg 16:04:09 present+ 16:04:19 present+ jeffrey_griggs 16:04:19 present+ 16:04:35 wolfgang: Welcome to the plenary, starting with update with accessibility task force 16:04:41 paulg has joined #publishingcg 16:04:41 https://w3c.github.io/publ-a11y/UX-Guide-Metadata/draft/principles/?updated 16:04:45 ack Avneesh 16:05:03 AvneeshSingh:Focus is on the guide for retailers and distributers for understanding the metadata 16:05:12 ... this is an update to an existing doc 16:05:39 ... we have found that one approach doesn't work for everyone 16:05:52 s/distributers/distributors/ 16:05:57 ... so now we have different types of metadata targeted to different groups 16:06:15 present+ rickj 16:06:16 ... VitalSource and ??? have commited to implement 16:06:45 s/commited/committed/ 16:06:48 ... We are no longer using such fixed recs, instead being a little broader 16:07:17 https://w3c.github.io/publ-a11y/UX-Guide-Metadata/draft/principles/?updated 16:07:38 ... There are some technique documents explaining how to extract metadata 16:07:40 rickj_ has joined #publishingcg 16:07:43 present+ 16:07:56 ... There are more technique docs coming for other types of metadata 16:08:09 https://www.w3.org/publishing/a11y/schema-a11y-summary/ 16:08:14 MikeB has joined #publishingcg 16:08:20 https://www.w3.org/publishing/a11y/audio-playback/ 16:08:25 present+ miia_kirsi 16:08:48 ... See the two links to the docs 16:09:36 George: Trying to get feedback for the schema document. 16:09:43 q? 16:10:05 ... There are some English strings in there, we are trying to make sure they are good in English, but we plan to add a localization method for them 16:10:18 CircularKen has joined #publishingcg 16:10:18 ... VitalSource will localize some of these 16:11:22 AvneeshSingh: We realized there are some things on the edge of accessibility, but have broader implications 16:11:40 ... We want to bring these back to the group so we only work on things people are interested in 16:12:16 George: #70 - get citation 16:12:31 ... It's hard to get a page number for citations 16:12:39 https://github.com/w3c/publishingcg/issues/70 16:13:12 ... we want to see if the CG is interested in the feature 16:13:21 https://github.com/w3c/publishingcg/issues/71 16:13:28 ... Next bookmarks, annotations and export of such 16:13:41 ... There is partial support in some reading systems 16:14:04 ... hard to compare. Purely RS, but we would test and evaluate 16:14:15 q+ 16:14:18 ... #72 - read aloud 16:14:18 https://github.com/w3c/publishingcg/issues/72 16:14:39 ... There are lot of distracting things (footnotes, citation refs, etc) 16:14:55 ... DAISY has skippability that can be toggled 16:14:56 Hadrien has joined #publishingcg 16:14:59 present+ 16:15:10 ... Finally virtual pages, discussed but never resolved 16:15:22 Miiak has joined #publishingcg 16:15:30 ... VitalSource has implemented something, as has Lars 16:15:30 https://github.com/w3c/publishingcg/issues/73 16:15:32 gbell has joined #publishingcg 16:15:58 ... But companies like Ebsco (???) could insert real page numbers, but they want it to be a generally used algorithm 16:16:11 ... So other versions of the book would have the same page breaks 16:16:26 ... Would like to hear what people think 16:16:32 ack ivan 16:16:53 q+ 16:17:02 ivan: For 71, EDRlab may have a project going here - can we work with them? 16:17:41 ... Are 70 and 73 related? 16:18:02 q? 16:18:02 https://docs.google.com/document/d/11GypOjE9xOTaINATl5bxVIA3Mc9jzNBGCr6GT_KNaQ4/edit?pli=1 16:18:19 ... The page numbers for 70 seem to be very related to 73 16:18:30 q+ 16:18:44 George: Unless there is an alternative to page numbers 16:19:06 ivan: Also related to annotations (want to refer to the text) 16:19:22 ... need to reference the page somehow 16:19:41 ... Need to anchor somehow 16:20:01 George: These aren't shared annotations 16:20:33 present+ vincent_nicotina 16:20:38 ack Hadrien 16:20:45 ack Hadrien 16:20:52 Hadrien: Not from EDRlab technically, but involved with them 16:21:30 ... EPUB itself contains the annotations, then open the epub you get the annotations 16:21:32 present+ laurent_le_meur 16:21:55 ... idea is it self contained 16:22:11 ... tricky part is not just anchoring, but also context 16:22:41 ... often need to embed a lot of information 16:22:53 q? 16:23:48 ... Also know percentage into the book, DOM ranges, etc 16:24:17 ... need both anchors and context 16:24:41 scribe+ 16:24:59 duga: Just wanted to say 70/73 are likely the same 16:25:24 ... the TF determined that people only understand progress is through page numbers, no one likes %s, it makes 70 and 73 the same 16:25:31 q? 16:25:31 ... also the impression of the indexers 16:25:36 ack du 16:25:41 pbelfanti has joined #publishingcg 16:25:53 present+ 16:26:02 liisamk: Anti counterfeit TF 16:26:11 ... not much discussion since the start of the year 16:26:31 ... We are socializing the ISEC in the hopes of bringing in more people 16:26:45 ... We are kicking back up on Friday 16:27:06 s/ISEC/ISCC/ 16:27:16 ... The next piece is digging in to how ISCC and ??? work together 16:27:22 zakim, allow 2 minutes 16:27:22 ok, tzviya 16:27:34 ... how to we start socializing the next piece of the trust chain 16:27:35 i/liisamk: Anti/Topic: Anti counterfeit Task Force/ 16:27:50 wendyreid: FL a11y TF 16:27:53 https://w3c.github.io/epub-specs/epub33/fxl-a11y/ 16:28:24 ... Working on guidance doc for FL a11y - it is now in complete draft state 16:28:29 i/AvneeshSingh:Focus is on/Topic: Accessibility task force/ 16:28:31 ... please read and give feedback 16:29:00 ... Mostly for publishers/authors, but there are also recs for RS at the end 16:29:04 q? 16:29:05 i/FL A11y TF/Topic: FL A11y TF/ 16:29:14 ... discuss media overlay, tables, etc 16:29:24 vince has joined #publishingcg 16:29:55 ... will produces some samples 16:30:20 ack George 16:30:51 https://github.com/w3c/publishingcg/issues/69 16:30:53 can someone repost the fixed layout guidelines here? Sorry, I just joined the IRC now, and can't see any links above 16:30:53 George: I heard that Hadrien recommended that if you could get correct reading order, we could claim accessibility for FL documents 16:31:06 .... that is the biggest issue, getting things in the correct order 16:31:14 q+ 16:31:32 wendyreid: Have discussed a reflowable mode 16:31:44 ... It's still experimental, not in the main document 16:32:05 ... would like to explore possibility of this and how to specify this for reading systems 16:32:33 q+ 16:32:35 George: Would there be a validator? 16:32:43 wendyreid: Still way too early 16:32:50 ack Hadrien 16:33:09 Hadrien: Context - this is looking at the EU directive and what people can actually do 16:33:37 Sagiv has joined #publishingcg 16:33:48 ... For instance you need to able to do ??? and you can't, but we might be able to make a system that could 16:34:16 ... We need to document how TTS actually works, very few people know 16:34:27 ... Out of that work we can make a best practice document 16:34:53 ack CircularKen 16:34:57 ... documenting would be the first step 16:35:19 CircularKen: The document we have been working on is the start of what we will eventually be able to do 16:35:31 q? 16:35:35 ... already in the doc is reading order and image descriptions 16:36:07 ... Then we can add an additional way to read it once we have this groundwork laid 16:36:18 https://github.com/w3c/publishingcg/issues/69 16:36:28 Topic: Generate reflowable fixed layout books 16:36:55 wolfgang: One aspect is a11l and the other is adapting to different viewports 16:37:16 q+ 16:37:26 c/a11l/a11y 16:37:28 q+ 16:37:28 q+ 16:37:32 ack CircularKen 16:37:46 ack CircularKen 16:37:55 CircularKen: Fundamentally need to start with well made and designed docs 16:38:30 ... we should discard placement, etc and just have a simple replacement of CSS that disregards positioning and styling 16:39:02 ... Then we have the order with descriptions, etc with page markers. Should plan on designed version and a stripped back reflow version 16:39:25 ack wendyreid 16:39:34 wendyreid: Ken described it as we have it 16:39:55 q- 16:40:04 q? 16:40:07 George has joined #publishingcg 16:40:10 ... A lot of what we say now is text should be live (actual text), visual order and programmatic should match, we should have image descriptions 16:40:31 present+ 16:40:36 ... Also some recs on what to do when you cross the fold (spread over 2 FL pages) 16:41:10 q? 16:41:10 q+ 16:41:17 ... That is the current emphasis. Follow best practices and the advanced stuff will follow 16:41:24 ack Avneesh 16:41:40 AvneeshSingh: Have we looked at the problem from the other side? 16:41:43 q? 16:42:05 q? 16:42:06 ... That is can we start with something that has all the proper structure, then create a FL doc entirely from CSS 16:42:20 wendyreid: You mean convert reflow to FL? 16:42:20 q+ to respond 16:42:33 ack Tzviya 16:42:33 tzviya, you wanted to respond 16:42:53 AvneeshSingh: Yes, basically start with a proper flowing doc, then just apply CSS to make it look right 16:43:06 tzviya: This isn't really considering how publishers work 16:43:10 q+ 16:43:19 ... doing something like that is probably not feasible 16:43:23 ack liisamk 16:43:23 ack liisamk 16:43:37 q+ 16:43:44 liisamk: There is a moment here to socialize good use of FL 16:44:06 ... there are a lot of people who use FL when they just don't want to make a flowing doc 16:44:13 q? 16:44:15 ... because it is easier 16:44:39 q? 16:45:08 q? 16:45:08 ... This may be a good opportunities to push people to flowing text since they are thinking about what it really means to make something FL 16:45:14 ack wendyreid 16:45:17 ... very little needs to be FL 16:45:47 wendyreid: We need to get people to question whether content needs to be FL 16:45:55 q+ 16:46:19 ... Sometimes positioning helps with a11y (having images adjacent to text may help some readers) 16:46:28 ... so sometimes FL can help a11y 16:46:34 q? 16:46:44 ack liisamk 16:46:46 liisamk: This gets me back to mixed formats 16:47:01 q? 16:47:04 ... A single FL page in a reflowable book would be really nice 16:47:10 +1 Liisa 16:47:27 Also +1 to Liisa 16:47:39 q+ 16:48:08 ack Hadrien 16:48:26 Topic: Extracting textual content (???) 16:48:39 Hadrien: Goes way beyond exracting text 16:48:51 ... eg language used 16:48:54 s/(???)// 16:48:55 s/exracting/extracting/ 16:49:12 ... Need a separate structure for TTS and creating reader mode 16:49:13 q? 16:49:19 q+ 16:49:24 ... though could use the same structure for both 16:49:31 ack George 16:49:36 q? 16:49:49 George: We are getting feedback from students with dyslexia that read aloud is inadequate for their needs 16:50:08 q? 16:50:23 ... I agree we need to improve the description of how it is done (highlighting, speed, etc) 16:50:39 qß 16:50:45 q? 16:50:51 ... Need a lot of control in the TTS 16:50:57 q+ 16:50:57 zakim, turn off timer 16:50:58 I don't understand 'turn off timer', wendyreid 16:51:01 zakim, stop timer 16:51:01 I don't understand 'stop timer', tzviya 16:51:15 zakim, turn off speaker warning 16:51:15 I don't understand 'turn off speaker warning', wendyreid 16:51:29 wolfgang: Next, how do we render in reflowable mode 16:51:46 ack Avneesh 16:51:50 q? 16:51:57 AvneeshSingh: This kind of thing is done by the screen readers 16:52:05 q? 16:52:11 zakim, stop timing 16:52:11 ok, tzviya 16:52:12 ... Is there a need to tie this to FL? 16:52:13 q+ 16:52:29 ... isn't more of a generic thing, how to extract and read the text? 16:52:35 q? 16:52:46 zakim, stop timing 16:52:46 I was not timing speakers, ivan 16:53:05 q? 16:53:08 ... Seems like a big topics, and screen readers have researched it for years 16:53:15 q? 16:53:15 ack Hadrien 16:53:17 Hadrien: Agree, this is beyond FL 16:53:47 ... some specific FL things do exist (e.g. small content chunks) 16:53:59 ... but in general it should be for all epub 16:54:00 q? 16:54:13 wendyreid: ARIA wg is also interested in the same topic 16:54:23 ... may even be become an all-web topic 16:54:35 q? 16:54:45 q+q+ 16:54:58 ack George 16:55:09 George: Do they join us or do we join them? 16:55:13 q? 16:55:19 ack q+ 16:55:24 q? 16:55:30 q? 16:55:46 wendyreid: Good question. May even need it's own CG. Hard to tell at this point 16:55:46 q? 16:56:07 Topic: Webtoons 16:56:47 wendyreid: PMWG is discussing a potential change for this 16:57:14 ... current proposal is to expand FLOW-CONTINUOUS to FL. 16:57:31 q? 16:58:00 CharlesL has left #publishingcg 16:59:43 q+ 16:59:45 laurent_ has joined #publishingcg 17:00:04 Guest42 has joined #publishingcg 17:00:32 q? 17:00:37 ack gb 17:01:52 laurent_: We did not discuss pronunciation for TTS purposes 17:02:11 rrsagent, draft minutes 17:02:12 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/02/15-publishingcg-minutes.html ivan 18:51:55 Guest42 has joined #publishingcg 19:24:34 Zakim has left #publishingcg 19:59:33 wendyreid has joined #publishingcg