15:52:49 RRSAgent has joined #hcls 15:52:53 logging to https://www.w3.org/2024/02/08-hcls-irc 15:52:54 rrsagent, make logs public 15:52:59 Meeting: FHIR RDF 15:53:03 Chair: David Booth 16:05:19 Topic: ITS meeting 16:05:20 https://www.w3.org/2024/01/30-hcls-minutes.html 16:07:45 Topic: DICOM 16:08:11 Erich: Met w Detlef. INt in working together. 16:08:16 DBooth: What end product? 16:08:29 erich: Their working on an RDF-driven imaging system. 16:09:10 ... INt in having an official RDF spec for DICOM. They have their own cut of it, as basis. They seemed open to that idea. 16:09:26 eric: Other stakeholders who should be included? 16:10:09 erich: IDK. They'ave posted an OWL ont. SHACL defined. 16:10:29 ... Normative files for DICOM are XML. Have to parse them to get tables out. 16:10:51 eric: The first FHIR RDF was XSLT that converted FHIR XML to Turtle. 16:11:31 erich: Not sure how much to invest, because DICOM puts out a new version every quarter. 16:11:55 ... There's an open source python to parse the XML, but it's out of date. 16:12:47 DBooth: Is the XML really the authoritative source? 16:12:57 ... Or do they gen it from something else? 16:13:08 erich: It's the authoritative. 16:13:41 eric: W First FHIR RDF, Josh Mandel did something interesting. 16:13:57 erich: They only maintain RDF URI for certain instnaces of data, not in general. 16:15:03 eric: Josh did XSLT magic, parsing structure defs, and the XSLT walked through that and instance data to emit stuff. So the XSLT was scaffolding for generated schema. 16:15:35 ... That meant when you changed the spec you didn't update the XSLT, you just regenerated from the FHIR spec. 16:15:51 eric: https://www.w3.org/2013/C-CDA/IJ.xml 16:17:31 erich: Also they have value representations, defs for their datatypes. They have a few numeric types that are representated as strings. Would want ints stored as ints, dates stored as dates, etc. 16:18:11 eric: FHIR has some places that require microparsing, like dates. For FHIR RDF we decided we wanted fully defined types. 16:18:24 erich: W 20B triples you notice the performance quickly. 16:19:12 ... I started needing a SPARQL rule set to parse and convert things. 16:19:58 DBooth: Does the XML have well defined patterns, or idiosyncratic? 16:20:11 erich: Fairly well defined. 16:20:39 ... Int in anyone else int in this. 16:20:50 eric: Is the python still effective? 16:21:39 erich: Might be worth contacting the innocolitics group. https://dicom.innolitics.com/ciods 16:22:17 eric: In FHIR, representations are defined as representations of an abstract syntax. 16:23:27 erich: Everything is tables of data. CHatGPT converted some of their defs to SHACL 16:24:18 eric: The browser covers everything in the spec? Erich: Yes. 16:25:20 erich: In my implementation, I prefix the hexadecimal as IDs. 16:26:27 erich: Here's their repo: https://github.com/innolitics/dicom-standard 16:29:33 DBooth: If they're already unhappy w XML as the authoritative, might they consider changing to a more readable abstract format? If so, what? 16:30:34 Topic: Remaining HAPI updates 16:30:49 eric: Hope to work w Claude in Liden, 2 weeks from now. 16:34:15 ADJOURNED 16:35:05 Present: EricP, Erich Bremer, Rob Hausam, David Booth 16:35:09 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:35:11 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/02/08-hcls-minutes.html dbooth 16:54:43 TallTed has joined #hcls