15:46:17 RRSAgent has joined #maturity 15:46:22 logging to https://www.w3.org/2024/02/14-maturity-irc 15:46:22 RRSAgent, make logs Public 15:46:23 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), Fazio 15:46:52 meeting: Accessibility Maturity Model Task Force 15:47:06 Chair: Fazio 15:47:29 Agenda+ New Business 15:47:45 Agenda+ Github Issues 43, 78, 85, 103, 104 (Usability doc feedback) 15:47:59 Agenda+ Maturity Model Scoring Subgroup Update 15:48:42 Agenda+ Github Issue #103 Where are the "Outcomes" in the Maturity Model Structure? 15:48:42 /issues/103 -> #103 15:49:18 Agenda+ Github Issue #102Proof Point definition to be adjusted to fit under an Outcome 15:49:45 Agenda+ Github Issue #101 What do we mean with 'aspects'? Used in two ways i.c.w. 'dimensions' 15:49:45 /issues/101 -> #101 15:55:45 present+ 15:56:26 Lionel_Wolberger_ has joined #Maturity 15:59:01 Dr_Keith_ has joined #maturity 15:59:08 present+ 15:59:47 NehaJ_ has joined #maturity 16:00:07 CharlesL has joined #maturity 16:00:44 IrfanAli has joined #maturity 16:01:02 present+ 16:01:08 present+ 16:01:24 present+ 16:01:49 nadine has joined #maturity 16:03:10 janina has joined #maturity 16:03:15 present+ 16:03:23 stacey has joined #maturity 16:05:00 present+ 16:05:00 present+ 16:05:19 present+ 16:05:31 zakim pick a victim 16:06:58 zakim, pick a victim 16:06:58 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose IrfanAli 16:06:58 scribe: Irfan Ali 16:06:58 zakim, next item 16:06:58 agendum 1 -- New Business -- taken up [from Fazio] 16:07:06 Fazio: we know zero project is coming. is there anything else? 16:07:07 janina: are we meetign next week? 16:07:23 Fazio: I would say know unless Sheri wants to show up and run the meeting. 16:07:55 janina: no meeting next week 16:08:32 No meeting next week 16:08:51 sbyrnehaber has joined #maturity 16:09:27 zakim, next item 16:09:27 agendum 2 -- Github Issues 43, 78, 85, 103, 104 (Usability doc feedback) -- taken up [from Fazio] 16:10:05 kline has joined #maturity 16:10:42 present+ 16:10:43 stacey: tons of updates in the doc but not for the meeting. I have all of the dimensions that we have discussed. I would love to have a working session when we meet. 16:10:53 stacey: looking forward for a working session when we meet 16:11:52 Please review for our next meeting (working session-yay!): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Wrhomdc2gJWIkDPOveiH3_ig1bddTMonEhIDZIzohrc/edit?usp=sharing 16:12:00 sbyrnehaber: I can take a day trip to CSUN if you guys want to meet in person 16:12:13 present+ 16:13:13 Fazio: want everyone to review this issue. 16:13:50 stacey: Everyone should have comment access. If you don't please let me know 16:13:54 zakim, next item 16:13:54 agendum 3 -- Maturity Model Scoring Subgroup Update -- taken up [from Fazio] 16:13:58 q? 16:14:47 kline: hopefully in the next week we should have something 16:14:54 zakim, next item 16:14:54 agendum 4 -- Github Issue #103 Where are the "Outcomes" in the Maturity Model Structure? -- taken up [from Fazio] 16:14:55 /issues/103 -> #103 16:15:11 Fazio: if anyone wants to work on scoring subgroup, touch-base with Jeff 16:16:03 https://github.com/w3c/maturity-model/issues/103 16:16:04 https://github.com/w3c/maturity-model/issues/103 -> Issue 103 Where are the "Outcomes" in the Maturity Model Structure? (by jake-abma) 16:16:25 Fazio: this is from Jake from a couple of years. 16:18:35 kline: the outcome on each stage is subjective. so I am not sure if I agree 16:19:30 Fazio: proof points that we are displaying are only recommended to use. it could be something else. 16:21:09 kline: history- I believe after we published our first draft, Jake came up with a spreadsheet icnluding a few recommendations. We have proof points and then maturity stage which is pretty simple. 16:21:58 janina: we can substitute our language. not worried about different term. We understand, we have confidence that out come can reach based upon the recommended proof points. 16:24:15 kline : we do have three elements. we ahve generic outcomes at each stage for all the proof points 16:25:16 Fazio: we are talking about what is the structure here 16:25:35 proof points, outcome, stages.. 16:25:50 janina: we have confidence in outcome and stages 16:26:25 janina: we asses from a different view points. 16:26:42 this issue was inadvertently covered last week in issue 103 see minutes: https://www.w3.org/2024/02/07-maturity-minutes.html#t06 16:27:48 zakim, next item 16:27:48 agendum 5 -- Github Issue #102Proof Point definition to be adjusted to fit under an Outcome -- taken up [from Fazio] 16:28:39 https://github.com/w3c/maturity-model/issues/102 16:28:40 https://github.com/w3c/maturity-model/issues/102 -> Issue 102 Proof Point definition to be adjusted to fit under an Outcome (by jake-abma) 16:29:15 kline has joined #maturity 16:29:20 Proof point levels of maturity (stages) are compared against the outcome definition for that dimension at that level 16:29:22 Fazio: Jake said, "The proof point is directly linked to the dimension, while it should be linked to an outcome, another proof point might be used for the same outcome if it fits..." 16:30:26 agenda? 16:30:28 /issues/101 -> #101 16:31:22 janina: I wonder if it should be outcome in dimension 16:32:22 specific to the stage outcomes 16:32:32 for a dimension 16:32:54 Proposed: proof point Written or tangible evidence specific to an outcome of a dimension that can be used to measure the maturity for that specific outcome. 16:33:46 outcome in a dimension 16:33:50 proof point Written or tangible evidence specific to stage outcomes of a dimension that can be used to assess the maturity for that specific outcome. 16:37:26 Fazio: proof point dont achieve stage but outcome 16:37:46 kline: we might be over analyze it 16:37:53 janina: it is important to make this clear 16:38:16 janina: I am nervous having plural stages 16:39:16 outcomes defined for each stage 16:40:05 Written or tangible evidence specific to outcomes defined for each stage of a dimension that can be used to assess the maturity for that specific outcome. 16:44:15 Written or tangible evidence specific to outcomes defined for each stage of a dimension. This evidence can be used to assess the maturity for that specific dimension. 16:45:17 Written or tangible evidence specific to outcomes defined for each stage of a dimension. This evidence is used to assess the maturity for that dimension. 16:49:51 zakim, next item 16:49:51 agendum 6 -- Github Issue #101 What do we mean with 'aspects'? Used in two ways i.c.w. 'dimensions' -- taken up [from Fazio] 16:49:51 /issues/101 -> #101 16:50:10 rrsagent, make minutes 16:50:11 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/02/14-maturity-minutes.html IrfanAli 16:53:58 CharlesL has left #maturity 16:57:30 janina has left #maturity